Obama is not black

Hmm, we have a statistic here in the US that 12% of our population is Black. Does this include the "colored" people, as you say? Or is it just what people fill in when they're asked? I know some half black half white people who put other, some who put black, but none who put white. Nevertheless, Obama is black. He is also white. People just seem to forget the second part.
This depends a lot on the class of the community. If you are rich, often you'll find that people care less and less what your race is and more and more what your financial status is. What I'm saying is, myself for example, I couldn't care less what race you are, but your financial status would become the new divide. If you are for example a very rich black person, any reasonable logical human should give more weight to your financial status than to your race. The humans who put race first are religious nutcases in my opinion.

Class comes before race in my book. I wouldn't care what race a woman is, but if she's poor as hell then I would care because I don't want to raise kids in a ghetto somewhere in poverty. So if I can be sure that the offspring I produce with that person would be well protected, thats basically all I'd care about and thats logical, thats reason, thats simply choosing the strongest available mate. The people who are racists are idiots who will doom themselves to generations of poverty because eventually they'll run out of strong mates.

Just like those racist idiots who hate the jews so they don't date jewish people, because jews aren't "aryan" or whatever. This line of thought isnt reasonable because all that matters is whether or not that individual jewish person comes from a successful/strong family or not. Race has nothing to do with whether or not a bloodline survives, financial status, class, and social status have more to do with survival than race.

In fact, I'd say racists are the ones who will be in the front lines of every war, because they'll want to die for their race, while the smartest people will simply profit from their idiocy, and grow stronger. And in capitalist society stronger = richer. If anyone wants to be a race warrior and die for their race, thats fine. There will be plenty of wars to give them the opportunity to do just that.

I'm focused only on my own survival. I'm not going to die for a concept invented in Hitlers brain or anyone elses brain unless that concept enhances my chances of survival or quality of life. Hitlers concept of race is a complete scam that reduces quality of life for everyone involved, including the blood Aryans who think that they'll be happy when every aspect of their life is governed by some "boss" and where all individuality is removed.

Racism only benefits rich blonde blue eyed Aryans, if you are poor, racism is just keeping you poor. Now if you are rich and Aryan like say Donald Trump and Paris Hilton, then at least you can say racism may have helped you, but even then can we say these people would be happy if all the other races were removed and some fascist government boss was always telling them what to do and how to act? I'd think they'd be miserable. Have any of you actually seriously thought about how the world would be if Hitler had got his wish? If you didn't like 8 years of Bush, how would you like 20-40 years of Hitler?

I'd have to disagree. Sure most wealthy people know that everyone's money is green, but being rich doesn't make you white. My parents would be considered upper middle class. They make quite a bit of money and the other kids used to say I was "rich", (back in school) but that didn't change my race or people's first impression of me. Like I said I will always be the black girl. Not that there is anything wrong with being the "black girl" I'm proud of who I am and where I come from. However I always feel like people are stepping on eggshells when they are around me or automatically assume certain things about me simply based on race. I know that they probably don't know that they do this. They don't do it to be hateful or mean so I don't take offense, but they still do it.
Of course, during the times of slavery capitalists we're all evil and wrong about everything, now they're good and right about everything. It's as if gravity suddenly up'd and then vanished.

Or is it that you're just a typical Western consumer, to use to being fed n' fattened by the system and frightened of rocking the boat? You're going to have quite a job convincing me now that had you been alive during the times of slavery you'd have objected to the institution.

Please either get over yourself or give up your computer and chair! Tap, tap, tap.

Capitalists are capitalists. It is a system based on exploitation which as we know is not sustainable. another system greatly flawed as all encompassing systems tend to be.

This whole passage is wonderful marketing blurb. MtDNA Eve is a Western marketing directors wet dream, a theory which sets the prefect multi-racial back drop for the horrifying scenes you can witness at shopping malls in the west, as white trash shoppers and their mutt children greedily compete for all the cheap and tacky crap on display. How pathetically manipulated they all appear under the stained adverts featuring mixed-race models. But they think they're really it don't they?

