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Nootropics, popularly referred to as "smart drugs," are substances which boost human cognitive abilities (the functions and capacities of the brain). The word nootropic is derived from the Greek words noos or mind and tropein meaning to ward. Typically, nootropics are alleged to work by increasing the brain's supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones), by improving the brain's oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth.
Interesting stuff. I expect the use of this class of drugs to explode in the coming years. Intelligence is getting increasingly important in today's jobs. This will increase the demand for these smart drugs. I expect that people who are smart to begin with to start using these drugs, to gain a competitive edge on others. It's going to be a big thing.

Anybody have any experience with any of these drugs?
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Unfortunately I feel these will end up producing longterm effects which simply aren't feasible in todays lifestyle. It's likely through use of them the brain would develop innumerable diseases which never before had been encountered. They have the potential to actually do more harm then good, afterall changing brain chemistry isn't such a good idea. I'm on Zoloft which alters Seratonin, other then this I think we should forget smart drugs.

Hell what happens if you develop a brain disease faster or when you might not have even had it, all because of the smart drug?

A truly smart person will stay away from these smart drugs LOL
Interesting stuff. I expect the use of this class of drugs to explode in the coming years. Intelligence is getting increasingly important in today's jobs. This will increase the demand for these smart drugs. I expect that people who are smart to begin with to start using these drugs, to gain a competitive edge on others. It's going to be a big thing.

Anybody have any experience with any of drugs?

Yeah, I have experience.
I don't think use will explode, they might not be safe. It's unregulated so it it might end up like meth or crack if too many people start using it.

I say, if you know about nootropics keep it to yourself, don't make it popular.
Unfortunately I feel these will end up producing longterm effects which simply aren't feasible in todays lifestyle. It's likely through use of them the brain would develop innumerable diseases which never before had been encountered. They have the potential to actually do more harm then good, afterall changing brain chemistry isn't such a good idea. I'm on Zoloft which alters Seratonin, other then this I think we should forget smart drugs.

Hell what happens if you develop a brain disease faster or when you might not have even had it, all because of the smart drug?

A truly smart person will stay away from these smart drugs LOL

Long term effects don't matter. I think you are right, you shouldnt use these drugs AFTER you are successful, but before you reach success, you should use any drug it takes to reach it, if it means using nootropics to stay up late and study for a test, use them. If it means using these drugs to get rid of your writers block, use it.

Long term effects don't matter because you won't have a long term life if you don't get past the short term barriers. In this case, depending on your situation, you'll either benefit from these nootropics or not. I think if you are trying to work your way up, you'll benefit from them, but if you are already established, you don't need them.
francois since you understand smart drugs, maybe theres hope in you becoming a trans-humanist instead of the beliefs in classical eugenics/race that you maintain.

Trans-humanism, and smart drugs are related because trans-humanists believe that humans should focus in specific, on increasing human intelligence and potential, using technology to improve man. Basically using man to improve man is the most efficient form of self improvement.

Nootropics is just one example, but stem cell research is another. What if we did create a pill that could triple the intelligence of anyone who takes it?

If we can have control over intelligence, what is the basis for all this racism at that point? If you believe in these IQ tests and stuff, what you can say is that people with low IQ, are not bad people, they just need to take the intelli-pill or whatever nutritional supplement. If the supplement actually works, and there are no side effects, well then people will be as intelligent as they can afford to be.

The same with genetics, when we figure out which genes control intelligence, people will be as intelligent as they can afford to be. Maybe in the future, if our country wanted to, we could give every child a photographic memory.

I'm not saying any of this stuff would end racism, I'm just saying that at our point in development, we could be focusing on how to make life better instead of on who to scapegoat.
Yeah, I have experience.
I don't think use will explode, they might not be safe. It's unregulated so it it might end up like meth or crack if too many people start using it.

I say, if you know about nootropics keep it to yourself, don't make it popular.

Do you want to share your experiences with us?
Do you want to share your experiences with us?

I have enough experience to know it works and that you'll get your monies worth. I'm not going to tell you which ones work, thats your business, and it's your body, so figure out which ones are safe and which ones are not by trial and error.

I bought some Piracetam because it's the most well-known and best understood Nootropic. It's known for not having an toxic effects or any side-effects at all. And it's safe taking even megadoses. So it's really safe and people who have taken it for more than 20 years have encountered no problems. It's basically the standard, we know it works, and holy shit is it cheap. You can get a near life time supply of this shit in bulk for like $20. And it's freely available to anyone. You just need a credit card and that's it. Anyway, It'll be interesting to see the difference it makes.

I'm trying to think of ways I can gauge my cognitive abilities and see how they compare with and without. You know. Set up an experiment to see how effective the stuff really is. I'll have to find a good online IQ test and do a before and after comparison... see if it bumps the IQ up a few points or not. Or I could do a before and after typing test. Or something else that is mentally stimulating like listening to music.

So you said Phenibut is good shit. Can you be a little more specific? How good shit is it? :D
Yeah, I have experience.
I don't think use will explode, they might not be safe. It's unregulated so it it might end up like meth or crack if too many people start using it.

I say, if you know about nootropics keep it to yourself, don't make it popular.

If these drugs make people smarter, why would I want to keep them to myself? Other people benefiting from these drugs would benefit me. Lack of intelligence is the cause of many of society's ills. If we can increase the intelligence of the population at large, I suspect the good that would result would be much greater than the bad.
I bought some Piracetam because it's the most well-known and best understood Nootropic. It's known for not having an toxic effects or any side-effects at all. And it's safe taking even megadoses. So it's really safe and people who have taken it for more than 20 years have encountered no problems. It's basically the standard, we know it works, and holy shit is it cheap. You can get a near life time supply of this shit in bulk for like $20. And it's freely available to anyone. You just need a credit card and that's it. Anyway, It'll be interesting to see the difference it makes.

I'm trying to think of ways I can gauge my cognitive abilities and see how they compare with and without. You know. Set up an experiment to see how effective the stuff really is. I'll have to find a good online IQ test and do a before and after comparison... see if it bumps the IQ up a few points or not. Or I could do a before and after typing test. Or something else that is mentally stimulating like listening to music.

Yea.. I bought a 700 gram tub of it about a year ago and I never tried it because of it's taste. I cannot even mask it with orange juice.

However, they say that piracetam's effects are greatly enhanced if you take choline with it.

So you said Phenibut is good shit. Can you be a little more specific? How good shit is it? :D

Well it's calming effects make it worth taking. I have had better concentration, too. Just for those reasons makes it worth buying. Not as cheap as piracetam, but still just as good or even better.

But I really really like phenibut when I drink some with alcohol. Oh man I think 2 grams of phenibut is enough to get me drunk off 3 shots.... and I become way more socialiable and comfortable than I normally do with just alcohol.

However, if you take too much you will have the weirdest hangover of your life when you wake up. My friends thought I was either dead or in a coma the next morning. I was concious, but I had severe double vision, my hearing was nearly shot (and lots of echos, too), and I could barely move my muscles.

My friends even lit firecrackers in my room next to my head to wake me up.... I barely even heard them. To me, it sounded like rice krispies with an echo.