Psionic Synchronizer


Staff member
Did anyone watched this weeks episode of the Outer Limits?

"Mind Reacher", Episode #715.
A doctor uses a machine that allows her to psychologically enter her patients' minds.

Thoughts and comments...?
How 'bout a comment?

Ah, you haven't been reading to much of Paul Dixon's posts by chance, have you?
Oh! no, he is stuck in a time loop...I hope, I am not...he is a psychologist interested in astrophysics...I am a gastronomist who is interested in Psychology...he has a purpose with no sense of humor...I am a humorist with no sense of purpose....

And .....C'est la vie...
Hey, are welcome.

Life is hard, then you die...In the Maslov's heirarchy of needs...I am at the humor stage. Consider - a little blue planet among billions of planets, contains 6 billion creatures who invented God...and keep inventing and inventing....

Suppose for a moment, you were never born...would that have made any difference to these 6 billion people...of course we will never know.

I just thought of something. Has anybody ever did a past /future life regression using hypnosis where people were born in another planet with more than one moon?

Say, out of those future life or future progression stories done 30 years ago, how many saw accurately to the present? And why is that all these UFOs have lights blinking when our stealth fighters do not? And why these Aliens do not have any nanotechnology that can tag us without nose bleed and be almost invisible to X-rays? (when HP just filed a patent for nanocomputing).

Every story from project blue book (the TV series) to recent abduction stories deals with technology so inferior to us today and 30 years from today that...oh...well...

A grain of salt perhaps...
Hey all :)
Great point about the UFO thing!

and you gave me a well-needed laugh! :D

I myself... am a salesman trying to buy knowledge not yet for sale,
by people who don’t want to teach and would never be recognized as knowledgeable while dismissing as irrelevant to a person digging a hole in the garden to plant a tomato.

Have you noticed that when you see a word, how the brain brings up associated words or thought?

I saw the word tomato in the past post, and thought of grasshoppers eating the leaves of my tomato plant, and getting fat. Does anybody know how get rid of these pests without serious pesticides? Do they have a natural predator I could use?

I am glad you are enjoying my post, O! ripple-of-death.
Introduce some Spiders into your tomato plant habitat. Hehe, They will eat all those nasty grasshoppers up. But make sure you get the right ones!:D ;)
hey all :)

yo kmguru-... find something they like more and plant it a couple of meters away and then introduce a birdbath.
Im sure if you can get a few birds in there they will help to even the odds with the preferred food supply added to the formula!
Good luck on the preferred food :/

To psychologically enter a persons mind................?
To what extent, would have to be the real question i am asking?
To be able to visualise their thoughts?
or control....

As it should be obvious by now i have not seen that particular episode. :D

groove on all :)
Thank you riple, my in-laws said the same thing. These pests are also eating all my rose leaves. We are going to set up a few bird feeders around and see what happens.

Thank you again....
i serve there for i am what i seek to be in what i accomplish

if i may be soo egotistical to assume such...

err for i attain a foothold to ascend to what i might hope to
begin from.

as i awaken

Has anybody tested out the Alpha Wave generators for biofeedback?

OR tried out the Delta wave generator music CD?
I spotted this post that Kmguru innitiated, from the start he mentions of something that was an episode in Outer Limits, but the question I would like to ask him, "Do you believe that those sort of systems exist?"

I ask Kmguru that because I "Know" they exist, and I know that most of the reason to why I post so many topics is because I'm trying to suck up to them. Of course one of them has made it increasingly difficult through his annoying antics, that proves even doctors and/or their student collegues can get jealous.

I'm sure that will raise questions like
"Who are they?"
"Why did they pick you?"
"What have they learnt?"

and my question...
"When will pay me and let me off this awful con(en)trap(ment)tion?" 24/7 shiftworking doctors, a snotty nosed student and the other students that "hang" on this system is getting too mcuh.
(especially when these sorts of experiments are carried out on Terminally ill patients, Does this mean they are making me terminally ill just to do their studies?)
Some experiments are definitely going on. It has to. Humans are too curious. In my college days, in the electronic/computer lab, I tinkered with high gain amplifiers - feeding from my body electrical activity and watching the wave form dance.

Later on, I was involved with a music band group, where we were thinking of digitally recording emotions. I did not have the right equipment to do that. So, may be someday, when I retire, I will get involved again.