Ode to the Maggot

Do you think death can be overcome by material advancement?

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Caution - this post contains the word ontological

Ode To The Maggot
By Yusef Komunyakaa

Brother of the blowfly
And godhead, you work magic
Over battlefields,
In slabs of bad pork

And flophouses. Yes, you
Go to the root of all things.
You are sound & mathematical.
Jesus, Christ, you're merciless

With the truth. Ontological & lustrous,
You cast spells on beggars & kings
Behind the stone door of Caesar's tomb
Or split trench in a field of ragweed.

No decree or creed can outlaw you
As you take every living thing apart. Little
Master of earth, no one gets to heaven
Without going through you first.

Do we think death is an eternal fact or that it can be overcome by material advancement?
Caution - this post contains the word ontological

As surely as heat only flows to the cooler body, death is inevitable. The stars will all burn out, the universe will expand and cool, and eventually there won't be enough energy to stay alive. Should we survive as a race over the billions of years left in the lifetime of the universe, we would eventually starve, or freeze, to death.

If there's one thing technology can't circumvent, it's the second law of thermodynamics. And the second law of thermodynamics is death.
I would say it's impossible to cheat death completely, but I would expect technology to make it possible to prolong life a great deal.
Kenny and Baum, correct...non-existence is the inevitable yang of existence. Technology will enable us to extend life. Greatly even. But thus far, death is unavoidable.

Somehow though, I think Lightee is setting us up for another round :)
sadly your right enterprise-D, and it bound to be something inanely stupid, as always.
it would be wiser to just allow him to rant on, and not reply, unfortunately we find ourself willing pawns in his games of irrationality.
it makes you wonder who really acts the fool, in this event.
methinks it is us.
I view it equally possible and impossible that we shall become immune to death in time.