The art of recognizing factors that give people the opportunity to gain information from areas that are closed to the consciousness due to its anchoring in the physical area had always been something fascinating. The slightest knowledge was guarded like a treasure, and the greater the insider community was, the stronger the instrument of knowledge became an instrument of power. As a tradition, without technical knowledge for future generations, the ritual was the most common method. However, the more complicated the method of application was, the more people had to rely on accurate knowledge, which required training in the entire range. The consciousness is assigned to the inert area of matter and the mode of action of physical forces in this area has become routine through permanent application. However, since man is part of nature and therefore also a part of the entire system at all levels, it happens that consciousness gains access to perceptions from other areas. As this happens only under certain conditions, which are rarely present in the right constellation, it was at the beginning left to the attention of the participants, who recognized the right constellations and tried by imitating to understand such phenomena of consciousness. Factors that caused influence in their physical area formed the basis, because they are easily understandable from the perspective of scholasticism. As today this scholasticism can provide more modern possibilities and the resulting findings, now it also directs its attention to the so-called parapsychology, means the consideration of a science, which seems to exist beside the scholasticism. The scholasticism recognizes more and more, especially in medicine, that the human mind as a force is able to exert more influence than it was assumed per se.
In religions, the explanation of the science of the mind was shown rather naive. Yet it worked, however, passed on through primitive rituals, it did not have the ability to survive as part of verifiable reality. Terms like belief in miracles or parables were conceivable supports, which were used to try explaining phenomena of the old magic. These phenomena have been experienced, recorded and passed on by people. In the Bible, events of the so-called miracles repeat in different places and at different times, and there are always people who acted as a trigger with factors that today must just be retried slowly.
Nevertheless, the older a doctrine is, the more factors concerning development structures of expansion of human consciousness is inherent. Since the immemorial, there were religious or secular-oriented groups, which set the goal to maintain the knowledge of these factors and to preserve them in a manageable way for posterity. The religious groups that became stronger persecuted and demonized smaller groups. Defamed as sects, communities like the Masons or the Rosicrucians were pushed into the underground very quickly. Like at present time, where the technical achievements determine on the continued existence of a country, in the mists of time the achievements in the field of magic were the basis of the survival of a community. The findings of magic were marked by the state of education of the culture and by the goals of the performers. In countries, where the view to the starry sky was good and the climate could be described as mild, the magicians, priests or enlightened persons turned towards the observation of the stars and the tides. Here we can see the beginnings of today's astrology. To associate the constellation of the moon with the tides of the sea was a small step, which aroused from the observation.
However, to associate a constellation of stars with life and birth of a person is certainly also very difficult to accept in the broadminded point of view of the “doctrine of life” (see topic astrology).
The observation of nature came, however, just after the observation of man into place. Here it was also the "doctrine of life" that developed and passed on the most opportunities. To expand consciousness or influence beyond other levels fit into the thought pattern of all people at all times. To free the consciousness of its moorings and thus to transfer his skills to different levels of time and space was the goal, which decided in the earlier period about the rise or fall of a civilization. In locations, where a rather harsh climate prevailed, also the use of magic was rather rough, and was marked by more rustic factors concerning its application. The protection against nature, which man was exposed to, determined his life and limited his horizon. During times, when in Europe people fumbled with primitive tools, Asia had already the black powder and silk. Yet man was equal anywhere in the world and only the direction of his thinking was influenced differently by the circumstances of his environment. Therefore, we can explain that the factors appear to us sometimes strange, but upon closer observation in the application, the student finds out that everything happens according to the same principle.
In order to expand consciousness, narcotic drugs were used throughout the world as the simplest means of magic. The variant to extend the Information potential of the consciousness through less importance of one's body is a still today recognizable factor in all religious groups. In areas with mild climate conditions, toxins were used to ignore messages of the body.
