Yawn. Are people so dependant on the media to tell them how to think?
I don't know... lemme, see if MSNBC or FOXNews has a poll on this before I answer that question.
Yawn. Are people so dependant on the media to tell them how to think?
Kind of funny, that Sandy is bitching about Foxnews as being liberal. But he does have a point:
If you compare CNN and Foxnews websites about the Rep candidates, on CNN Romney is a clear leader having more delegates than the rest of the cream. On Fow he is only second to McCain expressed by some kind of strange poll.
Looks like Fox doesn't like the idea of Romney winning the nomination. Of course there is nothing liberal about it, and there is no such a thing as liberal media. The reason why Fox is pushing the news about Hillary because they are scared shitless that she would win the nomination and thus the election...
For String:
On the Rep's side the 5 states that brought their primaries forward, as a punishment they got their delegation numbers cut in half. On the Dem side they got completely cancelled, so they don't count at all.
How the hell is that legal?
Is Sandy a "he"? Just wondering.
Which, the stripping of delegates or the Dems voting Republican in Michigan?
The stripping of their votes in the primary (how a person throws their vote away in order to "gum up the works" for the other party is their business).
Well political parties are in a sense private organizations, and organizations have rules. As a member of the Democratic party, you have to work within the rules set by the Democratic National Committee. The Michigan Democratic Party didn't, so they were punished. There's no law being broken.
Is Sandy a "he"? Just wondering.
I thought that was obvious. NO woman is that stupid, with the possible exception of Ann Coulter...
“It’s the economy, stupid” as one poll suggest what’s really on American minds.
... I am slightly rooting for Romney, mostly because of his pro-small business, and pro-manufactory business issues. His concept of bringing auto manufactory jobs back to MI is a bunch of baloney, but I still like his business way of thinking...
No. I am a chick. I have been a chick my whole life. I look like my avatar.
Stupid? WTF? You guys can't handle a smart, hot chick. You've already proven that.
All tv media is liberal. FOX is the only one even trying to be fair and balanced. The media ignores Romney because they know he can win. They endorse all the other GOP candidates because they know those others have no chance to win. (McCain and Huck.)
Talk radio is mostly conservative.
Ann Coulter and Rush are for Romney. We smart people stick together...
He was nice to his dog.calling fox news fair and balanced is like calling hitler a nice guy
calling fox news fair and balanced is like calling hitler a nice guy; you can say it you would just be dead wrong. most media has a slight to moderate CONSERVATIVE bias. and niether rush nor coulter are known for being smart
BTW, Hillary is gonna be Prez, not that I want her to be and I sure as hell ain't voting for her like it matters, but that's the way it's gonna be. The Bush/Clinton drug families are gonna remain in control.
- N