Reality is stranger than we think

Room 428 and the Demon Face

"This room, located at Ohio University, is unavailable to students. It has been boarded up and closed off because of various paranormal reports regarding the room. Poltergeist activity has been felt: objects flying across the room, doors that open and shut by themselves, and dark shadows appearing and disappearing without explanation. The creepiest thing about this room is the demon-like face that appears in the wood grain of the door. The door has been replaced multiple times only to have the face appear again. The apparition is known to be playful, and is said to be the spirit of a student that committed suicide in the room. If being a freshman at a college university wasn’t stressful enough, imagine having to share your dorm with a ghost!"
The Hessdalen Lights

"There can be a big difference in how the Hessdalen phenomena look like. The difference is so big that there might be different kind of phenomena we are facing. These differencies can be seen both in the pictures and in the description from the observers.
The phenomena can be organised in different types, based on how it looks like, the movement and how it behaves.

Most of the descriptions, given by the observers, tell about a light phenomena seen when it is dark outside. That is natural, because it is easier to see a light when it is dark outside. 85 % of the reports gathered during the period with highest activity, in the beginning of the 80'ies, tell about a light phenomena. The rest of the report use the word "object", and some of these were seen during the daytime. Sadly, there are no pictures of these, but there are several pictures of the light phenomena. When the lights is best documented and in majority of the cases, we have chosen to use the word lightphenomena, and we have programmed the automatic station to react on lightphenomena. When we get more powerful computers, we can program them to also react on phenomena seen on daytime. (We need more economical support to be able to do that.)

The phenomena can be divided in these categories:

1 - White, or blue-white flashing light. They are usually high up in the air, close to the top of the mountains or even higher. Their living time is usually short, typical some seconds. Sometimes they have been seen for a minute, but seldom any longer time. The picture on the right is taken with a long exposure time. During that time has the light flashed several times while it is moving. The camera has been on a tripod.

White-blue flashing light

2 - A yellow light, with a red light on the top. This red light can be flashing. The picture on the right is taken with a long exposure time. During that time has the light moved, and one red flash happened during this period. When the light is moving during the exposure time, you will see it as a yellow line on the picture. It is also possible to see that the yellow light is not constant in intensity. The camera has been on a tripod.

Yellow, with a red flashing light above

3 - A yellow or white light. This is the most common description of the Hessdalen Phenomena. This light can stand still for more than an hour. It can move around slowly down in the valley, stop sometimes for minutes, start moving again. The shape is often round as a ball. Sometimes there are other shapes.

Yellow ball

4 - A black "object" with light on. This has been reported several times in Hessdalen. To the right you can see a picture of such a phenomena. It was Leif Havik who took the picture in Hessdalen on the 18.Mars 1982. It shows three lights on this "black object". To the left for that picture you can see a drawing made by one observer of a similar phenomena in Hessdalen. A "object" with a light on each end. The four pictures from the left is taken from a film recorded in Hungary around 1990. It shows a light with a black area on, which is moving around on the light. In one part of the film is this black area covering nearly the whole light, and then is it a black "object". It is shown here for illustration, even if it is not recorded in Hessdalen, because it is something similar as described of these phenomena in Hessdalen. You can see the film here, a 3 Mbyte-avi or a 44 Mbyte-avi verson. The speed of this film is half of the original. The moving speed of this phenomena is then two times more than what you see on that film."

See pics here:
Foo Fighters

"The nonsense word "foo" emerged in popular culture during the early 1930s, first being used by cartoonist Bill Holman who peppered his Smokey Stover fireman cartoon strips with "foo" signs and puns.

The term foo was borrowed from Bill Holman's Smokey Stover by a radar operator in the 415th Night Fighter Squadron, Donald J. Meiers, who it is agreed by most 415th members gave the foo fighters their name. Meiers was from Chicago and was an avid reader of Bill Holman's strip which was run daily in the Chicago Tribune. Smokey Stover's catch phrase was "where there's foo, there's fire". In a mission debriefing on the evening November 27, 1944, Fritz Ringwald, the unit's S-2 Intelligence Officer, stated that Meiers and Ed Schleuter had sighted a red ball of fire that appeared to chase them through a variety of high-speed maneuvers. Fritz said that Meiers was extremely agitated and had a copy of the comic strip tucked in his back pocket. He pulled it out and slammed it down on Fritz's desk and said, "... it was another one of those fuckin' foo fighters!" and stormed out of the debriefing room.[7]

