John Titor

John Titor's stories real or fake?

  • John Titor's stories are authentic

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • John Titor's stories are not authentic

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • John Titor's stories could possibly be authentic

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • This is sillyness out of control

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • I have no clue what the thread starter is talking about

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I initally thought John Titor was some guy bullshitting, but what is happening today, really does make me think again. I think the US civil war he predicted is about to begin. There is a multinational shadow government, with covert ties with the US government, opereating. That has not been elected, is free from any legal or social framework and is privvy to inhumane genetic testing on humans and animals and designing germ weapons and conducting mind control experiments against us.

John Titor was right, when he said the US government will be use non-lethal weapons against it's own citizens - those are electric bolt weapons, mind control weapons - that are in fact very lethal. In fact, recently at the WTO(i think it was WTO?) the the police openly fired on the protestors. They had thousands of armed patrol forces, and dozens of helicopers around the area, as if there was war - just for ordinary civillian protestors.

I can see how America is increasingly becoming more and more of a police, socialist state. People are losing their rights by the day, they have little say on matters now. There are ridiculous, absolutely stupid laws: Like fines for praying in school. Fines and jail sentences for defence forces to disclose any data on UFO's. The right to take anyones property if the government wishes.

Assassinating men and women who the government does not like. It's FUCKING ridiculous.

So it does look like, there is a grain of truth in what John Titor said. Yet, then again, it is more likely it was just an educated guess. Nonetheless, let's see how many of his predictions come true. If a civil war does break out soon, then that is reason enough, to take him seriously.
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According to reader reviews of the Titor book over at Amazon his story has been proven to be untrue. I read most of his forum posts and while I believe the story to be fake there's still some fine words of wisdom scattered around. Undeniably, whoever came up with the story sure put a lot of effort into making it believable and consistent.

Science ficton at its best.
Actually, Lemonblue, I thought it was an awful science fiction story: Time traveller from 2030 travelling back in time to obtain the early IBM computer, to fix a unix software problem in 2030. I sincerely doubt we would even be using silicon chip computers then, let alone unix. An agricultural society with rampant gun culture, that has gone back to basics and typewriters, yet scientists have still managed to invent a time-machine after much of the world is destroyed in a global catacylsm and a nuclear holocaust.

Not that I am saying it's impossible that this could happen, but as science fiction, it's wouldn't even qualify for a television episode.
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Not that I am saying it's impossible that this could happen, but as science fiction, it's wouldn't even qualify for a television episode.

Pssh, you make it sound like television has high standards. I've seen worse on the boob-tube. I'm sure there's someone out there trying to make a script out of all this, heh.

- N
I wrote to the web page, but it got bounced back. Happy to discover somewhere I can share my thoughts!


This website is not very easy to navigate. In your page of news, you don't provide links to when JT is supposed to have said stuff. Some of the "posts" are in response to questions, but where are the questions?

But in any case, it's all utter nonsense. The 5100 story is, seriously, the most implausible part of the whole hoax, and just shows that, highly intelligent he undoubtedly is, the originator of John Titor did not know anything about computer technology.

Anyway, to the "news" page.

"HOST: John warned us about eating animals that are fed other animals and even specifically mentioned gelatin!"

Amazing as it may seem, November 2000 is extremely late in the day to be pretending to "predict" mad cow disease and its other forms. The scientist who made the link between vCJD and the feeding of animals to each other did so way back well before 1990.

HOST: John spoke about genetically engineered crops and their dangers.

GM was hardly news in 2000 either. You need to get a grip on how short a time 4 years is. None of this could not have been written by me in November 2000. In fact all the so-called risks of GM is put up by luddites and exaggerated by the media. But in fact genetic modification of crops has been taking place for thousands of years - it's called selective breeding.

HOST: When John spoke of parallel universes as a reality, no one in the scientific community took it seriously. Are they starting to come around to another idea of how everything is put together?

Don't talk such arrant nonsense. Parallel Universes are unverifiable constructs which may or may not exist. The scientific, quantum physics and cosmological communities certainly take the concepts involved quite seriously - some denying their possibility and some acknowledging it. But since their presence is experimentally unverifiable it remains a matter for speculation. Which is what the linked article is.

I could go on, but I really can't be bothered. Please understand, there really wasn't anything new in anything JT talked about - half of it has been discussed in Star Trek episodes, for heaven's sake.​

Edited because use of [ quote ] didn't look very good.
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One things for sure,the guy who set up the hoax is a genius,cos hes probably the first person on the internet ever to get a play and possibly movie rights written on him/her.Got on wikpedia.

Plus a book sold on amazon and endless spread around the web since it started on some pseudoscience message board....imagine that folks.

I dont know whats harder to believe in,time travel or brad pitt one day playing a character who posted on an obscure niche webpage.
havent read it but its probabky bull. however i think and almost know something FUCKING BIG will happen to America in i reckon about 30 years. sos no time to explain maybe later :cool: :bugeye:
I hope you realise that *if* time is manipulatable, John Titor won't be the one responsible. Afterall such experiments are done in controlled laboratories with Professors that have spent many years developing the equipment and research.
Therefore such people would be looking for credit and of course would have an academic history in comparison to a "no-one".
Stryder, can you point out why you hope I realise such a thing? Do you believe that I am not capable of making my own decisions? Did I state somewhere that I believed John Titor responsible? Have I stated somewhere that I believe time *is* maniputable? Did you read the start of my post (For some reason)? Where have I implied that John Titor should be given credit for micro-singularities? Just because I've shown an interest in the John Titor story does not mean I accept it as fact, you're obviously interested as well otherwise you wouldn't be posting and you of course dont accept it as fact so why assume someone else does by merely bringing up the subject?
Kaz, I apologise the way I wrote it at the time might seem very personalised. Perhaps I should of writtened it straight from *If*... without the foresection.

Most people that revive dead threads are doing so because they feel the heated debate of discussion has died down enough to reiterate their views on the subject at hand. Usually such threads die a death for a reason and thats admittedly what my thoughts were. I admittedly read your post wrong thinking you were suggesting that it was truly a sign of Titor as apposed to just being something coincidental that would have 101 Titor's defending their time hero.

I apparently left out one sentence suggesting that "the link was interesting however", which must have been down to an edit timeout. In fact that link explained a "fireball" being a Blackhole, which I've suggested the "sun" is (or stars are) for some time. Since the only thing that would come out the otherside of an alleged blackhole is "energy".