You do love the sweeping generalisations don't you? And remind me again how two humans mating produce offspring that is 'mixed race' as 'race' doesn't exist at a biological level?

They're the kind of sickeningly self-righteous, tasteless and intellectually impoverished whites who think they're doing black people a favor by breeding with them. They can't even speak or spell properly, but they know how badly blacks need them. Even though you've got over the grammar hang ups sniffy, that pretty much sums you up doesn't it? How long before your mutts due?

Is this something you think of as some sort of argument? Human beings mating with each other does seem to be a huge issue for you.

If you bothered to do any research into the mtDNA experiment, you'll know that it's only a story hung upon an exercise in logic, one without a shred of hard organic evidence. Or did you really think they'd found the body of 'mtDNA Eve'? How would they know if they had? Hint: they wouldn't The whole 'experiment' is just a computer simulation driven by some half-arsed ideas about applying formal logic to biology.

Go and read up on it before you attempt to insult my intelligence again.

And your point is? Why don't you go and do some research on the importance of biodiversity.

I must go out and buy myself some mongrel breed of cat or dog, one that's quite expensive at the moment but fashionable amongst the trailer park trash and half-breed celebs.

Leave Pepe out of this! I live in a small house and he was rejected by one of those nasty capitalist dog breeders for his wonky eye. And he's cute.

You have the habit of posting historical commentaries as if they are criticism. This is all very interesting, but it's sending me to sleep.

Interesting yet sleep inducing, eh?

Does this include the prognathism already proven in global studies? Or the differences in bone density or muscle to fat ratio? Or the differences in gestation periods and muscle growth? Or the differences in skeletal build? Or the different developmental rates in learning to walk? Or the differencs in I.Q?

Which global studies are these then?

Why do black children spend less time in the womb, but emerge more physically developed?

They do? Do they emerge at 8 months rather than 9 then and dressed all ready for school?

Go on sniffy, have a go at that one. While your at it you can take a stab at my previous question, one which you have wisely avoided since it requires you to come up with your own ideas rather than referring to your handbook for wannabe liberal academics.

Why do primates have different colored skin under their fur? Remember they live in canopied jungles and forests, and are covered in a thick layer of hair.

Is there something wrong with wanting to be academic? I thought the intellect was everything to you?

Anyway.....primate skin colour:

Melanin comes in two types: pheomelanin (red) and eumelanin (very dark brown). Both amount and type are determined by four to six genes which operate under incomplete dominance. One copy of each of those genes is inherited from each parent. Each gene comes in several alleles, resulting in the great variety of different skin tones.

For reference - some research:

The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White

The evolution of race was as simple as the politics of race is complex
By Gina Kirchweger

Ten years ago, while at the university of Western Australia, anthropologist Nina Jablonski was asked to give a lecture on human skin. As an expert in primate evolution, she decided to discuss the evolution of skin color, but when she went through the literature on the subject she was dismayed. Some theories advanced before the 1970s tended to be racist, and others were less than convincing. White skin, for example, was reported to be more resistant to cold weather, although groups like the Inuit are both dark and particularly resistant to cold. After the 1970s, when researchers were presumably more aware of the controversy such studies could kick up, there was very little work at all. "It's one of these things everybody notices," Jablonski says, "but nobody wants to talk about."

No longer. Jablonski and her husband, George Chaplin, a geographic information systems specialist, have formulated the first comprehensive theory of skin color. Their findings, published in a recent issue of the Journal of Human Evolution, show a strong, somewhat predictable correlation between skin color and the strength of sunlight across the globe. But they also show a deeper, more surprising process at work: Skin color, they say, is largely a matter of vitamins.

Jablonski, now chairman of the anthropology department at the California Academy of Sciences, begins by assuming that our earliest ancestors had fair skin just like chimpanzees, our closest biological relatives. Between 4.5 million and 2 million years ago, early humans moved from the rain forest and onto the East African savanna. Once on the savanna, they not only had to cope with more exposure to the sun, but they also had to work harder to gather food. Mammalian brains are particularly vulnerable to overheating: A change of only five or six degrees can cause a heatstroke. So our ancestors had to develop a better cooling system.