According to Fritz Ringwald, because of the lack of a better name, it stuck. And this was originally what the men of the 415th started calling these incidents: "Fuckin' Foo Fighters." In December 1944, a press correspondent from the Associated Press in Paris, Bob Wilson, was sent to the 415th at their base outside of Dijon, France to investigate this story.[8] It was at this time that the term was cleaned up to just "foo fighters". The unit commander, Capt. Harold Augsperger, also decided to shorten the term to foo fighters in the unit's historical data.[7]


The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down. The phenomenon was so widespread that the lights earned a name – in the European Theater of Operations they were often called "kraut fireballs" but for the most part called "foo-fighters". The military took the sightings seriously, suspecting that the mysterious sightings might be secret German weapons, but further investigation revealed that German and Japanese pilots had reported similar sightings.[9]

On 13 December 1944, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force in Paris issued a press release, which was featured in the New York Times the next day, officially describing the phenomenon as a "new German weapon". Follow-up stories, using the term "Foo Fighters", appeared in the New York Herald Tribune and the British Daily Telegraph.[10]

In its 15 January 1945 edition Time magazine carried a story entitled "Foo-Fighter", in which it reported that the "balls of fire" had been following USAAF night fighters for over a month, and that the pilots had named it the "foo-fighter". According to Time, descriptions of the phenomena varied, but the pilots agreed that the mysterious lights followed their aircraft closely at high speed. Some scientists at the time rationalized the sightings as an illusion probably caused by afterimages of dazzle caused by flak bursts, while others suggested St. Elmo's Fire as an explanation.[11]

The "balls of fire" phenomenon reported from the Pacific Theater of Operations differed somewhat from the foo fighters reported from Europe; the "ball of fire" resembled a large burning sphere which "just hung in the sky", though it was reported to sometimes follow aircraft. On one occasion, the gunner of a B-29 aircraft managed to hit one with gunfire, causing it to break up into several large pieces which fell on buildings below and set them on fire. There was speculation that the phenomena could be related to the Japanese fire balloons' campaign. As with the European foo fighters, no aircraft was reported as having been attacked by a "ball of fire"[12]

The postwar Robertson Panel cited foo fighter reports, noting that their behavior did not appear to be threatening, and mentioned possible explanations, for instance that they were electrostatic phenomena similar to St. Elmo's fire, electromagnetic phenomena, or simply reflections of light from ice crystals. The Panel's report suggested that "If the term "flying saucers" had been popular in 1943–1945, these objects would have been so labeled."


Foo fighters were reported on many occasions from around the world; a few examples are noted below.

Sighting from September 1941 in the Indian Ocean was similar to some later foo fighter reports. From the deck of the S.S. Pułaski (a Polish merchant vessel transporting British troops), two sailors reported a "strange globe glowing with greenish light, about half the size of the full moon as it appears to us." They alerted a British officer, who watched the object's movements with them for over an hour.

Charles R. Bastien of the Eighth Air Force reported one of the first encounters with foo fighters over the Belgium/Netherlands area; he described them as "two fog lights flying at high rates of speed that could change direction rapidly". During debriefing, his intelligence officer told him that two RAF night fighters had reported the same thing, and it was later reported in British newspapers.

Career U.S. Air Force pilot Duane Adams often related that he had witnessed two occurrences of a bright light which paced his aircraft for about half an hour and then rapidly ascended into the sky. Both incidents occurred at night, both over the South Pacific, and both were witnessed by the entire aircraft crew. The first sighting occurred shortly after the end of World War II while Adams piloted a B-25 bomber. The second sighting occurred in the early 1960s when Adams was piloting a KC-135 tanker.

Explanations and theories

Author Renato Vesco revived the wartime theory that the foo fighters were a Nazi secret weapon in his work 'Intercept UFO', reprinted in a revised English edition as 'Man-Made UFOs: 50 Years Of Suppression' in 1994. Vesco claims that the foo fighters were in fact a form of ground-launched automatically guided jet-propelled flak mine called the Feuerball (Fireball). The device, operated by special SS units, supposedly resembled a tortoise shell in shape, and flew by means of gas jets that spun like a Catherine wheel around the fuselage. Miniature klystron tubes inside the device, in combination with the gas jets, created the foo fighters' characteristic glowing spheroid appearance. A crude form of collision avoidance radar ensured the craft would not crash into another airborne object, and an onboard sensor mechanism would even instruct the machine to depart swiftly if it was fired upon. The purpose of the Feuerball, according to Vesco, was two-fold. The appearance of this weird device inside a bomber stream would (and indeed did) have a distracting and disruptive effect on the bomber pilots; and Vesco alleges that the devices were also intended to have an offensive capability. Electrostatic discharges from the klystron tubes would, he states, interfere with the ignition systems of the bombers' engines, causing the planes to crash. Although there is no hard evidence to support the reality of the Feuerball drone, this theory has been taken up by other aviation/ufology authors, and has even been cited as the most likely explanation for the phenomena in at least one recent television documentary on Nazi secret weapons.

