now wHAT

In looking at your site, which you so blatantly advertise here without any substantive participation in our forum in return, I noted these opening statements:

"I have done much research on my own in the area of Egyptology and natural sciences. I have discoverd much about the true purpose of the mysterious pyramids; to the point of the successful application of this true purpose."

In order to have "discoverd" the "true purpose" of the pyramids, it would be safe to assume that you are educated on the data already collected by numerous researchers and archaeologists and are ready to offer a point-by-point refutation of their data and inferences , right?

If not, then it would be apparent that you really haven't conducted any quantitative or qualitative research at all.

Elsewhere on your site, you state, "Our scientists know that north and south fields are opposites, but there is no clear understanding of in what way the 2 fields are opposite."

Then physicists and chemists who have long understood the properties of ferromagnetism and believed it to occur when the unpaired electrons of atoms or ions in a solid are influenced by the orientations of the electrons of their neighbors. They understand this so well, in fact, that they've been able to use what's known about this process in developing magnetic recording tape and comptuter disks.

And, "Science admittedly has no true evidence as to the cause of the aurora Borealis."

What would you qualify as true evidence? It seems that spectral analysis of the light emitted from the aurora, which reveals the oxygen (green-yellow) and nitrogen (blue, purple-red) implies charged particles. The correlation of auroras to solar flares is highly suggestive of the source of the charged particles. The rest is merely testing the hypothesis by charging particles in the lab and accelerating them to collide with O2 and N.

Perhaps you don't see "evidence" for such things if you avoid or sleep through physics and chemistry.

Then, finally, you state, "My goal is to make a reasonable profit retailing the books for $49.95 ">" $79.95 each."

What a con-artist.

Wait. Perhaps I'm being too harsh. If you're not a con-artist, then loan me a copy of your book, which I'll review and return. I'll even seek out opinions from experts in the fields of various subjects you mention in your own self-review. After all, you say, "it will easily be enjoyed by scientist."
i think to many people criticize others. I know how pyramids work. Ive built some, ive felt the cosmic energy.

Thats why others and I are able to create advancments such as holographic screens, and 50% more efficient fuel turbines.

Because we tap into the same power tesla and einstein did.
^ then how come I can't put my hand through my screen then? Is it because YOU HAVEN'T INVENTED any holoscreens?
Don't tell Mavrix. Show!

Let us see the evidence. I'm all for these advancements. But people who only tell of them and can never show them are generally full of something other than enlightenment or knowledge. People like this get criticized because there are too many of them trying to con money out of the gullible. The criticism is deserved.
You mean, what's the point of a voice of reason speaking to the voice of irrationality?
If you have an idea or invention then the first thing you would do is attempt to design it. Once the design is complete you can then test the design with a prototype model while also applying for a patent.

In regards to patent's you will in some circumstances need to pay for the privilege of the initial check to see whether your patent infringes on other designs (although attempting to patent something that infringes will fail the patent going ahead).

Once you have a Patent Pending and a working prototype you can then consider explaining to the world that your whirlygig does what it does and even do demonstrations at Expositions. (This is at the point you are looking for venture Capitalists)

What you do not do is:
Spam a forum making irrational claims about an invention without attempting to put any work into generating a clear design, making a working prototype or attempting to patent the "design".

It's not just bad ettiquette but it's likely to make you look a quack in the eyes of any venture capitalists that will probably more than likely write you down in a little blackbook and only visit your website at Expositions just to tell the rest of the venture Capitalists which quacks not to bother with.