That way, the Oracle of Delphi in Greece gained a dubious reputation, but later also the western area took over this practice. Of this still testifies the use of incense, which in concentrated form is a narcotic drug. In order to distance the mind from the body as task and information level and to bring the own mental area closer to the consciousness, people with coarser mentality resorted to the fact to deprive energy from the body. The idea of fasting was born. In addition, to represent the environment as poor in information was a common factor. Monasteries, hermitage or inconspicuous color environment were factors that should make mental information more attractive for the consciousness. Thus, also the conscious abandoning of the physical area should serve to free the consciousness from its moorings and to bring it closer to the mental area of man in order to face open-minded the general mental area with all its opportunities.
The Indian yogis gained here unrestricted admiration by deliberate omission of activities resulting in the atrophy of individual limbs. They invented ways to be so close to the ideal of the mental state of information as a man can only be close to death. Since this is a very personal matter, these representatives quickly gained the reputation to be constantly in the level of mental cognition. They were considered being saints in the state of enlightenment. Today we can find a poor imitation of their doctrine in the by us known yoga. However, in its origins it was an art to be close to death and to keep this state by abandoning the physical importance. If we consider the natural adaptation of the body to counteract this stress as a fitness program, we obtain an unintended by-product, namely health in the modern thought pattern.
To understand the factors for reinforcement of the mental abilities in the right constellation, it depends on the goal, which should be achieved with this reinforcement. If people want to experience the own mental area consciously, it lies in the nature of things to obstruct the physical area in its information capacity. Habits as closing the eyes, which obstruct the attention from the physical area, prove that. To free and to confirm the mind are fundamental factors that the Christian culture knows. To free the physical area of concerns from the physical area is known by confession. To confirm means recognition by a community in order to strengthen the feeling of safety. Here we have the sacrament or confirmation. In addition, the factor of acoustic influence on the mental area is a point that should not be underestimated in the application of the "doctrine of life". Here the goal setting is crucial. If the mental attitude of the participants should be reinforced rather in a more passive to submissive way in order to increase the possibility of manipulation, melodies and instruments of bombastic nature are chosen to rule out any involvement of the individual. That way the mind is forced to adapt information in a submissive state, means, the critique of the ego is not reinforced, but diminished.
We know this kind of manipulation by bells or organ, which are still preferred instruments today. However, if we intend to act mentally active up to the setting of causes into the physical area, then melodies and instruments are chosen, which encourage people mentally as well as physically to actively combine feelings and body, and so to be able to act as a unit beyond the mental area . Reinforced ego in the framework of a group in the mental as well as in the physical area is then the result.
We know this from military marches, the drums of war, or from an older example of the trumpets of Jericho, where the mental state through the combination of physical exhaustion and anticipation led to the fact that the phenomenon of psychokinesis could be reinforced so much that the walls of the city Jericho collapsed.
The factors, which act on body and mind, are manifold and only the goal setting determines the right formula to use them. Knowledge about the structure of human beings is the foundation, if we want to change the abilities of man. Physical exhaustion or weakness can be influenced mentally. The fear of death is for example a feeling that alters chemical processes in the body in a way that the physical power limit can be extended. The mental power of the feeling shame is able to influence the circulation of people, so that they get a visible red head. The shock, which is information that also changes the circulation into the other direction, uses the body even bypassing the consciousness. Therefore, it is not surprising that man must assume he could operate in both directions with the feelings. That means the ability to experience and influence the physical area of oneself and the own mental area up to the general mental area. However, for this we need to realize what influences it mentally. Here, the physical area is inseparable from the mental area. Thus, the factor of the environment of big and uniform apartment blocks affects people in such a way that they become more aggressive. Architects recognized this fact due to the rising crime rate in the ghettos of modern cities. On the other hand, an environment of harmony as it is achieved with water provides a calming effect. In addition, the color green influences the state of mind and is located in the area of harmony. On the contrary, the color red is a symbol of danger and is still emotionally justified all over the world used at the traffic lights as a stop signal.
