Why on earth would we do that?
Because there is very good reason for thinking that there is
no such thing.
At the very least, summoning my most charitable mood (lol), perhaps a defense for its reality can be mounted, just as a defense of alien abductions or Bigfoot can be mounted,
but it most certainly does not deserve to be defended with the unholy zeal and absolute dogmatic certainty with which its defenders typically do so. See, for example, the very interesting thread that Yazata links at the top of this page.
Notice in that thread that the usual insults and hostilities (crank, liar, idiot, etc.) begin
immediately from people who clearly haven't the first clue what they're talking about (including a site moderator). Yazata, as always, by contrast, argues calmly, civilly, intelligently, and knowledgably against opponents who are as
hysterical as they are ill informed. We could spend a
year dissecting the absurdities and appallingly bad arguments marshalled in defense of TSM in that thread.
I've said this before, Pinball, and I'll say it again with no disrespect intended to anyone, including yourself.
Do you think it is possible for a religious person to mount an intelligent and balanced defense of, say, Biblical historicity (Noah's Ark, the exodus, etc.) with no knowledge whatsoever of "extra-Biblical sources", e.g. professional historians, archaeologists, geologists, scholars of ancient languages, etc. ? Do you think this
homo unius libri (man of one book) should be taken seriously
at all? Indeed, would the entire spectacle not be somewhat
Can you begin to imagine the frustration of these professional historians, geologists and archeologists trying to argue rationally --
and with evidence -- against this man of one book?
Well, there is a whole field of flourishing "extra-scientific" disciplines such as the history, philosophy, and sociology of science which devotes itself entirely to the study of science, what scientists do, its methods, etc., as opposed to doing science
itself -- mixing chemicals together or whatever. In the thread above, it is excruciatingly obvious that the hysterical defenders of TSM are completely ignorant of these disciplines, perhaps even unaware of their very
Do you think these "people of one
genre" are in a strong position to be arguing for the reality of
The Scientific Method? Can you imagine the frustration of their opponents such as Yazaka, obviously well read in these extra-scientific disciplines, trying to argue rationally against them? Why, it's like trying to argue rationally against a religious nutcase! It's
exactly like that.
Oh, and by way, in these aforementioned extra-scientific disciplines, that there is no such thing as The Scientific Method
is not news. It's not even
remotely newsworthy. You can even hear well informed scientists say it themselves. Needless to say, it makes not one iota of difference to the faithful.