Prophecy-Future-Whats gonna happen?

My two cents:
You know you don't have to have to much intellect to see that humanity is on
the road to destruction." The former Soviet Union" so called is still building their war
machines and they are preparing for war and have been for years. The United States
has been disarming plus using all their cruise missiles overseas. China has stolen or
bought US technologies in computers and missiles. China has the neutron bomb and has tested it. And they have long range missiles now to reach out and touch somebody.

Middle East is a powder cache
waiting to go off.

They talk peace but they plan war.

Weather patterns have changed, earthquakes, floods, tornados,ec ec.

NATO---peace keepers? or one world government?

UN---peace keepers? or one world government?

World Council Of Churches---One World Church

One World Bank.

One World Man to lead this New World Order, be here soon.

R member the tower of Babel in Gen:11; also read Matt:24 on the signs
of the times and Revelation Ch:13 and Ch:16


So, what's it going to be? One World Government, or One World Destruction? (Somehow, I can't envision One World Government directing destruction against itself.)

I am; therefore I think.

Yes Boirs I understand what you're saying. What I wrote was kind of a crude description
on this subject. I don't have a way with words like some people have, you know what I'm saying, but I will try to explain myself a little better.

You wrote:

So, what's it going to be? One World Government, or One World Destruction? (Somehow, I can't envision One World Government directing destruction against itself.)
I am; therefore I think.

Well, "One World Government", or New World Order what ever you want to call it,
is on the rise and believe it will take over soon,this is in the process now.
No The One Word Government will not direct destruction on itself, but the out come of it will be destruction because all this leading to Armageddon and the end of this age as we know it.Now I don't have all the answers and never will but The One World Government is a fact that will take place,and so will Armageddon. There is a lot more factors involved in this that I don't want to get in to.

Does anyone (Boris) think it would be incredibly ironic if the one world government and church that is told of in the Bible comes to pass? At least then you won't be able to deny the obvious anymore. How about when the rapture occurs? A mass disappearance of good-hearted people. They'll cover it up with some type of "alien abduction/rescue tale". Don't you believe them! We're really with Jesus. And then you won't be able to deny it any longer. But then again, you do choose to ignore every other logical deduction or piece of evidence that supports Christ. When you see the shit going down in your face, you'll remember things I've said, and you'll change your mind.

God loves you and so do I!
Actually, I think they'll cover it up as a population control measure. ;)

Hmm. But how ironic would it be if the World Government forms, but no rapture happens? I think life is a lot less ominous than some people are inclined to believe...

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited July 29, 1999).]
I am back! Sorry people. I have been extremely busy lately so i haven't had time to post for a while. I am gonna read all that i can, and post comments to those who have addressed me.
Boris: I owe you a post ( in a different forum tho) I will try to make it later tonight, or tomorrow.
Take care guys!

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
Hey H-Kon !!! I am back too... I've been
gone so long I do not even know where to
begin with all this reading...but I still
stand firm in what I was before! No proof..
means??????????? LOL
He he he.. welcome back Flash..I am looking forward to see you posting again :D. Now where is that thread....

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
While we are at it, let's consider the significance of anniversaries.

We humans are all too used to the passage of days, seasons, and years. Yet, what do any of such events mean on the larger scale? They are all generated by the peculiarities of orbit of just one little planet around a particular (and rather unremarkable) star in the midst of no-man's land on the outskirts of a typical galaxy. Newsflash people: our anniversaries mean absolutely nothing to the cosmos.

And if that wasn't bad enough, consider the fact that the many 'golden' dates we give such special significance to are only so special because of our preferred decimal number system, and rather questionable choice of mathematical origin. If we had 6 fingers on each hand instead of 5, we would probably be using a 12-based numbering system, and the year '2000' would be the year 11A8 A.D. And by the way, notice that 2000 is only a round number when one starts counting at the supposed birth of Christ.

So all this millenial hysteria really bewilders me -- it should be quite obvious to anyone that there is absolutely nothing special about the base-10 Christ-determined sequence number of the coming solar orbital cycle of planet Earth.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited August 13, 1999).]
Boris, finally a measure of sanity to all these very depressing descriptions of the end of the world. I find that when I point out that many people keep time in many different ways, the Christ-centric folk tend to get a little befuddled. But...wouldn't it be absoulutely hilarious if the end of the world did occur on some anniversary deemed important by Hinduism, the Native Americans or some off-shoot group no one's ever paid attention to? As a Christian myself, I'd be quite a bit put out.
Hey now, let's not diss Nostradamus so soon. What if he meant September like H-Kon said. Maybe his psychic powers were off by a month or two.

Ok, Boris, I hate to say it, but I have to agree with you on this one in a way. No one can predict the time of the end. It says that right in the Bible. So here we go with the details again, right? Who really cares WHEN it will be? What's important is to realize that it WILL be. I know all about the mathematics and the calenders, and no, I don't think that 2000 is some "chosen" date. If Y2K weren't an issue, then the year 2000 would not be brought up at all in relation to end times events. Something major has to happen to ever usher in such a thing as a new world order, and the fact that the systems and people are in place and in waiting at this very moment disturbs me, doesn't it you? The effects of Y2K should help to push the program. And you know what? Maybe it won't. Maybe it will come and go, and there will be no detrimental effects, no big deal, and everythings normal. It just all seems so ironic to me. A little too ironic, don't ya think? Won't be long now, huh? Tick-tock, tick-tock. And besides, it will still come sometime and someway. I just wonder how f'd up the world can possibly get?????? :)

God loves you and so do I!
Amen, and not.

