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The brick may not be one crystal, but I'm willing to bet it could have a microcrystalline structure, which would lend itself to fracturing in somewhat geometrical shapes. I have often found, while walking along a streambed, rocks that resemble squares or rectangles, sometimes spheres.

If the martian rock was a brick, where are the other bricks? You can't make much with one brick.
spidergoat said:
If the martian rock was a brick, where are the other bricks? You can't make much with one brick.
Did not I have mentioned, that second brick was photographed same day by the same rover?
It has been...
That object is too hard to be a brick. Sandstorms on the Martian surface would have worn the sharp edges down if it was. And any civilization that uses bricks hard enough to last as long as you are suggesting relatively undamaged would not have disappeared except for a single 'brick'.
extrasense said:
Well, I am already MS in the Theoretical Physics...
Could it be some sort of substitute credentials?
Without meaning to be too unkind, does MS stand for Missing Something?
Extrasense, nice image.

You can tell that you're image is anomalous in that they cannot offer any actual suggestions as to what it is. Well, okay a few did, yay for them. But many others just ridiculed you're suggestion that it's a in the shape of a perfect brick, without any substance.

They will never welcome such an image, and will always debunk it.

I am not sure if you know but is reporting that NASA scientists claim there's evidence for current life on Mars and have submitted it for peer review. The headliner..
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Although, I'm still not sure why the Labled Release experiment by Gill Levin is not being mentioned. In my mind he's the FIRST person responsible for discovering life on Mars. It will be interesting to see what happens with that. Because if the NASA scientists are correct, then so was Levin and NASA WAS EITHER LYING OR IGNORANT. Which answer do we want?
btimsah said:
NASA scientists claim there's evidence for current life on Mars and have submitted it for peer review.
I must say that it was not me who discovered the brick. I had recognized its special importance although, and produced the proof.

These are trying to play dirty tricks: an Italian has made noises about that stuff, so the pseudosience nutcakes of ours are trying to steal his discovery if any.
Do you believe that such an article would be in peer review for more than half a year? My articles about the Life and Civilization on Mars were "reviewed" and rejected in two weeks!

e :) s
I've posted this before -

I believe there is a reasonable chance that the Viking landers in 1976 detected life. For those of you unfamiliar with this possibility, here is a good starting place:
This is an extract from the site:
In 1997, Biospherics' President and CEO,
Dr. Gilbert V. Levin, announced his new conclusion that his 1976 Viking Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment found living microorganisms in the soil of Mars.
Objective application of the scientific process to 21 years of continued research and to new developments on Mars and Earth forced this conclusion. Of all the many hypotheses offered over the years to explain the LR Mars results, the only possibility fitting all the relevant data is that microbial life exists in the top layer of the Martian surface.

However, btimsah, there is a large difference between microbial life and entities capable of producing bricks. In the case of the Earth the difference is about three billion years.
ah, a computer edited 3d image!! A pyramid!! Yes, of course. :D
p.s. from what shithole do I get 3d glasses anyways?
I'm still trying to figure out how a two dimensional character, with a one dimensional idea, came up with a three dimensional image. (Is he stringing us along?)
Well, extrasense, I too have visited your website. As a gesture of comradeship I would be happy to correct the many spelling errors on the site.... I presume wherever you acquired your degree took only a passing interest in accurate English.
I am not flaming you, I just find such a dense jungle of mistakes abhorrent and would feel better if they were corrected.
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