

Registered Senior Member
From human point of view, I see no justice in the nature.
Might is always right in the nature.

According to the rules and laws of the nature, every action
has a reaction and every negative has its positive.
If there is injustice in the nature, there must also be
justice in the nature. How and where and on what
occasions justice can be traced or found in the nature?
It has to be studied, researched and found, if there is any.

Or the nature does not recognized the kind of justice and
injustice that humankind is thinking of or nature may have
it's own agenda for justice behind our thought.

After all, humankind is also part of the nature. If the virus
of natural injustice hits human societies. What will happen
to our humanized societies?

How can we protect our humane and compassionate
societies against such unwelcomed viruses? :confused:
Hmmm.....ants work together and aren't that strong as well as termites, bees, grasshoppers and other variouis animals. Might isn't always the right way but it does help to a certain degree. I have not seen a skunk frightened of any large animal have you? :)
Dear cosmictraveler,

Might is always right. Right is only might, if backed by might.
Can you show me a single case where right is might without
the backing of might?

Do you know how many insects are killed purposely or
accidentally every day? What sort of protection or defence
have they?

Nature has also given to the wild killers all means to attack,
catch, kill, tear out and eat the weakers.

These means are strong clay, strong body, strong power,
sharp teeth, strong wings and beaks, given to the lions, tigers, sharks , eagles respectively and to others. But nature
has not given any means of protection, or self defence to the
weaker animals, such as deers, fishes, pigeon and others.
Where can you find justice in such cases?
Are they created for pain and suffering? Or they are not
feeling pain and suffering. Where is the justice?
Insects have a great defence, they reproduce faster than they can be killed off! Look at the eagles, they were on the endangered species list as well as tigers, rhinos, condors, and other animals that pray on other animals. Insects seem to just keep getting stronger for not many of them are on the endangered species list are they? My point is that cooperation is more important than might IMO.
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stacy said:
After all, humankind is also part of the nature.

No we aren't, we're above nature. We control nature nowadays. The only reason any animal exists in nature is because we allow them to. Anything in nature tries to attack us with it's "might", we'll shoot it.
And now where is the justice in that? We are putting ourselves over nature out of arrogance and attemp to control it killing and destroying whatever we like. Now that is really just, is it not? :bugeye:

Also, we have created justice, we can apply it to humans, but since nature was there before us, we can not expect to apply our inventions to the work of nature. It is just not possible.
dreamwalker--i feel the same way. Justice is a human view. Justice can only be percieved by humans. We are not above nature. As much as we like to think otherwise we are victims of biology as well as the damn ants. Everything from the reasons behind religions to chemical responses in dangerous situation our reactions and thinking is determined by biology. But as far as might is concerned, it is not nessesary. Most of our ancestors survived becuase they ran away from danger(opposed to fighting), we are here instilled with the same responses.(referring to fight or flight responces) Many other types of creatures developed faster legs or bigger brains to out run or out smart seemingly dominant(mighty) predators. Another note--most things are not killed becuase they want to inflict pain or suffering, but out of necessity, eat and survive. However animals such as humans, apes , and some felines have advanced social structures that helped maintain survival. Example--2 social groups(tribes) of apes are at war for a food abundant area. The apes of one tribe chase out the alpha male, that alpha male's babies get their heads smashed against rocks and trees, May seem meaningless but it serves a purpose of genetics. The apha male of the tribe that won wants his genetics to survive, the defeated apha males children should be killed becuase they are unworthy(since they lost the war over the land abundant area) Survival is key. It can be seen on many scales from individual genetics to social organiasms like a countery or culture.