The answer was sweat, which dissipates heat through evaporation. Early humans probably had few sweat glands, like chimpanzees, and those were mainly located on the palms of their hands and the bottoms of their feet. Occasionally, however, individuals were born with more glands than usual. The more they could sweat, the longer they could forage before the heat forced them back into the shade. The more they could forage, the better their chances of having healthy offspring and of passing on their sweat glands to future generations.


Now DeepThought I know this is a silly question but do you have anything contradictory to say?
Another piece of science:

The earliest members of the hominid lineage probably had a mostly unpigmented or lightly pigmented integument covered with dark black hair, similar to that of the modern chimpanzee. The evolution of a naked, darkly pigmented integument occurred early in the evolution of the genus Homo. A dark epidermis protected sweat glands from UV-induced injury, thus insuring the integrity of somatic thermoregulation. Of greater significance to individual reproductive success was that highly melanized skin protected against UV-induced photolysis of folate (Branda & Eaton, 1978, Science201, 625–626; Jablonski, 1992, Proc. Australas. Soc. Hum. Biol.5, 455–462, 1999, Med. Hypotheses52, 581–582), a metabolite essential for normal development of the embryonic neural tube (Bower & Stanley, 1989, The Medical Journal of Australia150, 613–619; Medical Research Council Vitamin Research Group, 1991, The Lancet338, 31–37) and spermatogenesis (Cosentino et al., 1990, Proc. Natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.87, 1431–1435; Mathur et al., 1977, Fertility Sterility28, 1356–1360).

As hominids migrated outside of the tropics, varying degrees of depigmentation evolved in order to permit UVB-induced synthesis of previtamin D3. The lighter color of female skin may be required to permit synthesis of the relatively higher amounts of vitamin D3necessary during pregnancy and lactation.

Skin coloration in humans is adaptive and labile. Skin pigmentation levels have changed more than once in human evolution. Because of this, skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships among modern human groups.


And another:

The primate face and rump undergo colour modulations (such as blushing or blanching on the human face, or socio-sexual signalling on the chimpanzee rump), some which may be selected for signalling and some which may be an inevitable consequence of underlying physiological modulations. Because for highly social animals like most primates, one of the most important kinds of object to be competent at perceiving and discriminating is other members of one's own species, we investigated the hypothesis that primate colour vision has been selected for discriminating the spectral modulations on the skin of conspecifics, these modulations providing useful information about the current state or mood of another conspecific.
This connection between bare skin and colour vision may be important in understanding why humans are the ‘naked ape’: for primates with colour vision, skin modulations may serve as signalling on any body part that can be seen (e.g. a chimpanzee rump), and for apes that walk upright, more parts of the body are potentially visible and amenable to colour signalling. (See §3 of the electronic supplementary material for further discussion of face bareness and also see §4 and figures 2 and 3, for a discussion of evidence of the visibility of skin colour modulations.)


So skin colour:

Presence of increased levels of melanin offering protection from UV exposure
An indicator of diet and potential vitamin availability/defficiency
Closely related to evolution of primate colour vision enabling spieces recognition and mood prediction (useful for instance in distinguishing anger from sexual receptivity).
Ok. Stupid question. How is Obama's blackness different than a non-ancestral Jew's Jewishness?

Then there is the side issue of Black inferiority or superiority or equality genetically.

I'm sorry, but the major gap between Black and other is the same as the major gap between any set of cultures. Culturally, Obama is pretty fly for a white guy, he has a great tan. Most mulattoes I have known are rejected from the black culture for impurity, and white culture for holding fast to their ancestral culture. I think it's ridiculous.

Why can't we just accept that all Humans are beneath contempt, and worthy of a slow, torturous death?
Or Brazilian standards, or any of a dozen other countries' standards. There is no such thing as a racial designation other than by some country's standards.

But he is a black man in the US. And that's where he lives.

I think that Obama himself made some comment about not being black or white, but mixed, or whatever is the PC word; he even joked about also not having a pure breed dog as the "first dog", but some mixed or "breedless" one.