Obama's the AntiChrist


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Registered Senior Member
Ok, somebody at my work thinks so and I heard on the radio that some nutter was saying that Obama will be president and appoint Bill Clinton in some capacity as delegate to the UN or something and that Bill Clinton will rise in influence in the world and become the anti christ after he gets shot and is dead for 3 days, the devil will take over his body and thus the world ends.

Good stuff for a friday wouldn't you say?
I came here just to call bullshit, and I'm crazy, and a christian. The Antichrist isn't due for at least another year. He'll be some cat from prussia/austria, not Hawaii. He's supposed to unify the EU. They need to stop watching the Omen.
guy on the radio said the tribulation started in September, keep up eh.
Doesn't that assume you can change God's plan with your choice of vote?

Its actually a conspiracy.. of republicans to get the atheist vote. To prove God is wrong you vote for McCain. haha
Ok, somebody at my work thinks so and I heard on the radio that some nutter was saying that Obama will be president and appoint Bill Clinton in some capacity as delegate to the UN or something and that Bill Clinton will rise in influence in the world and become the anti christ after he gets shot and is dead for 3 days, the devil will take over his body and thus the world ends.

Good stuff for a friday wouldn't you say?

And I haven't heard things like this before.
Bogus. I'm the Antichrist.

The power of Christ compels you!

Ok, somebody at my work thinks so and I heard on the radio that some nutter was saying that Obama will be president and appoint Bill Clinton in some capacity as delegate to the UN or something and that Bill Clinton will rise in influence in the world and become the anti christ after he gets shot and is dead for 3 days, the devil will take over his body and thus the world ends.

Good stuff for a friday wouldn't you say?

I have little doubt that Obama is an antichrist. But The AntiChrist??? Nope.

If obama is anything he is just another pawn in a long line of pawns.

And there is no referance to the Antichrist being dead 3 days. Only that He will recieve a deadly wound to the eye

Zechariah 11:17
“ Woe to the worthless shepherd, Who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his arm And against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

All Praise The Ancient of Days
And there is no referance to the Antichrist being dead 3 days. Only that He will recieve a deadly wound to the eye

Zechariah 11:17
“ Woe to the worthless shepherd, Who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his arm And against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

Nothing metaphoric about that interpretation. Does that mean we can expect more insanity from a shepherd? What is it about those guys?
funny ass thread. Obama isnt the antichrist, that's absurd and racist. If there is such thing, he will probably be white lol