prophecy revelation for jpappl


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
in another thread, jpappl inquired about revelation i've received regarding biblical prophecy. it was off topic in the thread, and i'm sure it will open up a whole new can of worms, so here goes...

about 10 years ago, i received revelation regarding the alien abduction phenomenon. that's actually why i registered here at sciforums back then. at the time, there were people out here who discussed the topic, and i felt that i needed to tell people. you can imagine how it was received. science minded and new agers alike did not not want to hear a thing about jesus.

and the religous sub-forum was born. *sniff sniff*

anyway, what i was told was that the alien abduction phenomenon was actually a spiritual phenomenon, and that the alien presence would one day perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and false prophet to power, and the mark of the beast.

the mark of the beast being a genetic manipulation, similar to the fall of man in the garden, that would bring about the eternal life of the flesh (in the fallen state that it exists now), and at the same time, cut off all communion with god via the holy spirit. as the fall of man (when sin entered the flesh) hindered or veiled this communion, the mark would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak, completely severing it. thereby trapping the individual in an inescapable hell (their body), caught up in cataclysmic, apocalyptic earth changes. these changes being one of the arguements in favor of taking the be able to survive and enter a new age.

while i was initially out here posting about this stuff, i befriended a woman who has been abducted since she was a child. she didn't tell me that initially. she only vehemently attacked and argued with me about jesus. come to find out it's because she is a lesbian who was raised by alcoholic, abusive, and hypocritically insane religious parents. also, though i didn't know this at the time, the abduction experience that she had, had progressed over time into a deception just like what i received prophecy about, and at the same time, fed her distaste for religion.

over the past 10 years, we have become extremely good friends. and through much discussion and debate regarding her abduction experience, she ended up verifying the revelation i was given.

back in 2004, i went through a very weird spiritual experience myself, and during that experience i received more revelation. i was in the middle of a transcendental writing, in which i was channeling some letter to another human being whom i only know by name and profession (as they are a musician). on this particular evening i was very caught up in this experience, observing physical manifestations of the inhabitation that were extremely startling to me. but while writing, god instructed me to put down the letter and go and get my bible (that i hadn't touched in years) and read the book of revelation. so i did. when i got to the story about the woman and the dragon, i experienced a spiritual interaction that very much disrupted my reading. when the interaction was over, i picked up the bible off the floor and was led by the spirit through various parts of it like a dog on a leash.

this is what the spirit told me...

that i was the woman in the story of the woman and the dragon.
that i was also the chosen lady in 2 john.
that i was the tree of life written in the last section of the book of revelation.
that the aliens were the locusts that are discussed in the book of revelation.

first, regarding the aliens, i don't have a bible in front of me here at work, but they are described as being unleashed from the earth (the inside of it perhaps), and they have hair like that of a woman, and are allowed to injure mankind with the sting like that of a scorpion. i believe it says they are not allowed to injure a man's body. but if you look up the scorpion sting, it is paralyzing and disorienting, sometimes euphoric. it's actually sold as a recreational drug in western states.

this sting is the mark of the beast. it says in the bible that in the last days, men will seek death and not find it. this is why.

on a personal note, it is my opinion that there is absolutely nothing, short of a mass landing, that would or could ever bring about a worldwide loss of sovereignty, and the establishment of a worldwide government and religion.

in regards to the prophecy that was deemed personal to me, the chosen lady is said to have children that are the followers of christ. it is my belief that somehow my experience will be verified to the extent that it persuades some people to turn to christ. i think these are the children who will be born into the new kingdom, and they will be martyred to do so. the depiction of their birth into the kingdom is the tree of life in revelations. the 12 kinds of fruit born each month between two trees, populating the kindgom. the chosen lady also is said to have a sister. i don't know who this person is, but it is my belief that she must be the other tree of life.

