Problems that your corporate lords and master have tend to produce flow on costs that reach you, sooner or later.Ostensibly, it's about "freedom of the seas" and such. Could it perhaps be more like our corporate lords and masters being inconvenienced by the delays and additional costs incurred by having to detour around Africa ?
See my questions to Thazzarbaal, above. What do you think? Is there a problem that needs a solution, or not? If there is, what solution would you like to see?
It would be eminently sensible for part of Biden's motivation to be that, sure.I believe mention has already been made that the impact of the aforementioned on national economies worldwide has yet to be felt in full. Could Biden be motivated by notions of averting fresh negative effects on the U.S. economy with the Presidential election drawing nigh ?
No doubt, certain Americans will be motivated the opposite way: they want negative effects on the US economy, which they can try to blame Biden's for. They would like to try to leverage Americans to support the election of a would-be autocrat who demonstrated his own incompetence in a previous term of office.