premarital sex a sin?


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Registered Senior Member
I'm a christian, love god with all my heart, and regard Jesus as the ultimate role model. But I also tend to be a realist, and try to figure out why things are the way they are. Most sins make sence if the rational of why they are in fact sins, with exception to a few. One which I was brought to think about more closely recently is premarital sex. What makes it sinful? Is it the possibility that you may accidnetally make a kid and screw that kid's life? If so, then what if you do it responsibly? It's human contact, not unlike hugs or holding hands. Does that make hugging and holding hands a sin too? How about massaging someone? Would that reel the line in too far? Where is the line? And why is the line justified?

And if anyone says it's enjoying the flesh again isn't cutting it, because those are the same people who accuse me of being very "worldly". I can't help it if this world and it's people are beautiful! I mean, damnit, God built the thing! Besides, we enjoy the flesh anyway. Whenever we run for the feel of running, we're enjoying our own bodies. Whenever we work out to better our physical capabilities, or even study for mental ones, we're catering to our flesh-based appetites. I just don't get it... Fellow christians, and anyone else, help me out here.
The correct terminology for pre-marital sex, as described in the bible, is Fornication! Yes it's a sin. Not a sin because it's not good to have sex, because of course it was created for bring life...but it's just not good to "abuse" if you will, the powers of pro-creation. Your opportunity on earth to hold a god-like power.

If we lived in an ideal world, according to God's standards, children would grow up in a loving family with a mother and father. People who understand the gospel, know that God loves his children very much. His grandest creation and His greatest glory, therefore, so that a child may be reared up and taught about what's right and what's wrong, and to live life more happily; He ordained and consecrated marriage. The union of a man a woman.

The union of two flesh, to excersize, in essence and to a degree--the creative power of God, by rearing children into the world.

Hence why it is reproached heavily, because it's not a power to be maltreated. But for Satan, it's a prime target to exploit. Destroy families, destroy happiness.
but it doesn't neccesarily have to destroy families! and it doesn't nessecarily have to result in offspring!

But let's assume that, okay, premarital sex is a sin. Where's the boundary line? insertion? cuddling naked on a bed? making out? the good night kiss? Someone I met today told me that kissing was a sin because it "lead to sex", but so could having coffee with a girl. so could alot of things for that matter...

and I realize I'm looking at this entirely physical so far, and that there are mental ramifications to sex too, but I'm assuming that sex is seen (as unchristian as I'm intentionally sounding right now) as a form of recreation mutually.
No problem bro, you're honestly seeking to do what's right or you wouldn't have asked about it. And you're trying to understand also which is commendable. Gimme a second to read over your questions so I can comment.
WEG, are you looking at this from a logical point of view or religious one?

i mean like the not eating pig began because of the diseases that pigs carried and so when people died the easiest and most efficant way to stop the spread of the diseases was to say that god said they are unclean and to prove that most people who ate them then died


God said this is bad so why would god think that?

In the first case it was probably firstly as a form of control, to identify members of the tribe and as a way of making it more likly that of spring would survive, therefore we can say that god favores the family unit and its not a far streach to say that he frowns opon those who ARNT in a family unit. After 1000's of years that just becomes ritual wether evolution still surports it or not

If your looking at it from the other prespective ask a thologion
as nisus says "If we lived in an ideal world, according to God's standards, children would grow up in a loving family with a mother and father."

so the only problem that God has with premarital sex would appear to be that kids need two parents

so just go nuts with condoms, spemicidal jellys, diapraghms and the like
except that "EVERY sperm is sacred, every sperm is good, if a sperm is wasted god gets quite irate":p
Well, what you said is very true, it doesn't neccesarily have to destroy families! and it doesn't nessecarily have to result in offspring! Because with all sins there are varying degrees of consequences, the destruction of family and happiness is just the worst possible scenario heheheh.

You ever heard of Joseph who was sold into egypt? Well when he was in egypt he found favor in the eyes of a man named Potiphar. Potiphar made him an overseer in his house but one day, Potiphar's wife wanted to mack on Joseph... This is what happened....

And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her.

And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there within.

And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out. Gen 39:10-12

Now i'm sure joseph was tempted. But he knew it was gonna be not only fornication but also adultery being that she was a married woman. So to avoid sinning even in the least degree "he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out" in other words he bailed out running so fast that his clothes were torn and left in her hand.
He's a good example of how we should act. Run from sin. Shake at the first sight of it...

Kissing isn't a sin, it's part of courtship!! The intercourse itself is the act of "fornication". Not kissing, and hugging. If you need guidelines go by these. Just stick to kissing and hugging~! DANGER after that. Red zone! And yea abstinance till marriage is hard. Mocked on everyside by todays world. But stay faithful, prayerful, fast if you need. You can overcome it.

Cor. 6:18-19
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Okay i'll stop preaching now. Be strong!
and weed_eater_guy no hand shandies, one off the wrists, pulling the pony, or strangling the stallion, think of all those potential babies you'll be murdering god wont like it, it sinful behavior.
fornication, lol, what a crock of dog testicals, get a life people, weed eater guy do as you please, you are your own boss, just do it wisely, no god, can harm you for having a bit of sex.
why should you hold back, when all around are having some.
the only wise thing nisus said, was be strong, if your going to keep it till your married then make sure the person you wed is a virgin too.
there an old saying practice makes perfect, would'nt you want the person you fall for to experience, the most powerful love making possible.
and there is a tremendous difference between sex and love making, but if you have no experience love making is less then sex.
you must of heard of woman who fake orgasms, I bet you ten to a pound they were virgins when they got married.
Where is the line? And why is the line justified?

That is where you decide what's right and wrong according to your beliefs. You make your bed, now sleep in it.
cosmictraveler said:
Women do the same thing, they commit adultry just like men do and sleep around too.

Men can't become pregnant, men don't have to have abortions or have children they did not plan, so men have easy talking about sex.
wow this got popular quick...

Nice to see some people who were thinking along my train of thought, like geeser. and adultry is not the same thing as premarital sex, adultry involves violating someone's trust in favor of lust. but premarital sex, i just can't see who's getting hurt there, except the sperm. then again, if i were catholic (which I'm not), i'd say it was a sin because the sperm could eventually turn into a kid if it's lucky and thus, masturbation and protected sex is murder, yet murder of a substance not unlike saliva in bodily nature. go figure...
weed_eater_guy said:
Nice to see some people who were thinking along my train of thought, like geeser. and adultry is not the same thing as premarital sex, adultry involves violating someone's trust in favor of lust. but premarital sex, i just can't see who's getting hurt there ...

Put yourself in the woman's position.
Say that the contraceptives fail and she becomes pregnant. What will she do?
So often, men simply walk away in such a case, leaving the woman alone, to struggle either with the abortion, or an unplanned or even unwanted child.
Is that fair towards te woman?

Sure, one might argue, "Why did she have sex then in the first place?"
But if premarital sex is encouraged, so is the conditionality of love. Encouraging premarital sex is telling women they have to be willing to deal with the undesired consequences themselves. Slowly, women get the message that if women want the love of men, the price for that is premarital sex and the possible undesired consequences.
Women are bearing the whole weight of the consequences of premarital sex. men can get away freely.

Is that fair?
woman have a yes and no choice, their educated enough to know the consequences of their actions, any way most are on the pill or have a coil, and theres the male pill, oh and the morning after pill, apart form condoms, dutch caps. etc..
it does seem like the reponsiblity is all the womans, however I'm sure weed eater guy is sensible and cautious, so I cant see a problem.