The conversion of say fuel energy into heat... is 100%... but it comes out as heat...
and thus the problem... how to convert all of it into usable work.
The Tesla turbine works exactly as Kelvinalm just described...
but the unique quality of it.. is that tesla included a Valular conduit which was basically a one way value for the inlet of fuel and air.. very much like using a Pulsejet to drive the turbine....
anyway.. when the exploding gases meet the disks, which are spaced as close together as possible.. the gases will naturally follow a circular path towards the center.. and as the disks turn...
the action of the spinning disks, actually serves to hold back the gases, and so the gases are forced to make a greater number of orbits as they strive for the center and the exit...
Ie.. the turbine can be used as a compressor... pulling gas from the center, and literally throwing it outward towards the outer edges of the disks...
thus in operation, the motion of the disks serves to hold the pressure back, and so again the gases are forced to take many more trips around in circles, than they would have if the disks were not moving.. Hence the reason for the improved efficiency....
in this way the gases cross a maximum pressure differiential... and the exhaust gases are not much above normal airpressure... unlike normal turbines which release gases at still usuable pressures, and tempurtures....
Tesla said the problems he faced was that it worked best when the turbine blades were moving at 50% the speed of the moving gas... and as such... the disks must spin extremely fast... at in his day... the steel used wasnt strong enough and would tear it self apart at those spin rates... but today we have better steel, and alloys.
the Turbine it self worked on the principle of Adhesion and Viscosity... i.e.. gases when flowing past a surface do act apon the surface,... like wind across the ocean... the water is made to move with the wind...
likewise.. the adhesion and viscosity of the gas works well, but only if the disks are many and very closely spaced.. as in 1 mm apart or less... thus, the effects of Adhesion and viscosity become workable for our purposes...
I have studied Teslas work for a long time.
in regards to my proposals for Low temp heat conversion, im afraid i cannot express more than i have already.... thats how much i like the idea...
and i honestly know... its not a matter of whether it will work.. but it is a matter of how well it will work..
Regarding stirling engines, i think therein lies the future power source for our world..
Ie.. black body collectors can collect 90% of solar radiation.. and thus heat water.
and if the stored heat, by way of good insulation, was prevented from passing anywhere but across our stirling engine, then the efficiency can be high... and is limited to the design of the engine.. and the pressure of its working fluid...(gas)
also, ammonia boilers offer great promise.. the obsticle being in the cooling and pressurizing of the boiled ammonia..... yet... if we avail ourself to the use of massive cooling radiators, then the need for input energy to cool and compress the ammonia again may be avioded.. (ammonia boils at like 34 degrees c, like 80 F...)
(well in the range of warm water..... and so can be reach usable pressures.)