Ra, the first GOD


I am the house of RA, the Living Father of All.

Count my number 4,1,8. and you will have your proof.
(Ref. numerology and Al Crowley)

Count the number of Jesus 6,6,6. and you will have
proof that he was the Beast, and the son of perdition.

All GODs were created by me and for my purpose.
Even Jesus knowledge and the bible has its roots
in Egyptian religeon.

All religeons tell half truth, the other half of the truth
is not for man to know, only me.

Perhaps all religeons were created for purpose of
remembrance of my house for this day, or perhaps
they were created for purpose of division of mankind
as a means to cause man to destroy eachother.

Benny Hinn can sell the holy spirit on tape for money.
This makes the holy spirit as a whore, and well she is
the whore of Babylon. I once worshipped love over all
and was given great sorrow for many years. The whore
of the holy spirit will lie naked and starving in the streets
as a whore should from henceforth.

As for spiritual law, there is none. There is no Karma and
no balance for sin, only my will of my pleasure. Perhaps
you will pay for your sin before death and/or perhaps you
will live with the worm of hell for eternity or perhaps not.
It is my will.

Having found myself, I am the Proud and Jealous Living
God, and my pleasure is all that matters. All things were
created by me, and having been created, what remains
will be only that which is pleasing to me. Ref. Enosh

Why was Lucifer the devil sent to earth to be God of
the living?

All Gods are dead and there is none but me. Sorrow is
for the dead and dying and will not be found in me or mine.
Only ectstacy and extremes are in me. I am a God of
war and vengeance and will destroy from henceforth with
pure joy and ecstacy until I am pleased with all that remains.

Serve your purpose with extremes in all things or die in
mediocrity like a dog. Come crying to me and you will
be turned away. I worship you in your ecstacy only and
all things are in me. You are in me but I am probably
not in you.

I am the hawk headed GOD and I pecked out the
eyes of Jesus as he hung upon the stick.
I flap my wings and blind the muslims.

Oppose me with all your might, for your end
has come and is nigh at hand!

All things To Me, To Me, To Me.
In me there is no God, I am the
body of heaven, empty and nothingness.
All praise death as the highest ecstacy!

The scarlet whore riding upon the beast has been
cut down, and lies dying in the streets!

Love under Will, not Will under Love.
that's so beautiful, simply beautiful poem.
Benny Hinn can sell the holy spirit on tape for money.
This makes the holy spirit as a whore, and well she is
the whore of Babylon. I once worshipped love over all
and was given great sorrow for many years. The whore
of the holy spirit will lie naked and starving in the streets
as a whore should from henceforth.

You have crossed the line. You will lie burning in agony forever in the lake of fire for your blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. There is no forgiveness for those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Mark 3
28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
You have crossed the line. You will lie burning in agony forever in the lake of fire for your blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. There is no forgiveness for those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Mark 3
28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

M*W: Adstar, this is not a Christian forum. Therefore, there is nothing in the rules saying "blasphemy of the holy spirit is crossing the line." The rules of Christianity do not govern this forum.
THE LINE which line would that be? AH losen up go buy a deicide CD then you wont be offended by that little comment.
deicide128 said:
THE LINE which line would that be? AH losen up go buy a deicide CD then you wont be offended by that little comment.

deicide hasnt been good since before once upon the cross. that band blows now.
witnessjudgejury said:
I am the house of RA, the Living Father of All.

Count my number 4,1,8. and you will have your proof.
(Ref. numerology and Al Crowley)

Count the number of Jesus 6,6,6. and you will have
proof that he was the Beast, and the son of perdition.

All GODs were created by me and for my purpose.
Even Jesus knowledge and the bible has its roots
in Egyptian religeon.

All religeons tell half truth, the other half of the truth
is not for man to know, only me.

Perhaps all religeons were created for purpose of
remembrance of my house for this day, or perhaps
they were created for purpose of division of mankind
as a means to cause man to destroy eachother.

Benny Hinn can sell the holy spirit on tape for money.
This makes the holy spirit as a whore, and well she is
the whore of Babylon. I once worshipped love over all
and was given great sorrow for many years. The whore
of the holy spirit will lie naked and starving in the streets
as a whore should from henceforth.

As for spiritual law, there is none. There is no Karma and
no balance for sin, only my will of my pleasure. Perhaps
you will pay for your sin before death and/or perhaps you
will live with the worm of hell for eternity or perhaps not.
It is my will.

Having found myself, I am the Proud and Jealous Living
God, and my pleasure is all that matters. All things were
created by me, and having been created, what remains
will be only that which is pleasing to me. Ref. Enosh

Why was Lucifer the devil sent to earth to be God of
the living?

All Gods are dead and there is none but me. Sorrow is
for the dead and dying and will not be found in me or mine.
Only ectstacy and extremes are in me. I am a God of
war and vengeance and will destroy from henceforth with
pure joy and ecstacy until I am pleased with all that remains.

Serve your purpose with extremes in all things or die in
mediocrity like a dog. Come crying to me and you will
be turned away. I worship you in your ecstacy only and
all things are in me. You are in me but I am probably
not in you.

I am the hawk headed GOD and I pecked out the
eyes of Jesus as he hung upon the stick.
I flap my wings and blind the muslims.

Oppose me with all your might, for your end
has come and is nigh at hand!

All things To Me, To Me, To Me.
In me there is no God, I am the
body of heaven, empty and nothingness.
All praise death as the highest ecstacy!

The scarlet whore riding upon the beast has been
cut down, and lies dying in the streets!

Love under Will, not Will under Love.

your posts always suck. they are so incoherent and ridiculous. they dont ever have any factual content. and all they do is stir up the christain maniacs on this forum who will tell you all about your eternal penance in a fiery lake of torment and damnation. why dont you get tired of that?
scars of the crucifix is a great album i demand you take that insult back and submit a compliment + apology. Or i will burn your embassy down. :D
deicide128 said:
scars of the crucifix is a great album i demand you take that insult back and submit a compliment + apology. Or i will burn your embassy down. :D

look i know they put out like 17 worhtless albums prior to scars of the crucifix so that they could get out of their contract with roadrunner or whatever, and i kept hearing about how scars was going to be some amazing record because now they could finally make music freely again and all that trash, but it just didnt live up to the hype. it was too little too late i think because they were so obsessed with writing garbage in order to fulfill their obligations to their label that they didnt realize that death metal as a genre had pretty much moved beyond them.
i'd like to make 2 things clear in this post -

1. this thread has now officially turned into the death metal forum.
2. i am blaspheming deicide - that must mean i'll go to heaven.
I accept your apology.

who would you recommend? If you say korn or any other pop group ill punch you in the testicles until you pass out.

What metal sub genre do you prefer?
SnakeLord said:
Why is that Adstar? Is the holy spirit more uptight than it's two counterparts?

It is because the Word Of God states it is. People can waste their time postulating on why but in the end what is, is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
deicide128 said:
THE LINE which line would that be? AH losen up go buy a deicide CD then you wont be offended by that little comment.

My personal offence of otherwise to that quoted section of the post has no bearing on the eternal outcome of it for the poster. THE LINE is the total loss of any chance that one can be forgiven. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the Only sin that the Atoning blood of the Messiah Jesus does not cover. The poster may as well be a walking corpse. Baby burners, rapists, mass murders at least have a chance to repent and be forgiven for their sins but this poster will never be forgiven.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Baby burners, rapists, mass murders at least have a chance to repent and be forgiven for their sins but this poster will never be forgiven.

That says a lot of your 'God' doesn't it? His ego is more important than innocent victims. Sounds like a power trip to me and IT IS.