As I don't believe in God or in anything paranormal or having to do with timetravel, I give no validity to any 'prediction' other than the ones stemming from scientific theories and based on measured initial conditions and at least semi-isolated physical systems.

As for how f'd up the world gets, I beg to differ. I think the world is actually getting better, if not at the same rate for every one of its human inhabitants. There is no question that the most powerful people 'in control' have always been, and probably will always be, the lowliest of lowlifes in their majority. However, as the world gets bigger and more intertwined, it will be increasingly difficult for any one freak or organization to significantly damage it. I honestly do see an advanced civilization emerging out of the present mess, spanning the entire solar system and reaching for the stars, and eventually (perhaps millions of years hence) becoming good and wise. I see that dream come closer to reality with every passing year.

I am; therefore I think.
Just a quickie;

If the world is to end, would not other religions and ancient belief systems across the world point to common date? -if not give a vague idea?

You know it to be so
Euh Boris,

You do realise that this optimistical belief in the future is kind of the same thing that religious people believe to be the ultimate reward in heaven, nirvana or whatever they call it.
Just to let you know that sometimes you're getting pretty spiritual sort of speak... ;)

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,

I'm not sure about other major world religions, but there do exist other end times prophecies that parallel those in the Bible. Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Fatima, Hopi Indian prophecy, New Age prophecy, and last but not least, alien prophecy! Yes, it seems that those who have been "contacted" have been told of cataclysmic earth changes. See I AM America (Tory something), and Zetatalk for examples of what I'm talking about.

Also everyone,

Did you watch the news last night? Almost the entire nightly news with Tom Brokaw was about natural disasters. The earthquake in Istanbul of course, and then straight into a segment regarding the forecasted intensity of this year's hurrican season in the tropics. I forget exactly what the percentage is, but the majority of devastating natural disasters of this century, have occurred in the last decade. You know, exactly like the Bible said they would. Hold on to your hats and say your prayers people; it's gonna be a wild ride!

God loves you and so do I!
That must surely mean the end of the world what with the year 2000 around the corner....

You know it to be so
Just to hop in here and continue the thread that Lori started.. All these prophecies are not dated to January 1st 2000 and that everything is gonna end then..

The Hopi's haven't set a date, just timelines for when it's gonna happen.. Like the birth of a white buffalo would tell them that the happenings are not too far off.

The Mayan's Sun calendar tells us December 23rd 2012 as the end of the world as we know it ( whatever that means)

Christian religions are almost agree on that May 5th 2003 is the day of armageddon.

The Aztecs tells us the "dawn of the new age" starts the 13th of August 1999, *the 5th time*

Astrology tells us that we will enter the age of Aquarius in 2012

Nostradamus tells us that the "End of Earth" is the year 3797 ( when life seize to exist on Earth)
But he also forcasts alot of other things that we really do not have a clue about.. The "Problem" with Nostradamus predictions, is that no one knows what his predictions meant until the event happens.. then it becomes clear.. Right now, there are just as many theories, and speculations about it so that we have no idea..

I am no bible reader, but i think it tells us that No one would know the day of Armageddon.

Lots of things really.. All have almost different dates, and happenings.. But reading it tells me that something MIGHT coming our way...

Something that i am nervous about is the conflict between China and Taiwan.. That could escalate into someting bigger...

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
Some thoughts, some perhaps not too revolutionary:

1. By mid-21st century, human immortality, or at least normal life spans counted in centuries will be a practical possibility. This will lead to grave social disorders---wars, revolutions, and other social disasters beyond the scope of anything seen in history, as the poor have-nots rebel against the rule of the fabulously wealthy who will seek to keep immortality to themselves.

2. By or even before the dawn of the 22nd century a way to circumvent Einstein's seemingly ultimate speed limit---186,000 miles/second---will be found, and colonization of the solar system and planets around the nearer stars will commence.

3. By 2050, it will be possible to buy clones of famous personalities with the sex centers of the brain and the functions that promote docility and receptiveness to being controlled genetically enhanced and the higher thought functions suppressed, as living "love dolls."

4. By 2100, we will have contacted ET...and ET will NOT be friendly. A prolonged struggle between the two species will commence, each vying for habitable planets and for the sheer hellish drive for dominance.

5. By the mid 22nd century, there will be entire nation-states on Earth and elsewhere of single sexes, many of them truly neo-Amazon societies.

6. By the end of the first century of the new millennium, due to individual immortality being available to virtually everyone, the birth of a human child will be an event commanding universal attention as news.

7. Sometime in the 22nd century, Earth will be a vast "park" upon which hundred and thousands of species now extinct will be re-created, living in a sort of planet-wide "zoo."

Responses? I have no idea what to say to that, except please don't burst my bubble, I really don't want the earth to progress in the manner of which you speak. Today, right now is so hideous to me, I just can't handle the thought of having to deal with this Godlessness any longer. It sucks. I guess the reason that what you wrote is so depressing to me, is that I can totally see it happening. That's a very reasonable forecast of events, IF Christ does not return before then. Let's keep our fingers crossed, shall we? I don't ever want to have to lay eyes on a "love doll". Pamela Anderson's bad enough.

I also wanted to say that good ol' Tom, on NBC Nightly News was talking again last night about the earthquake in Turkey. Forecasted total body count is up to 35,000. Now they are very worried about outbreaks of communicable disease due to the living conditions of survivors. This piece led into a segment regarding the increased occurrance, and resulting deaths, from antibiotic-resistant strains of staph bacteria. I don't know if I've ever recalled seeing doctor's look that scared. They said that these strains will send us straight back to the early 20th century as far as treatments of communicable diseases are concerned.

It just keeps getting better, and better!

God loves you and so do I!