Near death experiencer comments on alien life forms....

Do you believe that other planets have some forms of life?

  • No

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • I hope not

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I hope so

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters

Dennis Tate

I personally thought that what he testifies to having been shown was kind of brilliant really.

His comment reminds me of the book "Chariots of the gods" that I read back in the 1970's.

Christian Andreason, chapter two ....
What about beings from other planets, do you think they visit here?

Yes I do. And I think those who have been permitted to cross over into our world have been doing so for a very long time now (for a very important purpose) as Divinely arranged by Heaven. Since my NDE, because of a few things I was shown, it is now my deep belief that some of the more phenomenal events depicted in the Old Testament (such as the Great flood of Noah, the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, the mass explosion of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc) are not only very true, but were moments in time which were orchestrated and performed by beings of a much higher order and intelligence than our ownwho may have volunteered their technology and understandings or even sent to help guide and shape a culture within humanity during a pressing time within its development and evolution.

Even Richard Dawkins Ph.D. would not dogmatically rule out the idea of alien intelligences perhaps playing a role in evolution.

Ben Stein vs. Richard Dawkins Interview
I personally thought that what he testifies to having been shown was kind of brilliant really.
What did you find brilliant about it? Explain why it is brilliant.
His comment reminds me of the book "Chariots of the gods" that I read back in the 1970's.
That book was pseudoscientific nonsense that spawned a whole industry of similar nonsense.
Christian Andreason, chapter two ....
Why do you believe what Andreason has to say?
Adreason said:
What about beings from other planets, do you think they visit here?

Yes I do. And I think those who have been permitted to cross over into our world have been doing so for a very long time now (for a very important purpose) as Divinely arranged by Heaven.
Andreason sounds confused. The question is about "beings from other planets", but Andreason starts to blather on about beings being "permitted to cross over into our world". What does that even mean? Is he talking about supernatural beings, rather than aliens from other planets? Is he confused about the difference?
Since my NDE, because of a few things I was shown, it is now my deep belief that some of the more phenomenal events depicted in the Old Testament (such as the Great flood of Noah, the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, the mass explosion of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc) are not only very true, but were moments in time which were orchestrated and performed by beings of a much higher order and intelligence than our own...
Nothing to do with God, then?
The main question here, again, is why you, Dennis Tate, take any of this nonsense seriously.
What did you find brilliant about it? Explain why it is brilliant.

That book was pseudoscientific nonsense that spawned a whole industry of similar nonsense.

Why do you believe what Andreason has to say?

Andreason sounds confused. The question is about "beings from other planets", but Andreason starts to blather on about beings being "permitted to cross over into our world". What does that even mean? Is he talking about supernatural beings, rather than aliens from other planets? Is he confused about the difference?

Nothing to do with God, then?
The main question here, again, is why you, Dennis Tate, take any of this nonsense seriously.

I began to research the paranormal in 1990, one of my favourite topics was near death experience accounts but I also read a lot of other material on somewhat related but unique topics.

Joe Fischer, for one example, wrote a book called "Hungry Ghosts" about the Channelling phenomena. He made the point that whatever level of intelligence was being tapped into by Channellers....... there seemed to be a desire to show off their intelligence and even trick or deceive humans. Some people think that his writing of this book led to his death. Near death experiencers like Christian Andreason seem to produce books that are at a vastly higher calibre than any of the other types of research into the paranormal that I read.

If you read his entire book you will find a consistency in the Christian Andreason NDE account that is beyond merely impressive. Supernatural beings visiting our world could soon be understood to mean life forms that exist primarily in fifth and / or sixth and / or seventh dimensional space - time but can also appear for a time in our four dimensional space time continuum.

I take these NDE accounts very seriously because they are head and shoulders above any other research into the paranormal that I have read so far and........ the Christians who had a near death experience come back with explanations for the Jewish and Christian scriptures that is extremely simple and easy to understand and reminds me of.....

John 16:25 "These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.
Joe Fischer, for one example, wrote a book called "Hungry Ghosts" about the Channelling phenomena. He made the point that whatever level of intelligence was being tapped into by Channellers....... there seemed to be a desire to show off their intelligence and even trick or deceive humans.
There's no good evidence that any level of intelligence has been tapped into by Channellers.
Near death experiencers like Christian Andreason seem to produce books that are at a vastly higher calibre than any of the other types of research into the paranormal that I read.
I would be fascinated to learn the criteria by which you judge the relative "calibre" of books. What's your yardstick for a high calibre book?
If you read his entire book you will find a consistency in the Christian Andreason NDE account that is beyond merely impressive.
Consistency with what? What are you comparing?
Supernatural beings visiting our world could soon be understood to mean life forms that exist primarily in fifth and / or sixth and / or seventh dimensional space - time but can also appear for a time in our four dimensional space time continuum.
There's no good evidence for any dimensions beyond the four familiar ones (three space and one time).
I take these NDE accounts very seriously because they are head and shoulders above any other research into the paranormal that I have read so far
In what way?
... the Christians who had a near death experience come back with explanations for the Jewish and Christian scriptures that is extremely simple and easy to understand and reminds me of.....
You mean, they've managed to invent explanations for scriptures that suit you because they gel with your preconceptions about what those scriptures ought to mean. Confirmation bias.
Home Forums > On the Fringe > UFOs, Ghosts and Monsters

I personally thought that what he testifies to having been shown was kind of brilliant really.

His comment reminds me of the book "Chariots of the gods" that I read back in the 1970's.