In the combination of the feeling of mental and physical unity, we create a factor that triggers wellbeing and fascination. Here key stimuli are awakened, which we assign to the field of erotic. Goal setting as well as the situation of expectation are thus factors, which make a fundamental principle in the art to reinforce mental abilities.
The factor of reinforcing the demand is of further importance in all experiments of the practical application of the "doctrine of life". In the field of the physical area, we know the way to reinforce the performance of individuals through approval by the community with trophies in sport or with medals in war. In the personal area of people, who is more oriented toward mental subjects, the reinforcement of demand is also more to find in this field. Curiosity and thirst for knowledge can here have the effect of reinforcement of demand. As so often at this point, the goal setting and the point of view of the performer are the most important aspects.
Around the turn of the century in the Western world, the mental information power in the field of spiritualism made headlines. It was almost a matter of good taste for the spiritualized upper class to investigate this variant of curiosity as well as the confirmation of the mental abilities. It was in the nature of the then prevailing intellect to collect anything, which was provided in connection with the possibility of functioning in this subject group. The so-called séance became a sensation. Initially people experimented with the issue that the number seven had a certain importance. This was known from reports of the Old Testament of the Bible. Here, experiments show the supporters of the "doctrine of life" that if seven persons participate, the optimal state of such a mental circle is reached. Circle equal to circle in the mental area suggests that also an equal goal setting and mental attitude was required. In case of eight participants, the error rate to keep this circle closed was probably too high.
Nevertheless, with a number of six participants we could found that the quantity could be increased in the area of mental emotions without any major problems. Since the objective was gathering information, it was obvious to gather favored information receivers. These were persons called medium. If the rest of the participants was also capable of a passive attitude, the devote basic attitude of the medium could be reinforced. Thus, a transfer of a dominant information provider in a state of trance could occur. Unfortunately, this possibility was made so ridiculous in public by charlatanry, supported by materialistic-oriented scientists that we could not more think of a serious assessment of this process for a long time. Factors that highlight the capabilities of the mental area are yet also important in the meditation. Here an attempt was made to reach consciously the state to adapt information in the mental area or to transfer information to the body. Therefore, psychometrics was thus the art of recognizing emotions according to their mode of action and then to enforce them. Furthermore, it was the art of a strategic correct employment of these intentions with the knowledge about the possibility of manipulation of the ambient concentrations (matter). Following, with the aid of the existing laws of nature a science developed, in which man sees himself as part of nature and is able to practice accordingly. This is in contrast to people, who consider the part of laws of nature, which they are able to manage, as the solely real existing one and who avoid the effort of research, which may guide people back to former abilities, whose loss is more and more noticeable.
Psychometrics (the so-called art of measuring the soul) will never be fully realized in the entire spectrum of its possibilities, but each step, any finding of a factor to broaden the mind in its opportunities, brings man as the spitting image of God (as many religions mention) closer to his ideals.
The understanding and knowledge of how a phenomenon can take place must not be lost, otherwise people would be forced to observe and learn everything new in search of the possibilities of their skills. The history of humanity with its wonders has to be only translated into the language of today and the reports of that time (Bible, Koran, etc.) could be used again as a guide. In order to recognize the possibilities of psychometrics, the translation would be for example: Prophet is equal to medium, prayer is equal to concentration of thoughts, enlightenment is equal to realizing of mental information, Voodoo is equal to concentration of thoughts with physical concentration aids, angel is equal to concentration with the possibility of self-expression, religion is equal to lost knowledge replaced by faith, which is levied on the status of taboo in order to accurately cover up this process, and so on. To consider events of so-called miracles of our history logically and in the emotionless way of the researcher, would highlight the psychometrics in new glory, in whose light people would understand new things and an old science would be resurrected. Perhaps man himself would then again be a useful part in the miracle of life and not the skin disease of this earth.