12 babies (kinds of fruit) X 12 months/yr X 1000 yrs = 144,000

these 12 kinds of fruit are born of 12 kings represented by the 12 stars in the woman's crown (from the woman and the dragon scripture). this woman is also said to give birth to a man child who is a king and sits on a throne at god's side. i understand that to mean jesus, who will rule the millenium kingdom. in this scripture, he is called the morning star, who will rule over the nations with a rod of iron and dash them to pieces like pottery. at first i thought that meant i would actually marry and conceive a child who is the baby jesus (again!). that hasn't happened.

the child born to this woman is described as a man child. not a male child, but a man. over the next year or so, i was enlighted to the involvement of several other people. one of these people i understood to be a leader, and a king. so i concluded that this birth of a man child, was actually an identification process, not the birth of a child.

recently, after residing to live alone for the rest of my life, primarily because of this experience and the barrier to intimacy that it creates (among other reasons), i have met the man of my dreams and we're not trying not to conceive a child. at this point, i'm not trying to figure it out.

there's some prophecy regarding the woman that i've been shown as well. she is said to have the moon under her feet. one evening while i was walking my dog, i noticed the moon. it was big and hanging low in the sky. it was still light out, being early in the evening so it was apparent that the moon is not a source of light, only a big rock. god says to me "if it was dark, and you had always been in the dark, and did not know about the sun, you would see the light of the moon, and mistake it for a source of the light". so, he called the moon a false source of light to those who do not know the sun. this is an analogy to the end times deception of the false prophet.

this woman is also said to be kept and fed, in hiding, in the desert. i equate this to unanimity, isolation, and this spiritual revelation.

now, jpappl's claim is that i'm religious, and the things i believe come from the religion, or from the bible. the spiritual interactions and experiences surrounding this prophecy have involved rock stars, channeling, transcendental writing, and then these messages, among other messages that are just as weird if not weirder. my point is, that if and when i relate these experiences and revelations to religious people, they are either led to want to pray for me, or burn me at the stake, or possibly pray for me as they burn me at the stake (you know how they can be).

my point is jpappl, that i in no way shape or form, read these scriptures, and deducted interpretations the likes of these intellectually. and that should be rather obvious. i couldn't have made some shit up like this in a million years.

so there ya go. have at it.
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So you are the savior of mankind..
I wasn't far off calling you Jesus's second coming the other day, was I ?

Why do you regard the body as 'an escapable hell' ? And wouldn't it be more logical if they were trapped in an INescapable hell ?
Wow, thank's for sharing that, I know you open yourself up to some ridicule and criticism. It seems revelations doesn't make any sense without a very liberal interpretation of the words, why would God be so evasive? Also, Jesus didn't write revelations, I think that was John of Patmos (not a disciple). None of that seems very compelling, I mean has anything come true?
In the book of revelations the beast's number is 666. What does the number mean or represent?
Isn't it 616 ?

The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, relating to the figure of "The Beast". The number is 666 in most manuscripts of the New Testament, and in modern translations and critical editions of the Greek text. Although Irenaeus (second century) reported several scribal errors of the number, there is still doubt by some theologians about the original reading, as some recently discovered third century early manuscripts of Revelation read 616. This topic is a source of contention for many church groups and theologians.[1] Most scholars contend that the number 666 is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero.

I'm not going to argue about the number, okay.

I want Lori's comments.
In the book of revelations the beast's number is 666. What does the number mean or represent?

i dont know what lori's interpretation is but acording to google search some equate 666 to actually representing letters. In Hebrew letter and numbers were the same so 666 does not have to be a numerical representation. That is what i read on a web page, i dont read Hebrew so i cant say if it is accurate.
So you are the savior of mankind..
I wasn't far off calling you Jesus's second coming the other day, was I ?

Why do you regard the body as 'an escapable hell' ? And wouldn't it be more logical if they were trapped in an INescapable hell ?

i'm not the savior of mankind, but i do think that if what i've experienced could be validated by the other human beings involved (which there are), that it would turn a lot of heads around.

oh, i must edit. i meant inescapable hell. i would consider, that if you were to be trapped in this flawed body full of sin, without the option of death, no influence from the holy spirit (which i believe we all do have whether we are aware of it or not), while catalysmic apocalyptic earth changes are going on, that would be hell. and how about realizing you were duped after taking the mark, and then having to live with the consequences? that would be scary.
now i am assuming the same would be true for other ancient languages because there was borrowing and enhancements throughout the history of language. so it can go back further than Hebrew or can be the same in another ancient language.
i'm not the savior of mankind, but i do think that if what i've experienced could be validated by the other human beings involved (which there are), that it would turn a lot of heads around.

oh, i must edit. i meant inescapable hell. i would consider, that if you were to be trapped in this flawed body full of sin, without the option of death, no influence from the holy spirit (which i believe we all do have whether we are aware of it or not), while catalysmic apocalyptic earth changes are going on, that would be hell. and how about realizing you were duped after taking the mark, and then having to live with the consequences? that would be scary.

