Open letter to any beings/entities on/around Earth


Registered Senior Member
To any Aliens/Entities on or around Earth.
You are hereby ordered to stop and desist any and all visitations and abductions that are not done with the conscience approval of the intended party.
We the people of Earth are tired of being used as pawns in your plans. We are tired of not knowing the truth, which we have a right to know, as it affects our lives and OUR world.
Your excuses;(to avoid panic, there will ALWAYS be people who panic, to gradually acclimate us, HOW much more acclimated do we need to be?) are no longer justifiable. We demand an open and truthful explanation to your presence. Otherwise we must and will consider ALL of you to be the enemy.
The Government of the USA does not have the right to make secret arrangements with you, as they are the peoples servants. ANY such agreement is illegal and void.
The United Nations does not have the right to make any arrangements with you, any arrangement is non-bindings on the citizens of the world, and you must respect the rights and wishes of said citizen.
We, the citizens, call for an end to the lies and the hiding and demand OPEN contact.
Citizen _____________________________

Well that got a load off!!
Probably won't do any good, but MAYBE if we all (goodluck!) agreed it might!!
peace ;)
I ain't gonna............ so there.......

Come and get me if you can, earth person....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I offer an addendum:

I you are the tooty-frooty sort of ET that is "sad about what we're doing to our environment", shut up. We don't give a hoot about the environment on Slapme 5 or wherever you're from, so mind your own business.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)