Two posts in a row showing lack of understanding of the word "purpose".
I bet everybody is aware of the well accepted meaning of purpose as "intentional, designed, planned target of an intelligent being".
In that sense, nature can not have any purpose since it was not controlled by a supreme idea or mechanism. Yet its whole existence -including our bodies as dependants and slaves to this environment- impose us a reality: you will be transformed until you will not be recognised from your origin (whatever it is), and be extinguished ultimately within the gravity. This is how nature impose itself in my brain: The most serious power with a mission. Knowing that this power "was/is not designed" does not make it less serious, the mechanised destiny of things in this nature makes more fundemental demands. "
Nature does not work with organisers and plans, shit happens, a cell division evolution may result into us, or an asteroid may hit your planet..." You can enter this data into a computer with numbers; but as a conscious being, I recognize things slightly different than a computer or a bacteria: Nature does not have any purpose, OK, but everything else (?) is trying to kill my conscious existence... Because nature is consist of purposeless, yet targetfull happenings: A charged rhino, spreading disease, exploded volcano, decaying atom, mutating DNA. I am always on the ways of any of these unplanned motions, and my existence is destined to be part of something else other than me. If I want to put all these happenings into one basket against me, I must give it a title: Say purpose, great plan, cosmic coincidences, chaotic cycles, dances of forces or anything else you would prefer.
I am an ape, I work with emotions, opponents, and representations. Nature did not have any purpose behind my existence, and that does not bother me since I was not around. Now I exist and has started to "understand" the mechanisms which made me possible somewhere in the spacetime of this universe. My "understanding" also tells me that the very same universe will do everything (without purpose, without purpose, Amen) in its power to abolish my existence. Its purpose is against my purpose...