But there doesn't seem to be any prediction in your revelation that came true. It's just crazy talk.
Wow, thank's for sharing that, I know you open yourself up to some ridicule and criticism. It seems revelations doesn't make any sense without a very liberal interpretation of the words, why would God be so evasive? Also, Jesus didn't write revelations, I think that was John of Patmos (not a disciple). None of that seems very compelling, I mean has anything come true?

i think the timing of revelation means something. i don't think it was meant to be so obvious for reasons that i'm unsure about. i don't think that people should have an advantage or a disadvantage regarding these things. that it shouldn't be determined by some religious affilliation, or some theological and intellectual endeavor. i think this levels the playing field.

it was written by john.

there have been other things that have happened to me that substantiate it, including other spiritual experiences, and confirmation in many forms, some of it from other human beings (whom i do not have any contact with), but they are involved in what happened to me, and understand more about it than i do.

i know that because they are musicians and their music explains it somewhat.
In the book of revelations the beast's number is 666. What does the number mean or represent?

i don't know. i've heard mention of circles, and i also know that the mark will be a genetic manipulation. isn't the dna strand a triple helix?
i think the timing of revelation means something. i don't think it was meant to be so obvious for reasons that i'm unsure about. i don't think that people should have an advantage or a disadvantage regarding these things. that it shouldn't be determined by some religious affilliation, or some theological and intellectual endeavor. i think this levels the playing field.

it was written by john.

there have been other things that have happened to me that substantiate it, including other spiritual experiences, and confirmation in many forms, some of it from other human beings (whom i do not have any contact with), but they are involved in what happened to me, and understand more about it than i do.

i know that because they are musicians and their music explains it somewhat.

That is a phenomenon known as selective attention. Once you adopt a faith that this wild predictive fantasy is true, everything that contradicts it will be ignored, and anything can be interpreted as aligning with it gets your attention, even when it requires a high degree of creative interpretation. This is actually a pretty common logical error in science and other fields.

The same thing happens to baseball players. One time they rub their hat in some way and hit a homerun. Thereafter, they always rub their hat and when they don't hit a home run, they ignore it or rationalize it, when they do, it becomes confirmation of their erroneous assumption.
i'm not the savior of mankind, but i do think that if what i've experienced could be validated by the other human beings involved (which there are), that it would turn a lot of heads around.
Don't be modest:
"it is my belief that somehow my experience will be verified to the extent that it persuades some people to turn to christ. i think these are the children who will be born into the new kingdom"

oh, i must edit. i meant inescapable hell. i would consider, that if you were to be trapped in this flawed body full of sin, without the option of death, no influence from the holy spirit (which i believe we all do have whether we are aware of it or not), while catalysmic apocalyptic earth changes are going on, that would be hell. and how about realizing you were duped after taking the mark, and then having to live with the consequences? that would be scary.
And it would all be Gods fault eventually.
But there doesn't seem to be any prediction in your revelation that came true. It's just crazy talk.

well, there's a lot of crazy talk going around these days. do you know how vast and documented the abduction phenomenon is? it's hardly ignorable. and if you research it you will find that it does often turn into some spiritually enlightening experience. which makes absolutely no sense. why would aliens have all the answers to the questions of the universe just because they are from another planet? why would they put themselves in a position of being a savior to mankind? and if this does happen, doesn't a one world government and religion seem like a likely result?
Jesus Christ, this is the same kind of random association that typifies the schizophrenic. There is a good reason why crazy people love revelations, it's much easier to look forward to this world falling apart than to actually love your neighbor.
Find out, get an answer.

why? i don't really care what 666 means. if it were meant for me to know, it would have been told to me like the rest of this was. what was told to me is that it will be a genetic manipulation (by the blood), that will make the life of this flesh eternal. that's all i need to know.