My Family Doctor: A Jackass


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OK, so I went to the doctor a while back because I have this solid white crap coming out of my tonsils. He said "It's just food getting gathered up in there"

After a while I noticed that my lymph nodes were swelling too. So I went to a different doctor at the same clinic. He acknowledged my swollen lymph nodes and gave me a prescription. After taking a single one of these horse pills my heart was beating like hell with some major pain in my chest. I trashed the rest of the pills and kept the bottle.

I went back to the same clinic to my family doctor, he assured me that my lymph nodes were NOT swelled at all! He suggested that perhaps I was schizophrenic rather than admit that his clinic is a piece of shit!

I told him that when I was about 6 years old I was dumb enough to take a drink from the ditch and that I believe the infection I have was something other than tonsilitus. He assured me that nothing was wrong at all, even though my neck aches from the swelling there. (since that didn't show up on the lab test) He felt my neck and was like "oh, there is no lumps there"
You need to go to a good dentist or oral surgeon. You may...MAY have oral cysts- located around jawbone and gums. They remove them in a fairly simple surgical procedure but definitely have them removed. If that is what it is.
The white garbage comes from deep within my tonsils.... I have to work and massage that smelly crap out of my throat.

I also noted that when I smoked cigarettes it was alot worse (but I had it before I started smoking) and when I eat sugar or drink alot of milk, that too causes the white crap to grow... like some bacterial/fungal infection.
Well i can tell you this much. I had a tooth pulled a few years ago and after it came out all this puss oozed out so they took some more xrays and looked closer and i had cysts right back to my jawbone. The were fairly large and when you know what to look for you can see them in an xray.

Went to hospital and the removed them with no problems at all, plus they check them out to make sure it is nor something worse. But i think all you have to do is go to a good dentist\oral surgeon and tell him what you suspect.
if you are worried go to a different doctor.

Tell them what the other doctors said and that your still concerned. Try to get a sample of the liquid to take in with you if thats possable because it could be an absas
Generally a doctor is not more than a mechanic who happens to work on bodies, instead of cars. Some are good, some are bad. I usually figure out beforehand what's wrong with me before I go, and tell them what is it and I already have a good idea what kind of treatment I can choose from.

Seriously, with today's internet and knowledge at your hand, you can diagnose yourself, after all you know the symptoms better than the doctor...
Seriously, with today's internet and knowledge at your hand, you can diagnose yourself, after all you know the symptoms better than the doctor...

Very true, usually I have already diagnosed the problem and when I get to Dr. they pretty much just verify what I already found out on my own.
Syzygys i would like to dispute you on this.

What is the symptomatic difference between a pnumothoriax, chest pain caused by strain in the intercostal mussles, an MI, Angina, arterial flutter, right side heart failure, left side heart failure, cardiac temponard, broncitious, a PE, and intergestion. The reason i ask is because even with the heart monitors that are carried in the back of an ambulance most of these cant be clinically diognosed so how do you think will LESS infomation than a paramedic that you could defintivly diognose these? The graves are full of people who died of intergestion
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If you guys find that your doctors can't do as good a job of treating you as you do on yourselves, you need to move to a better country. That's pathetic.

Considering what's out there on the internet I can't believe that anyone would seriously trust it for a medical diagnosis! I hope your spouse has a lot of life insurance on you.
Well said, Fraggle.

Self diagnosis is a very dangerous path to go down, especially if your source of information is the internet.