Philadelphia Experiment


Registered Senior Member
Not very long ago I have read an article about the Philadelphia Experiment and it says the P.E. is all a hoax. Can someone expalin that?

everything is not what it
appears to be
There's a post on this subject in the UFOs & Paranormal forum. See if you can find it. I posted a link to an article about it, but it was under another name. I just can't remember it.
The Philly Experiment IS NOT A HOAX. About 15 years ago I could have proven that it was true. I am suprised that no one has requested the papers on it thru the freedom of information act. This late in the game many of the key players are dead. The top scientist that sold the idea to the Navy commited suicide right after the "failure".
It was said that he distroyed most of his notes. I had heard that the project "was not dead". I was'nt that the experiment did not work, the problem was that they could not control every thing that happened. ie, a human body imbedded in a steel bulkhead is a problem that has to be worked out.

I don't know how you could have PROVEN it. I spent sometime chasing info, spoke to people who used the FOIA, about 3 years ago and their still waiting to get info. The only accounts of this event are by people who claim to have worked on it, BTW they are remebering this from a previous life. The ship reported to have taken part in this was recentley decomissioned from the greek navy and is up for sale (as scrap). The logs from the ship do have obviously doctored entries, but my digging has only found fantastic stories and NO proof. I believe at the time the PX was reported to have been taking place the US navy commissioned a project to eliminate Nazi magnetic mines. It was based on deguassing ships, magnetic blah blah blah. Tesla and Einstein have somehow been tied into it. Theres just too much disinfo out there to get any sense of truth. If you follow the myth you'll find claims that this experiment was restarted at Montauk Army Base Long Island (I think), also BS. Honestley there is nothing credible to go on.

Its a very entertaining story (hence the movie, which BTW the people who claim to have worked on it, changed their stories to suite the movie). If you have any info I'd love to hear it.
On the Philly Experiment; there were a few people that jumped overboard just as the power was turned on. I had seen a copy of a statement that one of the crew members that jumped overboard had written in case "something happened to him". There was, of course, a lot that he could not know,
not being on board, but he said that he did see the ship disappear while he was in the water. The reason that you cannot get any thing from the FOIA may be that the project is on-going.
I know that trying to get information thru some of these agencies can get impossible. You not only need the date, and or dates, but you may need the time of the day of the incident. I have known of requests for information that were denied because of a mis-spelled word.

Yep, his name is Al Beilek. This is the guy who claims to have been on the ship and jumped over board in a different body. He also claims his meory was erased, and for this reason when the PX movie came out he had to change his story to suite the movie 'cause it jogged his memory. He also claims that when he jumped overboard he landed on dry land in 1984 at Monytauk Long Island. I've read many interviews, and lecture transcripts by this guy and it BS. For this stuff to ring true you have to open minded enough to accept Magic, and metaphysical explanations. He always jumps to a metaphysical explanation when something doesn't add up. BTW he was formely known as something Cameron (I can't remeber the first name). He and his brother apparently worked on the PX as naval physists and where the naval liasons for the team of physists (he claims Einstein and Tesla both worked on this project at Prinston Uni). His brother died in 1984 (he jumped too) and for some reason stayed in the future. He went back had his memory erased (by the navy, not at his request), He was Reincarnated as Al beilek and retains Camerons memories (or patchy versions of it). If you follow the myth you'll find this is the only stuff available about it. No credability what so ever. But it is a good read.

Now tell how could you have proven it 15 years ago?, are you saying you have inside info about Montauk army base???? or what?

I'm not convinced that people made it up to follow the movie. Researchers obtained information long before the movie was made. I've seen government documents from the project and a lot of the equipment is held in private hands.I
had the pleasure of talking to Al on a couple of occasions for quite some time
while researching the projects.He is a very bright individual and although his story is incredible I'm convinced of its existance. He does not claim it happened as portrayed in the movie. One can either
believe it or not.
I haven't and probably never will have an opportunity to speak to Al personaly but the transcripts I have read actually have Al saying, yes the movie "jogged" my memory and he goes on to say that he DID change his account inline with the movie. There's just so much disinfo about this that it would be crazy to say conclusivley IT HAPPENED. Did you believe him when he told you that his memory's are that of a past incarnation.....

I believe that the navy was invloved in magnetic cloaking experiments and deguassing technology to protect their ships from Nazi magnetic mines but to say they achieved actual physical time travel with something the size of a battle SHIP, and that that technology was past onto Tesla by Aliens.....well kind of INCREDIBLE don't you think, all this info is coming from a handfull of people and they CAN'T substantiate any of it.
I asked my father if he knew anything about the experiment. I remember he had mentioned it once many years ago, long before the movie. He said that he remembers hearing something about a ship vanishing into thin air only to appear simultaneously in several different parts of the world at the same time. At the time he thought it was just fanciful scuttlebutt. That sort of thing only hapened in "Flash Gordon" or "Buck Rogers". When he began to hear stories, as has been said, of men fused into bulkheads, he began asking questions of friends of his who were closely working with things of such matters. While they couldn't get much information, one, a fellow named Marcellino (I think his first name was 'John') told him about rumors of a crazy-sounding time-travel or teleporting experiment that went horribly awry. That, unfortunately, was all he could get without drawing too much attention. Whether or not this was the Philadelphia Experiment, this account was not relayed as having been from a past life, but from a current one.

John Marcellino, it should be noted, died in the early 1960s as a result of exposure to radiation suffered during an atomic experiment, of which both he and my father were part.
Sounds like your father had a very intersting career. Could you ask your father if he heard of Einsteins and or Tesla's invlovement.
You have backed me up against a wall so I'll try to get out of it. My late brother was an electronics engineer that owned his own company and sold electronics to the Goverment contractors. He was privy to a lot of classified information. Over a few martini's and dinner he would tell me things that did not make sense. Like I said he had a copy of a statement made by "a person that jumped overboard just before they turned on the juice". I don't know if this was the same person that you mention or not. I DID NOT SEE THIS PAPER MY SELF. I had no reason to doubt what I was told.
Rambler-My father is the sort of guy to whom things just 'happen'. He admits that at the time Einstein to him was 'just a really smart guy', and he knew no more of the name 'Tesla' than in reference to the Tesla Coil. If either name was ever mentioned in relation to the project, he says he doesn't remember.