Paranormal capabilities?


Registered Member
Here I have some questions where I really want to have an answer ( I’ve been thinking these things almost my whole life):

I saw and heard things when I was a child and teenager before they happened. Was it an angel who talked to me or was it just one other sense, which we all are capable to have if we train it? I still have some kind capability to see things before they happens. For example I always know when to push brake when I’m driving a car. I mean I know when something fore example a cat is coming on the road. I also knew both times I got pregnant that I got pregnant in that moment. I also knew that, was that baby girl or boy.

Why I don’t have that clairvoyant capability any more? Is it because I have done too much sin that God took it away or is it because a child is more open to these kind things? Or is it because I’ve used cigarettes and alcohol?

If I want, I can see peoples auras. Why is that? I don’t know how to decode those. I know for sure that it is true that I can see auras and it isn’t just my imagination. One time I was hearing in parapsychological club when a medium was speaking. Suddenly I could see everyone’s auras in the room. When I looked mediums aura, she stopped her presentation, looked straight to my eyes and said: “You are not allowed to look somebody’s aura if you don’t have permission to that.”

Sometimes I’ve talked with peoples without any words. Only with humans I think they are highly advanced. I mean that they have lived many times in our world. Don’t miss understand. I don’t think that I am highly advanced. I have to live many lives still to get enough good human.

I can always see what kind person is, just look her/he. He don’t have to open his mouth at all. I just know almost everything about his personality.

My mother can, whenever she wants, go away from her body. She haven’t done that after she found that it can be dangerous. Maybe she can’t get back to her body. Why she has this capability? Why I don’t have it?

In one theosophical conference I saw a man with bright light around him. Then I thought: “I would like to have that same light.” After few hours that man came to me and whispered to my ear: “You are going to have that light too.” What he meant? When I’m going to have that light? In this life? Do I have to do something to get that light; for example be a better person? I mean nicer to everyone and more loving?

Why it is me to have all these transcendental abilities? Why everyone else don’t have these things?
Is there any way to improve these capabilities?

I hope that this my message didn’t sound like I’m boasting my self. I think that you can understand why I really want to have an answer to these questions.

I haven’t tried these things for many years but now I’m going to start 40 days fasting. (Now some of you think that I’m crazy. But I know that body and mind have to work together.) I don’t know any other way to get my capabilities back. There have to be something else too, maybe meditation or something. I started to read again, after 10 years brake, parapsychologigal books. I hope that I find some answers there if you can not help me.

My brother and I just call it the foo, or the mojo. I've seen and done some things people might consider odd. But no I can't provide any answers or explanations.
Did you ever think of searching the Internet?

Well, I am on the field for almost 2 years, and finally learned a littlebit Telekinesis this last week...

But, uhm, this is unbelievably big scaled...
I'll start whit your mother...
She has the ability to go in an OBE ot Astral Projection...
Both ARE different...
But both is some way of getting out of your body.

Second, everyone has ALL those abilities...
If you train it, you'll get it too...

Third, The reason you lost some abilities is that you probably didn't use theem often and forgot to use them...
-- It's like playing a computer game, getting very good and maybe even a title of the world...
And after a year of playing cards or enything except for that, (face it) you'll stink in playing it...

Same goes for sports...

Training all summer, and and being the best, but sitting all winter whit a blizzard outside, and no trining at al....
Your muscles are getting out of condidtion, and you have to train 3 or 4 times as hard to get the same results then when you did last summer...

You do have them, only you have to remember how and try to focus on developing it...

The man whit the light is a mestery to me...
And kinds do actually are more open to it, because they have a pure thing they use almost every day till their 11 or 12 year...

Whit Imagination, you can control your subconsious mind, and that is a big recource for Psychic powers...
I'll help you out...

Here are 2 sites you'll get from me...

These are 2 of my favorite recources (and many others apperantly)...

Good luck whit it...
Yep! Psy-learner gives some good answers.

It is true though that you do have past memories which effect your life time now. The knowledge of past lifes is always there, in your mind. You take it with you through all your life times and use the knowledge. You can't remember past life times, because it would be very hard to live with all those memories. You should remember all the pain and sorrow from that life times too.

It has nothing to do with god and having sinned or so. If you live your life in balance with Earth and Nature, your body and mind will be in balance also and you have more control over your capabilities.

The medium who told you, you were not allowed to look at her Aura is talking BS. Either you do see Auras, or you don't. Someone who has enough control can shut his/her Aura down for others. It is not Telepathy though and someone who tells you not to look at his/her Aura has something to hide.

Telepathy is different. You don't have the right to look into somebody's mind. If humans talk to you without speaking, they've opened up themselves to you, so you are able to communicate without talking.

You can increase your abilities by paying more attention to them and meditation is a good example of doing so. Fasting is a way to clean your body. It can help yes. Guess you have to find that out for yourself. Everyone has his/her own way.

Be careful with the books you read on Parapsychology, a lot of them are overdone. Same goes for the Internet. Be careful with what you read. Feel! If it doesn't feel right or you don't know for sure whether to believe something, then don't.

Talk to you later...:)

If you live your life in balance with Earth and Nature,

Can you explain that a little more? How do I know if my life is in balance with earth and nature. Is it just a matter of being a good person? Ooh, you guys got me hooked on the forum:D Im so curious now.
Be careful with what you read. Feel! If it doesn't feel right or you don't know for sure whether to believe something, then don't.

As opposed to rationalizing what you read. I most definitely feel that the Earth is flat, therefore it must be flat.
sorry, i don't have any answers for bmm, just more questions...

"My mother can, whenever she wants, go away from her body. She haven’t done that after she found that it can be dangerous. Maybe she can’t get back to her body."

where did she go? did you see her body when she left it?
this happened while lying down, didn't it? was she sleeping when she left her body? okay, you said 'whenever', so she is capable of doing this while awake, too. can she do it wherever she wants? what she saw?

if her body gets killed while she's away from her body, does she die?

if two people leave their bodies, can they swap them?

"because they have a pure thing they use almost every day till their 11 or 12 year...

you don't use your imagination every day? i have to.

"If you live your life in balance with Earth and Nature..."

there's no other way...

ps. when i believe, i don't know...