A type of electrical discharge from airplanes' wings (see St. Elmo's Fire) has been suggested as an explanation, since it has been known to appear at the wingtips of aircraft.[11] It has also been pointed out that some of the descriptions of foo fighters closely resemble those of ball lightning."

Green Fireballs over New Mexico

"Green fireballs are a type of unidentified flying object which have been sighted in the sky since the late 1940s.[1] Early sightings primarily occurred in the southwestern United States, particularly in New Mexico.[2][3][4] They were once of notable concern to the US government because they were often clustered around sensitive research and military installations, such as Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratory, then Sandia base.[2][3][4] Furthermore, the strange green balls of light appeared suddenly and were reported many times per month near such New Mexico installations, but hardly anywhere else.

Meteor expert Dr. Lincoln LaPaz headed much of the investigation into the fireballs on behalf of the military. LaPaz's conclusion was that the objects displayed too many anomalous characteristics to be a type of meteor and instead were artificial, perhaps secret Russian spy devices. The green fireballs were seen by many people of high repute including LaPaz, distinguished Los Alamos scientists, Kirtland AFB intelligence officers and Air Command Defense personnel.[5] A February 1949 Los Alamos conference attended by aforementioned sighters, Project Sign, world renowned upper atmosphere physicist Dr. Joseph Kaplan, H-bomb scientist Dr. Edward Teller, other scientists and military brass concluded, though far from unanimously, that green fireballs were natural phenomena. To the conference attendees, though the green fire ball source was unknown, their existence was unquestioned.[6] Secret conferences were convened at Los Alamos to study the phenomenon[citation needed] and in Washington by the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board.

In December 1949 Project Twinkle, a network of green fireball observation and photographic stations, was established but never fully implemented. It was discontinued two years later, with the official conclusion that the phenomenon was probably natural in origin.[8]

Green fireballs have been given natural, man-made, and extraterrestrial origins and have become associated with both the Cold War and ufology.[2][3][4] Because of the extensive government paper trail on the phenomenon, many ufologists consider the green fireballs to be among the best documented examples of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)."---

Vitrified Forts

"In 1777, a man named John Williams, who was one of the earliest British geologists, described the phenomenon of vitrified forts. Vitrified forts are the name given to a type of crude stone enclosure or wall that shows signs of being subjected to intense heat. The structures have baffled geologists for centuries because people can’t figure out how the rocks were fused together. There is currently no accepted method for the vitrification of large scale objects. “The temperatures required to vitrify the entire fort structures are equal to those found in an atomic bomb detonation.” Hundreds of vitrified fort structures have been found across Europe and 80 such examples exist in Scotland. Some of the most remarkable include Dun Mac Sniachan, Benderloch, Ord Hill, Dun Creich, Castle Point, and Barra Hill.

The forts range in age from the Neolithic to Roman period. The structures are extremely broad and present the appearance of large embankments. The process used to develop the walls is thought to have involved extreme heat and many structures show signs of fire damage. However, vitrification is usually achieved by rapidly cooling a substance. It occurs when bonding between elementary particles becomes higher than a certain threshold. Thermal fluctuations break the bonds, therefore, the lower the temperature, the higher the degree of connectivity. The process of vitrification made headlines in 2012 when scientists used it to preserve organs and tissues at very low temperatures.

Many historians have argued that vitrified forts were subjected to carefully maintained fires to ensure they were hot enough to turn the rock to glass. In order to do this, the temperatures would have been maintained between 1050 and 1235°C, which would have been extremely difficult to do. It is also uncertain why people would have exposed the structures to such intense heat because when rock is superheated, the solid becomes significantly weaker and brittle. Some scientists have theorized that the vitrified forts were created by massive plasma events (solar flares). A plasma event occurs when ionized gas in the atmosphere takes the form of gigantic electrical outbursts, which can melt and vitrify rocks. During solar storms, the Sun is known to occasionally throw off massive spurts of plasma. As of 2012, vitrified forts remain one of the strangest anomalies on Earth."

