James R,
You seem to be "under" more than a single "illusion"
That I have friends on this Forum!
That giving "Likes" to Posts are in some way indicative of "Petty Motivations"!
That giving "Likes" to Posts is in some way "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly are "the petty motivations behind this behaviour"?
There was NOTHING in the PM you sent me that indicated that it "was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points"!!!
As a matter of FACT, James R, the PM seemed to reference "exceptions to the ordinary warning/ban sequence if and when it is appropriate to do so for the good of the forum."
I found that odd/strange!!!
I hit the "Like" button on Posts I like, James R - That has nothing to do with YOU!!
I "Presume" NOTHING, James R!
Again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly do YOU PRESUME is "why" ???
BTW, James R, do YOU commonly think of people as "idiots", or refer to people as "idiots"?
When I give "Likes" to Posts, those "likes" are because there is something that I "Like" about those Posts!!!
Those "Likes are in NOT "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
I find it odd/strange that you seem to think that Posts I make or the "Likes" I click-on are "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
I Posted this Thread because I received a couple of odd/strange PM's(and e-mails) from you, James R.
Once again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly have you IMAGINED is "why" I "would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances"???
More name calling from you, James R!!!
presumptions,assumptions, conjecture, name calling, strange imaginings...
Is this what you consider "SCIENCE", James R ???
James R, I still feel that the PM's that you sent me should be Posted in their entirety as originally sent to me!!!
That way the entire Forum could read them!!
BTW : You accused me of telling "self-serving lies" in your Post #11, James R!
I asked you about them in my Post #12.
So, again I ask you, James R to prove those allegations/accusations or to retract them!