Off-topic posts from the "Evidence that God is real" thread

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I suggest chemical castration using caustic soada.

Naughty naughty. They would finish in hospital and just my luck I'd be the assigned nurse

But after my rant I did have further thoughts. The last act before joining the all boys club castration or vasectomy along with hormone treatment (long lasting implants)

Not trying to excuse anything but a huge part of the problem is forbidding priests to marry.

See above. Not going to use it - lose it. Let's see how strong faith and dedication really is

Naughty naughty. They would finish in hospital and just my luck I'd be the assigned nurse

But after my rant I did have further thoughts. The last act before joining the all boys club castration or vasectomy along with hormone treatment (long lasting implants)

See above. Not going to use it - lose it. Let's see how strong faith and dedication really is

Castration would not stop abuse & might make it worse.
Valid point about faith tho.

1 Corinthians 7:8-9 King James Version (KJV)
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

And yet another of these overt Abrahamic theist postings, complete with a bullshit "if", some ungrammatical and carefully unspecific wordfoggery, and an overall focus on personal disparagement via innuendo.

Apparently, if the reader does the work of making sense of it (except for the "post hoc" goofy, which would require too much prose to untangle), all this is supposed to suggest, by innuendo and hint and vague handwaving at generalities - without ever saying anything that could be held to reason, in other words - that only trivial or marginal differences separate those other myths from the Biblical Noachian Flood.

That is of course false (my guess for why it is not stated clearly) - examination of the various myths reveals fundamental differences, such as: not saving any animals, not bringing any women, not building a boat, not raining to cause the Flood, no rainbow, no pissed off deity involved, not happening within hundreds or thousands of years of the same time, not global, doesn't kill everybody else, and so forth. The two myths mentioned specifically - Aztec and Mayan - exhibit some of these differences - both from the Noachian Flood and from each other.

So flood myths are common? snake myths are common, monster myths are common, talking animal myths are common, magic fruit myths are common, and myths involving large soaring birds or giants or bears or clever canids or very tall trees or women turning into things are common. Lots of cultures have David and Goliath type stories, despised castout making good in the King's service stories, wise man befriended by large predator stories,

where do you think the writers of the Bible got their material?
If you want to move out beyond attempting to deconstruct peripheral issues, you have to move out beyond attempting to deconstruct peripheral issues. An over active imagination that fuels animosity towards imaginary abrahamic enemies, illustrating yet another PTSD episode triggered by the word "if" or attempting to weigh in as a level 100 grammar nazi will not help you in this regard.
If you want to move out beyond attempting to deconstruct peripheral issues, you have to move out beyond attempting to deconstruct peripheral issues.
The bullshit "if", followed by
An over active imagination that fuels animosity towards imaginary abrahamic enemies, illustrating yet another PTSD episode
personal disparagement (in the form of projection - also typical ).
No content, no argument, nothing thread relevant.
The overt Abrahamic theist posts on a science forum.

The question is: why?
The bullshit "if", followed by
The predictable PTSD triggered by the word "if", followed by ...

personal disparagement (in the form of projection - also typical ).
No content, no argument, nothing thread relevant.
The overt Abrahamic theist posts on a science forum.

The question is: why?
.... more red herrings.
The predictable PTSD triggered by the word "if", followed by ...

.... more red herrings.
personal disparagement (in the form of projection - also typical ).
No content, no argument, nothing thread relevant.
The overt Abrahamic theist posts on a science forum.
It's like having a speed dial - good for Jan's, good for yours, no work at all.
Because it is a silly question.
Regarding God. You come under the banner ''there is no God'' (irrespective of there might be a possibility of God).
You can only approach it from that point. So every point you make has the ''there is no God'' presupposition at its base.


Lol. Jan's only response, ever, is based on a lie he created. Without the lie, he's sunk.
Then what about all those people who have followed the prescriptions and for whom God is not revealed? Cue the No True Scotsman defense.
Such as?

No it doesn't. Accepting a premise solely on the basis of the perceived authority of the author is fallacious.
I guess you are the sort of guy who fishes the instruction booklet out of the bin after having fruitlessly stuffed around for an hour.

I've never done that, only suggested that they are fiction. Worthy of study as fiction and cultural phenomena, but not as fact.
Then it appears you are in agreement with my summation of instantly dismissing prescriptive details at the onset.
I guess you are the sort of guy who fishes the instruction booklet out of the bin after having fruitlessly stuffed around for an hour.
I guess when one finds the instruction book contains many flaws and misdirection one would be entitled to throw the instruction book out.

And you may note that many here find your continued avoidance of answering simple questions both rude and tiresome.

You give theists a bad name is that your real game?

And I suspect that is indeed your game as you certainly cause atheists to regard theists as evasive and rude.
Every altar boy who prayed to god the priest wouldn't rape them again.
guess you are the sort of guy who fishes the instruction booklet out of the bin after having fruitlessly stuffed around for an hour.
How did you... Are you spying on me now?
Then it appears you are in agreement with my summation of instantly dismissing prescriptive details at the onset.
My dismissal wasn't instant. I just don't believe that it's important. In the same sense, I can prove to you the Earth is flat, as long as you spend 10 years in the flat Earth monastery, meditating on flatness, raking the gravel flat, reading aloud our sacred flat texts, and sincerely seeking the flatness within. What would a deluded round Earther know about flatness? They aren't even in a position to ask the question. Rounders can only relate to round things.
Every altar boy who prayed to god the priest wouldn't rape them again.
Because altar boys represent the highest epistemological authority in the church?

How did you... Are you spying on me now?
Pesky pescriptive descriptions. Who needs em, right?

My dismissal wasn't instant. I just don't believe that it's important. In the same sense, I can prove to you the Earth is flat, as long as you spend 10 years in the flat Earth monastery, meditating on flatness, raking the gravel flat, reading aloud our sacred flat texts, and sincerely seeking the flatness within. What would a deluded round Earther know about flatness? They aren't even in a position to ask the question. Rounders can only relate to round things.
You say it wasn't and then, yet again, go on at lengths about how it is.
question of why you bother here

Said before - say again (because I like the visual image)

they are here because, despite being a pigeon, they think (know) they can play chess (debate)

Chess players know they can't but for strange reasons think they can explain the rules and get a game going

No can do

Meantime chess board covered in poo makes it hard for any sensible moves to be made

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