I devote this thread to amazing coincidences/strange events.

Take the case of one Mr. Roy Sullivan, humble park ranger of Shenandoah National Park:

"Sullivan was born in Greene County, Virginia on February 7, 1912. He started working as a ranger in Shenandoah National Park in 1936.[7] Sullivan was described as a brawny man with a broad, rugged face, who resembled the actor Gene Hackman. He was avoided by people later in life because of their fear of being hit by lightning, and this saddened him. He once recalled "For instance, I was walking with the Chief Ranger one day when lightning struck way off. The Chief said, 'I'll see you later.'" On September 28, 1983, Sullivan died at the age of 71 from self-inflicted gunshot wound in the stomach. Two of his ranger hats are on display at two Guinness World Exhibit Halls in New York City and South Carolina.[2]

Seven strikes

1.The first documented lightning strike of Sullivan occurred in April 1942. He was hiding from a thunderstorm in a fire lookout tower. The tower was newly built and had no lightning rod at the time; it was hit seven or eight times. Inside the tower, "fire was jumping all over the place". Sullivan ran out and just a few feet away received what he considered to be his worst lightning strike. It burned a half-inch strip all along his right leg, hit his toe, and left a hole in his shoe.[7]

2.He was hit again in July 1969. Unusually, he was hit while in his truck, driving on a mountain road—the metal body of a vehicle normally protects people in cases such as this by acting as a Faraday cage. The lightning first hit nearby trees and was deflected into the open window of the truck. The strike knocked Sullivan unconscious and burned off his eyebrows, eyelashes, and most of his hair. The uncontrolled truck kept moving until it stopped near a cliff edge.[6][7]

3.In 1970, Sullivan was struck while in his front yard. The lightning hit a nearby power transformer and from there jumped to his left shoulder, searing it.[6][7]

4.In 1972, Sullivan was working inside a ranger station in Shenandoah National Park when another strike occurred. It set his hair on fire; he tried to smother the flames with his jacket. He then rushed to the restroom, but couldn't fit under the water tap and so used a wet towel instead.[7] Although he never was a fearful man, after the fourth strike he began to believe that some force was trying to destroy him and he acquired a fear of death. For months, whenever he was caught in a storm while driving his truck, he would pull over and lie down on the front seat until the storm passed. He also began to carry a can of water with him and believed that he would somehow attract lightning even if he stood in a crowd of people.[2][8]

5.On August 7, 1973, while he was out on patrol in the park, Sullivan saw a storm cloud forming and drove away quickly. But the cloud, he said later, seemed to be following him. When he finally thought he had outrun it, he decided it was safe to leave his truck. Soon after, he was struck by a lightning bolt. Sullivan stated that he actually saw the bolt that hit him. The lightning set his hair on fire, moved down his left arm and left leg and knocked off his shoe. It then crossed over to his right leg just below the knee. Still conscious, Sullivan crawled to his truck and poured the can of water, which he always kept there, over his head.[2][8]

6.The next strike, on June 5, 1976, injured his ankle. It was reported that he saw a cloud, thought that it was following him, tried to run away, but was struck anyway.[6]

7.On Saturday morning, June 25, 1977, Sullivan was struck while fishing in a freshwater pool. The lightning hit the top of his head, singed his hair, traveled down, and burnt his chest and stomach. Sullivan turned to his car when something unexpected occurred — a bear approached the pond and tried to steal trout from his fishing line. Sullivan had the strength and courage to strike the bear with a tree branch. He claimed that this was the twenty-second time he hit a bear with a stick in his lifetime.[2]

i've noticed that when coincidences occur with inanimate, there are more cases where it tends to be more truly coincidental. but when coincidences occur between person to person because where consciousness and subconscious plays a part, there are more cases where it's not as coincidental as it seems.

