On revenge


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Revenge has got a bad name. Most people think revenge is wrong. I don't see why. Yes, vicious cycles and such, but let's not overdo it. A well sized revenge can help the healing and can give closure. Payback is sweet...
About the size of the revenge I would say an eye for an eye, plus a few % extra as punishment for the troubles...
Revenge has got a bad name. Most people think revenge is wrong. I don't see why. Yes, vicious cycles and such, but let's not overdo it. A well sized revenge can help the healing and can give closure. Payback is sweet...
About the size of the revenge I would say an eye for an eye, plus a few % extra as punishment for the troubles...

revenge is in my belief: a set of evil actions done from hatred.

both hatred and evil action mean one does not accept the other enough to forgive, thus does not accept himself to forgive, and is thus not in balance with the world. :cool:
revenge is in my belief: a set of evil actions done from hatred.

both hatred and evil action mean one does not accept the other enough to forgive, thus does not accept himself to forgive, and is thus not in balance with the world. :cool:

You're a Buddhist, whether you know it or not.:)
Forgivness is several times just stupid. If the offender is always forgiven without punishment, he doesn't get that his act was considered bad.

I have nothing against forgivness AFTER revenge and punishment...

In your mind we should close all the prisons and just forgive everybody?
By the way buddhists never do well in wars...
I am going to have to agree with Syzygys:

There is no justice in not taking revenge. There is also no love of self to not avenge the wrongs against oneself. Letting another take advantage of you sets yourself up for perpetual slavery.
Revenge has got a bad name. Most people think revenge is wrong. I don't see why. Yes, vicious cycles and such, but let's not overdo it. A well sized revenge can help the healing and can give closure. Payback is sweet...
About the size of the revenge I would say an eye for an eye, plus a few % extra as punishment for the troubles...
i would hate to be driving through the town you live in and happen to look like the neighborhood pervert.
I have dished out 'revenge' and it doesn't make you feel better actually, especially if the action makes you behave out of character.

Probably better to hire someone else to do it for you. ;)
That is also called the justice system. Well, in places where they actually practice it...

I prefer this type of justice, much better than the corrupt crap lawyers engage in. Most of them don't know their arsehole from their anus. It's all bullsihit. At least you know where you are with a certified psychopath, it's the uncertified ones on the loose you have to worry about ;)
Nobody said anything about revenge without justification. On the other hand there is no neighbourhood pervert for the obvious reason... :)
justice is the only revenge.
you seem to be forgetting something called "activists", you know, the people that bitch and moan about the death penalty and then make a class action lawsuit against you for millions of dollars.

like the dumbfuck who sued mcdonalds because the dumbass burned himself with coffee he got at the DRIVETHRU.
Revenge has got a bad name. Most people think revenge is wrong. I don't see why. Yes, vicious cycles and such, but let's not overdo it. A well sized revenge can help the healing and can give closure. Payback is sweet...
About the size of the revenge I would say an eye for an eye, plus a few % extra as punishment for the troubles...
I disagree.

Revenge is wrong.

I still do it, and with unabashed pleasure.

But it doesn't mean I'm fooling myself as to the moral value of my vengeance.
Revenge is wrong.

Why? Because someone taught you that it was wrong? Why do you think it's wrong? Please explain it carefully.

I still do it, and with unabashed pleasure. But it doesn't mean I'm fooling myself as to the moral value of my vengeance.

Where did you get your ideas about morality? Who taught you those morals?

And if it's so wrong to seek revenge, why does it feel so good?

Baron Max
Revenge for the sake of revenge isn't something I really agree with. It's also not something I particularly care about, as long as it doesn't affect me. I do think that revenge is right if you stand to profit from it, if the other party stands to learn something, or if it is to keep your reputation in tact. You wouldn't want people to think you're a pussy.
i would hate to be driving through the town you live in and happen to look like the neighborhood pervert.

Yeah, perverts and other such people just might be helluva lot more careful about what they do than they are at present!

In modern society, we have it drummed into us that we shouldn't even try to protect ourselves from criminals ...that we should let them do whatever they want, then call the police (who usually can't do anything!). Society is even trying to take the guns from law-abiding citizens, but doing nothing to keep guns from the criminals!

Baron Max
Revenge breeds revenge. It comes down to a question of what kind of society we wish to live in. Take Iraq, for example. The politics of revenge can seem ugly to those of us on the outside, but it would seem to make sense according to the people taking part.
Revenge breeds revenge.

Nice slogan ....can I use it to print on t-shirts to sell to all the mamby-pamby, doo-gooder, lilly-livered liberals around here?

It comes down to a question of what kind of society we wish to live in.

No, it doesn't. Because we aren't permitted the freedoms to do as we wish. Our freedoms to seek justice have been taken from us, and given to liberal, lilly-livered courts that refuse to administer the proper justice in millions of cases every single year.

Baron Max
THE grief-stricken mother of Gold Coast hit-and-run victim Candice Blyton yelled "you killed my daughter - she's lying in a frigging morgue" as the driver who allegedly ran her down faced court yesterday.

A distraught Maree Blyton could not contain her rage at accused Michael Murray inside Southport Magistrate's Court, even after she was threatened with a contempt charge.

"You can throw me in jail, I don't care - she's not your frigging daughter," a sobbing Ms Blyton told magistrate Michael O'Driscoll.

In an earlier outburst, she looked at Murray sitting handcuffed in the dock and yelled: "I'm going to kill him."
Should she have a right to revenge against the man accused of killing her daughter?

Do you think she should do as ToR claims she would do and hire someone to kill this man? Should she possibly hire someone to run over a relative of the accused as revenge? Where would it end?

I have to say, I can't blame her. Her child is dead. Had it been my child, I too would want revenge. It's something that bugs me actually, because if someone were to intentionally hurt or kill my child, I could very well be the person who hunts them down and kills them in return. And it's a scary thought. It's so primal that it scares me sometimes. I know what the criminal justice system is like and I know that justice is not always attainable to the victim of the family of the victim. But if I do seek revenge, am I not just as bad as the person who harmed my child in the first place? Would their family not suffer his/her loss like I would be suffering my own loss? Would they then have the right to seek revenge against me? After all, I killed theirs for killing mine.. wouldn't they have the equal right to demand revenge from me?

So where would it end? Do you think if she kills this man, that her child would somehow be vindicated or returned to her? Of course not. Her daughter is dead and all that remains are memories and I can't think of anything worse for a parent to have to live with that for the rest of their lives. But is revenge the answer? Do you seriously think she would feel better if she killed him or had him killed? Would it abate the pain of the loss of her child?