Premonitions for 2013

Certainly, wild stabs in the dark cannot be prevented or avoided. Anyway, you mentioned in previous posts that you had many premonitory dreams. Maybe that precognition could alert you to the risk to get stabbed.
I wrote about that plenty of times. I was warned but took no notice.
full story
"Here is my story - Saturday night sometime in 1997 I have a nightmare that wakes me up. I dreamed I had survived a car versus train crash.
Next Tuesday night I am crossing this level crossing and I notice I have made a serious mistake for I had driven in front of a train bearing down on me. I decide to plant my foot to see if I can make it across, and say "Heaven here I come!"
Then all Hell breaks loose, with the car spinning and being thumped around, I'm thrown all around inside the car getting minced in the process. Next thing is I find myself face down on the ground looking through the blood streaming down my face, as the train is passing by.

Witnesses saw the accident and it was reported in the newspaper, "Man has miraculous escape".
Everyone seeing it happen thought I'd be dead for sure. "

I think it is quite hard to remember all the warnings we get.
"Here is my story - Saturday night sometime in 1997 I have a nightmare that wakes me up. I dreamed I had survived a car versus train crash.

I think it is quite hard to remember all the warnings we get.

You had a restless nightmare about a car-train crash that even woke you up. And three days later ... you were driving on a level traing crossing. While you were driving, didn't you think about that nightmare?
You are right, it's hard to remember all the warnings we get, but our nightdreams, any hunch and all senses might serve to clarify real and daily life.
You had a restless nightmare about a car-train crash that even woke you up. And three days later ... you were driving on a level traing crossing. While you were driving, didn't you think about that nightmare?
You are right, it's hard to remember all the warnings we get, but our nightdreams, any hunch and all senses might serve to clarify real and daily life.
When I said "wild stabs in the dark" that implies randomness, a straight out guess without premonition precognition, or analysis.
Like putting your money down on the roulette table, there is no way to predict a future number based on analysis of the past.
I believe a good night's sleep and being alert, free of drugs and alcohol is probably more beneficial than a night-dream that may or may not have a premonition in it. I didn't wake up and think "I'm going to be real careful when crossing train tracks from now on", but I have been extra careful since the accident for sure, yet the premonition didn't warn me it was going to happen twice.
It has been a lesson in taking the precognitive warnings in a timely manner.
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My prediction is fully on Spain, but Japan is really close.

Your prediction was right R1D2, as Madrid was the only sensible choice for 2020 Summer Olympics.

But the International Olympic Committee opted for the Japanese capital to host the Olympics games.

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"Here is my story - Saturday night sometime in 1997 I have a nightmare that wakes me up. I dreamed I had survived a car versus train crash.
Next Tuesday night I am crossing this level crossing and I notice I have made a serious mistake for I had driven in front of a train bearing down on me. I decide to plant my foot to see if I can make it across, and say "Heaven here I come!"
Then all Hell breaks loose, with the car spinning and being thumped around, I'm thrown all around inside the car getting minced in the process. Next thing is I find myself face down on the ground looking through the blood streaming down my face, as the train is passing by.

Witnesses saw the accident and it was reported in the newspaper, "Man has miraculous escape".
Everyone seeing it happen thought I'd be dead for sure. "

I think it is quite hard to remember all the warnings we get.

