Old or Young Earth? (Revised)

Which Model is True?

  • IAC's version of the Global Flood Model (Earth is 6,000 years old)

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For those of you who don't know about IAC's GFM, here is part 1 of the story:

1. God creates 9 planets, including one he somehow managed to squeeze in between Mars and Jupiter.

2. This planet suddenly, out of nowhere, explodes. Fragments of the planet (asteroids) magically make their way to the earth and hit the surface of the earth.

3. These asteroids hitting the earth magically cause the midoceanic ridge to spew out millions of cubic miles of magma (why, who knows?).

4. Noah and his gigantic ark luckily are unscaved by any of the thousands of asteroids hitting the earth.

5. The asteroids hitting the earth cause massive worldwide tsunamis which devestate the planet, however Noah somehow evades them with his superior wave dodging ability. The huge tsunamis caused by the asteroids pose no threat to the ark because of its sheer ruggedness.

6. Over the first 2000 years of the earth, it apparently has never rained because all the vapor from the oceans had been gathered into a huge vapor canopy above the earth (impossible in the real world, only in fantasy land). This "vapor canopy" suddenly, and for no apparent reason, explodes and it begins to rain. Of course, the rain was basically worthless since it provided only about .00000000000005% of the total deluge water. So God just added the rain for effect (LOL).

7. Seeing the rain, the huge asteroids, and the huge tsunamis all coming after him, Noah thinks fast and decides that it's about time to give his ark a test drive. He was excited, as he had been waiting for this moment his whole life.

8. God talks to the animals and tells them to go into to ark to Noah. So the T-Rex's, the raptors, the lions, the wholly mammoths, the tigers, the bears, etc. all joyfully trot into the ark to Noah. They don't eat him alive because they are spiritual animals, and obey God's orders not to do so. Noah proceeds to cage up all the animals. He then brings his family on board and they are on their way: Up that is!!!

9. Noah looks outside and sees that the rain isn't doing shit. He doubts the flood until he looks to the horizon to see the ocean rising and coming straight for him and the ark. Massive earthquakes, about 3.9 on the richtor scale are occuring all around him due to the "runaway plate tectonics" occuring below the crust. Amazingly, the ark is unaffected by these 3.9 scale earthquakes. It is built of undestructible gopher wood after all!

10. The ocean finally reaches the ark. Noah watches as all of the humans and animals on the land immediately drown in the water and sink to the bottom to be buried by sediment later. No wait, actually Noah sees that the humans and modern mammals have invented choppers and are flying all around him. The choppers run on gasoline though, he figures, so they'll die later after all the sediment has hardened (Ohhhhhhh, so this is why no humans are found with dinos in the fossil record).

11. After somehow surviving the thousands of asteroids hitting the earth, the huge 300 foot high tidal waves, the 3.9 richtor scale earthquakes, and the initial surge of the ocean, the ark is afloat.

To be continued...
He's being sarcastic and disingenuous, so one can't seriously deal with such buffoonery.

You're right he is, but raise above it and tell the story in your own words. I keep hearing that you've written two books on the subject, what are the titles called?
No, the Hebrew religion stole the ancient fable of a mythical flood, part of Babylonian mythology, and turned it for their own uses.
The Earth is 3.8 to 4.2 billion years old, that is a proven geological fact. There is no evidence for the so-called "Biblical Flood" and there is certainly no proof to support the moronic Young-Earth ideology.
Haps, the Babylonian legend is just one of many ancient recollections of the Deluge, if you look at the Genesis account, it reads like a ship's log, very meticulous and precise, the others are watered down (no pun intended) augmentations of the template account, recorded by Noah, the man himself.

Some radioisotope dates from "good samples" come back with positive dates, and "good samples" are constantly tossed out when "bad dates" come in, and the radioisotope methods are based upon unknowable presuppositions, so since all the continents should have eroded to sea level within 15 million years at current erosion rates, your dates are obviously highly suspect, and you call me a moron?

Almost all the sedimentary strata are evidence of the Deluge, and you call me a moron Haps?
If you look at the Genesis account, it reads like a ship's log, very meticulous and precise.


IAC said:
Almost all the sedimentary strata are evidence of the Deluge, and you call me a moron Haps?

Actually ALL the sedimentary strata, especially the desert eolian born strata, clearly DISPROVE the deluge, genius.

Here are some features of that very strata which demonstrate this:

Rain drops. [Robb, 1992]
River channels. [Miall, 1996, especially chpt. 6]
Wind-blown dunes. [Kocurek & Dott, 1981; Clemmenson & Abrahamsen, 1983; Hubert & Mertz, 1984]
Glacial deposits. [Eyles & Miall, 1984]
Burrows. [Crimes & Droser, 1992; Thackray, 1994]
In-place trees. [Cristie & McMillan, 1991]
Soil. [Reinhardt & Sigleo, 1989; Wright, 1986, 1994]
Desiccation cracks. [Andrews, 1988; Robb, 1992]
Footprints. [Gore, 1993, has a photograph (p. 16-17) showing dinosaur footprints in one layer with water ripples in layers above and below it. Gilette & Lockley, 1989, have several more examples, including dinosaur footprints on top of a coal seam (p. 361-366).]
Meteorites and meteor craters. [Grieve, 1997; Schmitz et al, 1997]
Coral reefs. [Wilson, 1975]
Cave systems. [James & Choquette, 1988]

How could these have appeared in the midst of a catastrophic flood? Answer: They couldn't have.

Not to mention, in almost all strata layers, we see see many alternating layers of sand, silt, and limestone, providing proof of an advancing and retreating shoreline, which again is inexplicable within the context of the young earth flood model.

IAC, ever see that movie deep impact by the way?
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of making a movie.

It's going to be based on your GF Model, and the title will be:

The Story That Never Happened

I'm thinking about giving the lead role of Noah to Chuck Norris. I mean, that's the only way it would be even semi-believable.