Even Richard Dawkins Ph.D. would not dogmatically rule out the idea of alien intelligences perhaps playing a role in evolution.

Ben Stein vs. Richard Dawkins Interview

aliens inside a comparative religion debate ?
is it a debate ?
a debate about what ?
if god exists ?
or is this about aliens ?

tricky subject to put into a single category

sounds more like your driving this buss down the church isle rather than the UFO isle

typical scam artist
asking Richard to put a number on it
so he can then fame him on numbers
after attempting to invalidate his opinion as a statistical value
seriously ?
parlour tricks ! Richard is such a good sport.

"expereincer" versus facts versus statistical representations

"why spoilt it for everyone"
love that question
it asserts scammers have a right to scam people
& simply inserts religion as the immoral act needing moral justification

asking Richard how life was created
getting him to answer
he doesn't know
then following with inserting intelligent design as a comparable to the creation of life being unknown
so there for must be created by a god

baa baa sheep !
monkey thinking
but baa baa sheep monkey thinking was normal in that era

"if you cant prove how it works then i can make any shit up i like and say its true"

the vindictive child reasoning as an emotional reaction
needing to inflict material damage on the world to self validate
while using Richard
baa baa monkey sheep wants atomic bananas to go bang
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@ Dennis,

I bet you would like "The Dancing Wu Li Masters", by Gary Zukav.....:cool:
Another entry in the literary genre of "quantum mysticism". It belongs on the shelf alongside the Tao of Physics, The Omega Principle and probably anything written by Deepak Chopra.
There's no good evidence that any level of intelligence has been tapped into by Channellers.

I would be fascinated to learn the criteria by which you judge the relative "calibre" of books. What's your yardstick for a high calibre book?

Consistency with what? What are you comparing?

There's no good evidence for any dimensions beyond the four familiar ones (three space and one time).

In what way?

You mean, they've managed to invent explanations for scriptures that suit you because they gel with your preconceptions about what those scriptures ought to mean. Confirmation bias.

I could be wrong.... I often am......
but I am of the belief that the Helen Wambach Ph. D. research as well as some of the research into near death experience accounts and / or astral projection gives us at least some evidence for this type of phenomena.

Frankly the scary part of the NDE of Howard Storm would help to offer an explanation for what Joe Fischer studied in his book Hungry Ghosts.

I don't see any observable dimension when I look at my environment. I CAN observe objects having "dimensions" of measurement like length and width and depth, but that's not an omnipresent continuum that I can see like I see those objects. It's more of an abstract generalization of possibilities of measurement projected onto our experience of spacetime. There is no empirical evidence for dimensions that we can just look at and say "There's a dimension." And as for time being the 4th dimension, we don't observe that empirically either. We do experience the passage of time, and we also measure it, but noone I know of observes time as some actual physical dimension that extends thru space. We're talking conceptual constructs here that we impose over our world to make it seem more rational.
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I don't see any observable dimension when I look at my environment. I CAN observe objects having "dimensions" of measurement like length and width and depth, but that's not an omnipresent continuum that I can see like I see those objects. It's more of an abstract generalization of possibilities of measurement projected onto our experience of spacetime. There is no empirical evidence for dimensions that we can just look at and say "There's a dimension." And as for time being the 4th dimension, we don't observe that empirically either. We do experience the passage of time, and we also measure it, but noone I know of observes time as some actual physical dimension that extends thru space. We're talking conceptual constructs here that we impose over our world to make it seem more rational.

Ultra violent cameras are revealing some pretty interesting goings on in locations that might surprise us.

Could it be that they can reveal what is happening in five dimensional space - time where mathematically electromagnetism would be linked to Gravity?????? That is above my Security Clearance level... but that is logical.
I don't see any observable dimension when I look at my environment. I CAN observe objects having "dimensions" of measurement like length and width and depth, but that's not an omnipresent continuum that I can see like I see those objects. It's more of an abstract generalization of possibilities of measurement projected onto our experience of spacetime. There is no empirical evidence for dimensions that we can just look at and say "There's a dimension." And as for time being the 4th dimension, we don't observe that empirically either. We do experience the passage of time, and we also measure it, but noone I know of observes time as some actual physical dimension that extends thru space. We're talking conceptual constructs here that we impose over our world to make it seem more rational.
Yes, but they are based on observations, as you noted.
5th, 6th, 7th dimensions aren't based on observations.
Could it be that they can reveal what is happening in five dimensional space
i dont know
but i guess its a range aspect
like depth of field vision


Clearance is essential
Isn't it interesting. When the brain is unable to form any kind of cognitive pattern, it is unable to form a best guess.

music or tones
why would a single tone trigger different memory's
say for example
a memory of sitting on a beach
combined with a memory of a night out and a nice dinner
maybe a lover or close friend, or group gathering of collective emotional interactions

all from a single tone sound

i wonder what unknown ability and drive the parts of the brain that recognize and store patterns do.
specifically facial recognition as an easy most socially interactive easy to survey aspect

i have recently begun to find my brain doing some things it should not
like my language decoding part of my brain tuning in and out
which has started me thinking again on an old subject around concepts of thought & collective and individual reality aspects & how they interact to form collective realities that directly effect peoples consciousness emotions and physical well-being
Ultra violent cameras are revealing some pretty interesting goings on in locations that might surprise us.

Could it be that they can reveal what is happening in five dimensional space - time where mathematically electromagnetism would be linked to Gravity?????? That is above my Security Clearance level... but that is logical.

Maybe so. I don't really know what's out there when it comes to dimensions/planes/parallel realities.