ollie ollie in come free? nothin but a party.

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Here is knowledge and wisdom:
"It ain't nothin' but a party"!
The feast is prepared (the war has begun).
I am the host of the party. (the lord of hosts as it were).
I am the lord of spirits, the owner of the field, the one who paid the price, etc.
(the lord of the rock musicians [the angels].)
Read this excerpt from the secret gospel of Thomas and understand:
64 Jesus said, A person was receiving guests. When he had prepared the dinner, he sent his slave to invite the guests. The slave went to the first and said to that one, "My master invites you." That one said, "Some merchants owe me money; they are coming to me tonight. I have to go and give them instructions. Please excuse me from dinner." The slave went to another and said to that one, "My master has invited you." That one said to the slave, "I have bought a house, and I have been called away for a day. I shall have no time." The slave went to another and said to that one, "My master invites you." That one said to the slave, "My friend is to be married, and I am to arrange the banquet. I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me from dinner." The slave went to another and said to that one, "My master invites you." That one said to the slave, "I have bought an estate, and I am going to collect the rent. I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me." The slave returned and said to his master, "Those whom you invited to dinner have asked to be excused." The master said to his slave, "Go out on the streets and bring back whomever you find to have dinner."
Buyers and merchants [will] not enter the places of my Father.
65 He said, A [...] person owned a vineyard and rented it to some farmers, so they could work it and he could collect its crop from them. He sent his slave so the farmers would give him the vineyard's crop. They grabbed him, beat him, and almost killed him, and the slave returned and told his master. His master said, "Perhaps he didn't know them." He sent another slave, and the farmers beat that one as well. Then the master sent his son and said, "Perhaps they'll show my son some respect." Because the farmers knew that he was the heir to the vineyard, they grabbed him and killed him. Anyone here with two ears had better listen!
The first time I returned you killed me.
This time; however, I come with ten thousands of angels!!!
It's party time.
In order to build a world with the proper foundation, the world system which rejected the proper cornerstone must be torn down and rebuilt with the proper foundation.
It's as rebuilding a house built on sand, but rebuilding it on a rock.
I paid the price but it is the purpose of every man to die once. I can forgive all sins as I took them upon myself but, you must pay in the physical world for your sins and you must be purged through the fire to remove sin from your soul and spirit and you must die and be born again as one of my children next time around.
count your suffering and destruction and death as all joy if you repent, as your death will be made easy and quick. Those who still reject and rebel require more fire for purging.
Let the house party begin so I can be totally f'd up as I watch the removal of sinning man from the earth. When the party is over, I will start my new family and rebuild the house for a thousand or so years.
Think me nuts, o.k.
What I know for sure are many things, one of which is that I am not a human. I am in a mans body but I am born again, and at my birth this time around, I was born again. Though I still have no memory of past lives, I am the many who were first and have become last, and stand as a single man.
Where's my dogs at?
Where's my drink and my smoke and my snuff?
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