NJ UFO/lights - 2001


Registered Senior Member
This seems to be one of a few "real" incidents in the last couple years. It gives credence to the Phoenix lights as some kind of phenomenom or just flares depending on what this ever turns out to be. From what I have read, no one can explain it. BUT, am I right: How can the government have the radar data, video, eyewitnesses, and 1/2 hour of calls to the PD and not know what this is? Obviously, they had enough time to get a better look than anyone with the naked eye had.

I have been researching this a little and found that ABC's real player video is dead, or at least to my computer. I have looked everywhere and cannot find this video, and the ones that do have it is actually just a link back to ABC's site.

Of interest though:

Check out the PDF files. Anyone know how to intepret the radar stuff?
Welcome to sciforums, where your opinions will be ridiculed.

Whether they be kooky or rational.

Anyway, testimonial evidence is not worth anything. Everyone knows that. In the matter of actual events that involve proving something that doesn't really matter, testimonies are flawed, fallible, and wrong. I refer you the hundreds of experiments psychologists have run over the past 10 or 15 years where they have a scene occur in front of a group of people, like a robbery or a mugging, and then ask the group of people to write down what they saw just happened, a testimony. Most of the time, they have different stories. They embellish. Much like for UFOs and other supernatural events: embellishment... they have fantasies, they have seen movies... they see what they want to see.

Anyway, if the government is testing new, better, more versatile aircraft, it is a possibility it is still classified, and they won't let it out. They would rather let people think it was a UFO than tell them the truth, because it doesn't bother them at all. As long as our nation's secrets are safe, it doesn't matter how fucked up the public's mind is. That is why the military rarely denies that the supposed aircraft are not UFOs...
Ellimist said:
Welcome to sciforums, where your opinions will be ridiculed.

Whether they be kooky or rational.

Anyway, testimonial evidence is not worth anything. Everyone knows that. .

Everyone knows that?

Regarding my post, the context of the eyewitnesses is very valueable if they can corroborate the event. Your point is if one says it was an alien vehicle and another says it was a flare. Yeah, big deal. However, people claim to see many UFOs on a daily basis and they have no one to corroborate it.

In this case, you have an event that has taken place, and it did in fact happen (instead of dreamed up as most UFO reports are). So, what intrigues me is that it went on for 1/2 hour and police were called and there was a police officer at the scene, there is an airport close by, and still no one knows what it was? I think it is safe to assume the military was advised of the event as it was happening to perhaps check out what people were observing in our air space by the airport.
Yeah, that seems reasonable...

Sorry, when I respond to things of this nature, I tend to speak in generalities, as though I am responding to all different circumstances, not necessarily the one I am immediately responding to.

But, yeah, like I said... the regular humans cannot explain it, and the military won't tell them.
Maybe an ET could explain it better? Ellimist is good at getting yah going and walking away when the conversation gets close to a denial episode.
Fuck you, chains. You offer nothing intelligent to these forums.
Whoo watch this turn from a potentially intelligent debate to yet another mindless game of profanity!!
Unfortunately Ellimist is correct. Testimonies, especially with this kind of topic, are very misleading and usually turn out to be false and rather stupid. I have no doubt that they saw what they saw...but what they saw may not be what they thought it was. I believe hearing one testimony about seeing a bright red speck floating in the sky near to where the sun was rising. Now while this would look like a UFO to a normal, average human being, it actually turns out to be the planet Venus which can bee seen right before dawn. Something like noticing an object out of the corner of your eye can be an optical illusion. Yet the witnesses swear that it was a UFO because they want to believe this. Do u know why they want to believe this? Because they are so sure that they saw it, and they are so willing to give themselves into the government as the first person to ever truly witness a UFO that they would being bending the truth about. Then 1 simple white lie turns into a whole series of lies. “Oh it was flying around”, “I have a picture of it”, “it stopped in midair and zoomed away quickly”, and many more were excuses to why the UFO was actually there. Even with the pictures it’s quite evitable that it is false proof. Our mind plays tricks on us all the time, some more distinct than others. I for one have been tricked a few times into thinking I’ve seen my dead dog, yet it doesn’t mean that it is alive again, only my mind playing tricks in the corner of my eyes.
I wouldn't say elimist is or isn't correct. I was basically trying to see if anyone here has any knowledge of the event that took place in NJ July 15, 2001.

The Phoenix light thing happened. I have seen the video. The official explanation is flares. In the NJ case, there are similar circumstances, yet there is no official explanation. I am just saying it is strange considering it could easily be written off as flares. Three years have passed and no one is explaning it. Oh well, maybe it was just not such a big deal over in NJ, but looked to be since it was picked up by the national news.
who knows? What if it was a UFO who cares? That's not gonna matter. What's gonna matter is how we will react to such a thing. I have my own theories but i too tired right now to post em.
Votorx said:
who knows? What if it was a UFO who cares? That's not gonna matter. What's gonna matter is how we will react to such a thing. I have my own theories but i too tired right now to post em.

The backbone of society is questioned and doubted. Panic. Coincidently, new religions start forming. National pride becomes a joke. Anarchy!

But, seriously, I think if society could get through all the wars, murders, injustice, it could deal with another planet capable of supporting intelligent life. Even if that life had a couple million years head start.
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