Optical Illusion

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Registered Senior Member
Smoking Gun and the Bullets

Nothing was added to these photo's only colorization brightness and contrast.
And there are better people than me from this time on that will be posting them here, they will have better photshop/imaging abilities to show clearer and truer pictures.

Good Luck

This Image is from Pathfinder.. many believe and I am one.. It's structure simular to the sphinx.. Originals available at nasa pathfinder site. E-mail me if you need the link.

Back to Spirit Rover




Just a weird looking..
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No offense, but the photo's are too blurry for me to make out anything.
Actually one_raven, this is documentary proof that fluid1959 doesn't know what perspective is. Of course, he already gave it to us on another thread; he's been throwing this crap for some time now, posting random sections of the Mars rover pictures and saying that they look like skulls and bones and artifacts and things.

Of course he'll now retrench, deny, pretend he was speculating, or (most likely) resort to insults. That is what he has done up until now.
I got it... it's a Martian tortoise... Testudo Aris. No, but seriously, I find the idea of alien skulls on Mars, very intriguing. But we definetly need better photo's.
What it looks like to me. The "ear" on the left side is a shadow cast by the
object. There is a rock on the right side also casting a shadow on the object,
causing the illusion of a neck and "ear." Just shadows. But the object DOES
appear to stick out of the ground. That part looks odd.
Is there something wrong with me, because all I see is still just more completely uninteresting and common rocks.

Also, fluid's little lines and comments on the picture don't seem to make any sense.
You know, if NASA didn't want people to find out about something in MARS they wouldn't paint out part of an image and give it to us, they'd just toss away the image and take another one of just rocks. Duh.
2inquisitive said:
What it looks like to me. The "ear" on the left side is a shadow cast by the
object. There is a rock on the right side also casting a shadow on the object,
causing the illusion of a neck and "ear." Just shadows. But the object DOES
appear to stick out of the ground. That part looks odd.

Why would it sticking out of the ground be odd?

On the one hand you have fragments of meteorite inserting themselves into the ground from being thrown up in the air at impact and on the other hand you have the moving sands on the surface of Mars blown around by winds that could quite easily bury such fragments.

I'm also glad that people are bringing up the main point, If NASA was concealing something then nothing would be released, they wouldn't release edited pictures because there would be no point, why release something if it contained something you were concealing?

Simply the pictures are meshed together like a giant jigsaw puzzle because of the multiple frames from video images being inserted together or multiple single frame shots.

(Note: that means that they would be taken at different time intervals, so a cloud of sand might half appear in one and not another)
Stryderunknown said:
Why would it sticking out of the ground be odd?

I'm also glad that people are bringing up the main point, If NASA was concealing something then nothing would be released, they wouldn't release edited pictures because there would be no point, why release something if it contained something you were concealing?

Simply the pictures are meshed together like a giant jigsaw puzzle because of the multiple frames from video images being inserted together or multiple single frame shots.

Exactly, the pictures are meshed together, so if a considerable number were removed, it would rightly raise many more suspicions.
Since the image can genuinely appear, to some, to be raised above the Martian surface...I took the initiative to take a closer look. Under this closer inspection, it appears to be nothing more then an Optical Illusion (caused by the same mental mechanism that allows us to see forms among the constellations of stars, and even faint lines connecting such points of light). This is a fitting conclusion since "Optical Illusion" is the title of this thread...even though Fluid has attempted to make it out to be more then it is.

I offer here my own observation of the matter;


As you can see from this view, it appears that the illusion is created by a series of rocks...one in front of the other (with Rock 2 possibly resting very near or against Rock 3).

I have also managed (using space.com's zoomable Panoramic image of the surface) to locate the area in which the above image was found. If there are any doubts about this, I urge you to visit the website and see for yourself.


Granted, this image is of much smaller resolution then the image that Fluid has linked to. However, I posted the image just to give readers an actual perspective and sense of scale when pondering the illusion..
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Keep fighting the good fight fluid, I'm sure NASA must have shut down the rover because of your tactic of exposing them by flooding the sciforum with your threads. Without people like you we would never know of the Martian army's perfection of the rock cammoflage technique. Look harder people, see the space tanks!
SpyMoose said:
Keep fighting the good fight fluid, I'm sure NASA must have shut down the rover because of your tactic of exposing them by flooding the sciforum with your threads. Without people like you we would never know of the Martian army's perfection of the rock cammoflage technique. Look harder people, see the space tanks!

Dude - that was cruel. But VERY funny.

If I'm not mistaken, fluid has gone back and edited his first post with completely different photos. Am I wrong?
BigBlueHead said:
If I'm not mistaken, fluid has gone back and edited his first post with completely different photos. Am I wrong?

Who knows, who cares? Fluid is overdrawn at the credibility bank. I shall only participate in Fluid's threads for my own amusement at his expense, I've given up on any any notion of rational exchange.
No, you are correct. He has entirely removed the image by which the entire context of this thread was started.

Look back now..the only place on SciForums to find those particular images are in my reply-posts.
Just Rocks or NASA lies ?

After looking at all these Mars Images

Yep they look just like rocks.... NASA Lies,Deceives
All I see is rocks. If you zoom in like that on any image, you'll start to see shapes, and odd pixels, that look like masks. Try it. I would also look to see the original images too, from NASA. Please produce the links for me.

However, 4 particular images did catch my eye:

6th(last) in the right row: I have analyzed this picture in photoshop, on highest zoom, 1600% and lower zooms, 23% and I can see an obvious rectangular shape engraved in the middle of the rock. That really is quite strange. I'm not sure what to make of it.

5th in the right row: The image only has one very obvious oddity. In the soil, there is a very bright speck, as bright as the sky, completely out of place from its surroundings.

2nd in the right row: Everything is fine, but what the hell is that checkered square, and the bright pixel in it. It's again completely out of place from its surroundings.

1st in the left row. I've been looking at this one the most. I'm either looking too much, or it's doctored. If you look carefully at the first large rock, and line its perimeter, you will notice it comes to a abrupt, and what seems to be an unatural end, and then there is a noticable long rectangle pixel of soil that overlaps with the rock, which is out of place, if you continue lining left(partially downwards) from that, the rock's outline continues as if the missing part was never missing at all. The left edge of thar rock seems to be missing, and there is much pixelation and blur around that area.
Just noticed the 4th in the left row, has a right angle triangle rock! Although the hypotenuse is slightly curved.
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