Other side. bRainDeAth


I've Seen it. . .It's Rubbish
Registered Senior Member
Anyone ever had any really powerful dreams of their own death??

My 'best' one has to be one a had about a couple of months ago.
It was a pleasant feeling warm night (impossible here-NE england) in the town where i live, really late at night, and the streets were full of whole families. Time hopped about a bit, as it seem sto in dreams, until i was walking into the tiny foyer of a cinema that isn't actually here. I was on my own but when i got into the single theatre, i found my entire family on a row and sat down. It was all red velvet-y material and very nice, but the place was mAssive. I was like a section of a stadium with movie theatre upholstery, and it seemed like everyone in the town was there, with their family. I started talking to my family, shaking my dad's hand and thanking him, then talking to my grandad, who said it'd all be fine, that 'it' would be very quick, and as soon as the red gas appeared, it'd be over.
I felt really warm and the place seemed to have an incredible euphoric atmosphere. Then, there was a hissing, red gas appeared in the air, and everyone, including me, was happy, almost thankful, in accepting it. Then, we were all dead. I had a period afterwards where i could tell i was dead, i wasn't thinking and i seemed to hang in a moment for an indistinguishable period of time, then i went back into dreamless sleep.

Nope.....unless you count those "falling" dreams....where you eventually hit the ground, "die" and then immidiately wake up with a jerk. I haven't had one of those for YEARS.

Most of the time I am simply a ghost or spirit/etc...in my dreams. ...usually with great powers/abilities. I can actually physically fell what it feels like to float through solid objects (even though you can't do that in life), and I can actually feel the physical feeling of what hovering/floating/flying feels like (even though you can't do that in life as well).

I also frequently either materialize any objects/items I want/etc.....

.....usually I have incredible palaces and inventions/creations/etc.....I really love my dreams when I sleep at night:D

Oh yeah....also if any being in my dream tries to attack me in any way, shape, or form, etc.... I can do ANYTHING I want to it........usually I perform telekenesis on nearby objects to make them harm that being and/or kill it.

Sorta like the Matrix........I have Matrix-like abilities in almost all of my dreams------keep in mind I had these abilities in my dreams LONG before I saw the Matrix movie, so:p

I can also go to "center of the universe" phases/etc.....where I can just sit there and contemplate anything and everything. It's wonderful:D

I love my dreams.