Pope says condom use is acceptable in 'single justified cases'


Registered Senior Member
Do Catholics take any notice of their unholy father, does wearing latex
give them nightmares, do they make a confession the morning after?
WTF has it got to do with the Pope anyway? Why does the mainstream
media continue to report this rubbish?
WTF has it got to do with the Pope anyway? Why does the mainstream
media continue to report this rubbish?

Good question. Perhaps they should just skip to the next story more quickly by reporting something like this...

"Pope says some stuff to his flock, they agree, everybody keeps fucking anyway".
In single justified cases? I sure hope he doesn't mean the case where it's man on boy. Seriously, how does that old Christian saying go... "Let he that is without sin cast the first stone." Earth to Catholic Church: you have lost your moral authority (though you never had it to begin with, IMO). Clean up your own act before telling other people what to do with theirs.
Do Catholics take any notice of their unholy father, does wearing latex
give them nightmares, do they make a confession the morning after?
WTF has it got to do with the Pope anyway? Why does the mainstream
media continue to report this rubbish?

why? because our society is, in large part, a complete farce. duh.
then if god is the creator, god is a farce. but you don't want to go there or consider it, because that is your source or idea of hope.

god isn't a farce, and the reason why society in large part is, is because society in large part denies god.
god isn't a farce, and the reason why society in large part is, is because society in large part denies god.

again, you have poor understanding of reality. believing in god or denying god makes no difference to the reality that life predates on life, that suffering is endemic to humans and animals.

you seem to speak for the animal kingdom separating humans. that you think you can speak for the animal kingdom shows how narcissistic you are too. you think animals like the way things are when in fact they have little choice just like us. they hurt and they suffer but they have to survive.

you are like those people who watch these animal kingdom shows and it all looks amusing to us because we can remain relatively disattached when viewing it. we just say to ourselves when we see the young offspring of an animal get killed that it's all natural so it's okay. that is how nature works. of course it all looks beautiful and glorious when you don't consider the other side of the reality, the cost. you don't realize that nature is also brutal and cruel, that animals suffer disease and usually live in some constant state of disease or suffering, that parasites exist that will compel another life to it's own demise etc. how beautiful is that? it's an aspect you ignore. it's no different than one who buys a gorgeous rug that has been sewn by a child who was shackled and enslaved, citing how wonderful it all is. how convenient to just pick and choose what to focus on in order to say it's all so wonderful.

you think somehow that means they like it but somehow we can complain so that's why things are not right for us. just because they can't speak to you doesn't mean that they like it anymore than us.

we have to find to glean what is positive or gives us hope because we have no choice just as an animal has to run away from predators in order to live.

what you don't realize is the fact you are critiquing society's ills or pointing them out, even if people have the power of choice in some cases and refuse to do what is best (due to their nature) is admitting that the creator is faulty (assuming there is one). again, one not need to believe in a creator in order to do this.
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I think this is a most encouraging development from Catholicism. It's greatest strength is that it is whatever the Pope says it is. This leaves room for evolution.
I think this is a most encouraging development from Catholicism. It's greatest strength is that it is whatever the Pope says it is. This leaves room for evolution.

For evolution substitute corruption. The Catholic church has little to
do with God, rather it is an instrument power, social control and finance.
The Vatican was created by Benito Mussolini in 1929, currently the president
of the totally unregulated Vatican Bank is under investigation for money
Has there been any detail on what constitues a justified case?

will there be a special booth in catholic churches next the confessional where one can plead one's case with your local priest so you can be isued with a vatican approved prophylactic?
Has there been any detail on what constitues a justified case?

will there be a special booth in catholic churches next the confessional where one can plead one's case with your local priest so you can be isued with a vatican approved prophylactic?

vending machines in churches, there's a business opportunity.
vending machines in churches, there's a business opportunity.

We're talking about the Catholic Church here...

Once that collection plate gets shoved in front of ya,(and tithing) who has any money left, to buy a holy love glove from a vending machine?
Are you saying most people deny the existence of God? :eek:

I think a lot of religious people "play house" with god, and that religion is a cheap substitute for a relationship with god. As much as people like to talk about god, they really don't put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.
again, you have poor understanding of reality. believing in god or denying god makes no difference to the reality that life predates on life, that suffering is endemic to humans and animals.

you seem to speak for the animal kingdom separating humans. that you think you can speak for the animal kingdom shows how narcissistic you are too. you think animals like the way things are when in fact they have little choice just like us. they hurt and they suffer but they have to survive.

you are like those people who watch these animal kingdom shows and it all looks amusing to us because we can remain relatively disattached when viewing it. we just say to ourselves when we see the young offspring of an animal get killed that it's all natural so it's okay. that is how nature works. of course it all looks beautiful and glorious when you don't consider the other side of the reality, the cost. you don't realize that nature is also brutal and cruel, that animals suffer disease and usually live in some constant state of disease or suffering, that parasites exist that will compel another life to it's own demise etc. how beautiful is that? it's an aspect you ignore. it's no different than one who buys a gorgeous rug that has been sewn by a child who was shackled and enslaved, citing how wonderful it all is. how convenient to just pick and choose what to focus on in order to say it's all so wonderful.

you think somehow that means they like it but somehow we can complain so that's why things are not right for us. just because they can't speak to you doesn't mean that they like it anymore than us.

we have to find to glean what is positive or gives us hope because we have no choice just as an animal has to run away from predators in order to live.

what you don't realize is the fact you are critiquing society's ills or pointing them out, even if people have the power of choice in some cases and refuse to do what is best (due to their nature) is admitting that the creator is faulty (assuming there is one). again, one not need to believe in a creator in order to do this.

Who is speaking for the animals? Lol, priceless.
Do Catholics take any notice of their unholy father, does wearing latex
give them nightmares, do they make a confession the morning after?
WTF has it got to do with the Pope anyway? Why does the mainstream
media continue to report this rubbish?
I'd read somewhere else that the example the Pope actually used was that of a male prostitute with HIV. I don't really see this as a change in the Church's official teaching regarding condoms. I think what the Pope is aiming at is that the use of a condom in the case of the male prostitute could represent a change in thinking had occurred, whereas before the prostitute hadn't been using condoms. It represents an advancement in thinking that the well being of others is being taken into consideration. The ultimate goal, however, isn't that the prostitute uses condoms all the time with every client, but that they continue to have a conversion of heart and give up the prostitution and the behaviors associated with it.

This seems to be a pastoral understanding of what it means to be a leader. It's one thing to repeat the prohibition of condom use, but it's another to recognize that its use to represent a significant change in the way a person is thinking. Perhaps this is the opening to grace that a person needs to make a more thorough and substantial conversion.

I'm trying to think of other examples but all I keep coming up with is the lapsed Catholic that no matter how long its been since they've been to church or confession -- for some reason they abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent or they have a religious charity they donate to. Perhaps that's the one thing that makes a person open to further reconciliation.

So I think this needs to be seen for what it is - a pastoral reflection that recognizes human sinfulness and fraility rather than a dogmatic pronunciation.
Do Catholics take any notice of their unholy father, does wearing latex give them nightmares, do they make a confession the morning after? WTF has it got to do with the Pope anyway? Why does the mainstream media continue to report this rubbish?

I dunno- why did you post it thereby spreading it???

Why should I take advice from a priest who is supposed to know nothing about sex? Why should I follow a pope who cares more about rote and doctrine than human nature? We all want to fuck at some point.

There's a reason churches buy so many kleenexes.