An absolute crock. Total hearsay, 100% unsubstantiated. However all it takes is one to believe it. Once that happens it becomes belief and like all beliefs, there is no substance in reality for it.
An absolute crock. Total hearsay, 100% unsubstantiated. However all it takes is one to believe it. Once that happens it becomes belief and like all beliefs, there is no substance in reality for it.
You are an evil piece of work - when I tell the story and it is 100% true how can you say 100% unsubstantiated. The person I told is still alive, but unfortunately doesn't remember my silly dream as she was faced by the thought of dying of cancer, She had to go for the operation on that week, so we ended up in hospital side by side (the nurses did that so visitors to one could also visit the other, but it was bad move for I could only sleep on my back and I snored real loud that the other patients had to leave the bay. lol. I only stayed the two nights, but I was off work for several weeks. The lady couldn't reach down and I couldn't reach up so we did things together like hanging out the washing like this for a few days. I'd pick things up and she would hang them up. (She remembers this but not the bit I wanted her to).
But she knows I always said I had a dream about it beforehand but can't remember me saying that fact of the premonition to her.
My prediction is that folks will have dreams, visions and various other "signs", they will choose one of these out of many they have or experience and align it with an event that is similar in nature, thus believing they've had a premonition. They will ignore every other dream, vision and sign that doesn't align with an event.
My prediction is that folks will have dreams, visions and various other "signs", they will choose one of these out of many they have or experience and align it with an event that is similar in nature, thus believing they've had a premonition. They will ignore every other dream, vision and sign that doesn't align with an event.

Tell me honestly is this what you do? Do you do this yourself? If you don't why accuse me?
Tell me honestly is this what you do? Do you do this yourself? If you don't why accuse me?

Odd question!
Can people only accuse other people of doing things they themselves do?
Cannot people accuse other people of doing things they themselves DO NOT or CAN NOT do?

Just wondering...
You are an evil piece of work

I don't know if I can set my standard higher than slanderous, I'd have to drop it down a few notches just to get there. Stop blubbering about your so-called premonition, it has no basis in fact, only hearsay. Cannot be submitted into the genuine premonition file for lack of substantiation. Move on.
I don't know if I can set my standard higher than slanderous, I'd have to drop it down a few notches just to get there. Stop blubbering about your so-called premonition, it has no basis in fact, only hearsay. Cannot be submitted into the genuine premonition file for lack of substantiation. Move on.
I've moved on what about you? You are the one bringing it up all the time.
Odd question!
Can people only accuse other people of doing things they themselves do?
Cannot people accuse other people of doing things they themselves DO NOT or CAN NOT do?

Just wondering...
The accusation to me was " they (I) will choose one of these dreams out of many they (I) have or experience and align it with an event that is similar in nature, thus believing they've (I) had a premonition. They (I) will ignore every other dream, vision and sign that doesn't align with an event.

Well that is certainly not the case for me. So i am asking my accuser if that is what he does. If he wants to say so it is up to him. I don't know anything about him.
Tell me honestly is this what you do? Do you do this yourself? If you don't why accuse me?

Odd, you believe that my post was directed at you? If you did, that would be an indication you are doing exactly what I predicted.
I dont think the OP qualifies as a premonition given the 50-50 chance.

I just had a premonition on this very forum in that i knew my post and spidergoats were made 3 seconds apart. I would say that is a premonition. What do you guys think?

Also, both posts were two word responses with a question mark at the end. Very strange.
Odd, you believe that my post was directed at you? If you did, that would be an indication you are doing exactly what I predicted.
You used words like they and you whatever figure of speech they are but broadly accusing everyone which includes me.

I want you to tell me what you do? Are you included in the group "They" as in the following sentence?
" they (I) will choose one of these dreams out of many they (I) have or experience and align it with an event that is similar in nature, thus believing they've (I) had a premonition. They (I) will ignore every other dream, vision and sign that doesn't align with an event."
You used words like they and you whatever figure of speech they are but broadly accusing everyone which includes me.

I want you to tell me what you do? Are you included in the group "They" as in the following sentence?
" they (I) will choose one of these dreams out of many they (I) have or experience and align it with an event that is similar in nature, thus believing they've (I) had a premonition. They (I) will ignore every other dream, vision and sign that doesn't align with an event."

If you want to believe I am talking about you, feel free. Whatever floats your boat, dude.
Can a premonition be construed for just having a "bad vibe" that something ominous might happen?
Hmmm...I can't think of any such time when I've had an actual premonition.

If you want to believe I am talking about you, feel free. Whatever floats your boat, dude.
The thing is I was asking if that describes what you do. I had made it abundantly clear it wasn't describing what I do, so get that into your thick skull.