I'm tired of this. Islam's got nothing to do with what Muslims do on an everyday basis, 'cause Christianity's got nothing to do with what Christians do on an everyday basis. Or any other
reassuring fable, for that matter. All religion is is people's bull excuses for doing, what they would've done anyway.
These two Kouachi boys didn't get laid. That's what it was about. 'Cause that's what it's always about. It's what triggered Anders Breivik, Ted Kaczynski, the Columbine boys, Timothy McVeigh. That they didn't get a leg up in time.
And here's the horrible thing. This kind of sick sh.., it works with the ladies. How many propositions haven't Dzhokhar Tsarnaev already got from lusty US teenage girls, who can only respond to him having his picture distributed across the world? Didn't Charlie Manson actually just get married in prison, being world famous for the sickest single act in recent memory? 'Cause that's the only criteria female human mating behavior responds to, when the girls are ovulating and subconsciously are looking for the trophy semen: The male has to dominate the other males. This is how girls are right when they are the most fertile. In all fragments of humanity, regardless of race, color, creed. It's not the peacemakers they want to be gestated by, 'cause they're too boooring and don't make the girl's girlfriends green with envy. Instinctively, the boys shooting random people or fly planes into buildings, they know this. In their desperation they know, that as long as they stand out and make the other males nervous by any ... means ... necessary, they do increase their chances of getting the only thing. 'Cause the girls don't see, why they're responsible for how the boys stand out. If those two boys in France survives and lives out their days in a prison, they will get their 72 virgins on Earth. 'Cause that's aparently female human mating behavior, at the age when they're the most fertile. What would that entail about our evolution as a species? Who gets their 50 percent to the future gene pool? Who wins the biological competition? Who do we all descend from?
That is what all bloodshed and corruption and human mayhem is ultimately always about; the fight for the fertile females. That's what it always boil down to. Because it works butchering the defenseless; then that sick boy with the blood on his hands is the new Alpha. And sex is the only thing males want, from they're fifteen 'till they're dead. The most dangerous creature on this planet is a male Homo sapiens, that doesn't get laid;
they will blow up the world to get the girl. What ever excuses people dig up every time
doesn't have to make sense. And it's gonna get a lot worse, before it gets better, 'cause there're a lot of boys in this world, the girls don't want semen from for their egg.
Women are just as big a part of the problem as men. Neither party can destroy the human world on their own, but together between them, human mating behavior is the source of all human entropy. And that's taboo to say, and that's why there'll be no solution. Why we will have world war three. And four. And five. All in the name of procreation in a grossly over populated human world.