i've noticed this pattern in my own life. for instance, when you are stronger, you attract less predators. when you are weaker or distressed, you attract more predators. and between people, it's like a invisible frequency people hone in on and it looks to be coincidence and you realize it's not, even to the point it's as if the universe is bringing those events or people to you, good or ill. it can be disturbing so the more sensitized and aware you become to the invisible aspects of life as as well as reading others better, the safer you are. regular 'logic' in these cases will keep you vulnerable. your intuition and gut instincts have a lot to tell you or warn you about.
i've noticed that when coincidences occur with inanimate, there are more cases where it tends to be more truly coincidental. but when coincidences occur between person to person because where consciousness and subconscious plays a part, there are more cases where it's not as coincidental as it seems. i've noticed this pattern in my own life. for instance, when you are stronger, you attract less predators. when you are weaker or distressed, you attract more predators. and between people, it's like a invisible frequency people hone in on and it looks to be coincidence and you realize it's not, even to the point it's as if the universe is bringing those events or people to you, good or ill. it can be disturbing so the more sensitized and aware you become to the invisible aspects of life as as well as reading others better, the safer you are. regular 'logic' in these cases will keep you vulnerable. your intuition and gut instincts have a lot to tell you or warn you about.
So what you are saying is that bullies pick on the weak more so than the strong? Yes, there must be an invisible frequency to account for this. It's almost as if one has a brain that is able to do "what if" scenarios in advance. My theory is that inanimate objects aren't able to do this but that living objects are and the degree to which they are able to do this has to do with the relative size of their brain.

I call this my invisible frequency theory. I've been working on this for a few years and I'll publish it soon if the scientific establishment will quit blocking my attempts to publish my work.

I call this invisible frequency c/ and it is a derivative of the speed of light. c/ = m -1 =0.
So what you are saying is that bullies pick on the weak more so than the strong? Yes, there must be an invisible frequency to account for this. It's almost as if one has a brain that is able to do "what if" scenarios in advance. My theory is that inanimate objects aren't able to do this but that living objects are and the degree to which they are able to do this has to do with the relative size of their brain.

well, maybe you are just too obtuse to notice the subtle differences. the 'invisible' is what people are picking up. not what they physically see.

what you give off, even unconsciously, also seems to affect and move events in your favor or against it, even unconsciously bringing certain types of people in your physical vicinity as well as moving out or keeping certain people away, good or ill.

it's as if there is an invisible grid of forces (people's subconscious) interacting that affects events right underneath the surface of society. these will be considered 'coincidences' when they really are not as coincidental or random as they appear.
well, maybe you are just too obtuse to notice the subtle differences. the 'invisible' is what people are picking up. not what they physically see.

what you give off, even unconsciously, also seems to affect and move events in your favor or against it, even unconsciously bringing certain types of people in your physical vicinity as well as moving out or keeping certain people away, good or ill.

it's as if there is an invisible grid of forces (people's subconscious) interacting that affects events right underneath the surface of society. these will be considered 'coincidences' when they really are not as coincidental or random as they appear.
So the harder your work, the luckier you get and that has to do with an invisible force?
Room 428 and the Demon Face

"This room, located at Ohio University, is unavailable to students. It has been boarded up and closed off because of various paranormal reports regarding the room. Poltergeist activity has been felt: objects flying across the room, doors that open and shut by themselves, and dark shadows appearing and disappearing without explanation. The creepiest thing about this room is the demon-like face that appears in the wood grain of the door. The door has been replaced multiple times only to have the face appear again. The apparition is known to be playful, and is said to be the spirit of a student that committed suicide in the room. If being a freshman at a college university wasn’t stressful enough, imagine having to share your dorm with a ghost!"

what we call ghosts (minus hoaxes, imagination etc) could be a lifeform existing in a different dimension. just as the physical realm has an effect of actually cloaking a lot of who we are. those abstract concepts could be a truer, more deconstructed 'face' of certain aspects, this idea of dark or light, angel or demon. they are simultaneously metaphors and real at the same time, because of our experience, just as we are relative beings.

though i agree that there is a difference between a subjective experience vs an objective true (known to all), there are subjective experiences that are objective that not everyone experiences. that happens all the time in all facets of existence. there are even people who have experiences or abilities others do not have and vice-versa. most people will not experience being a billionaire, for example. still, with tools to test, all has to still be evaluated with your available senses. this is where we have our limits when it's beyond our ability.

though he implies that a higher dimension is superior, i don't know that is always the case. it may be just a different experience and vantage point. if it exists, probably there are pros and cons.

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there was this woman who had a near death experience and according to what was revealed to her was many different realities/universes out there, some amazingly beautiful beyond imagination that we ourselves are not privy to or are not fortunate to exist in but she also said that there were horrible universes, probably even more horrible than this one. we know of chaos and evil because this universe is at least half or more of that as well but that there may be dimensions or universes of only pure chaos or evil.

but taking a step back and considering that overall picture, if that is even could be true, i find that strangely unacceptable that such horrible places would exist even if some good place exist doesn't make up for that or those who have to suffer in those.
I had a near death experience today I had no hope of thinking about anything except to keep breathing holding I would stay alive until the ambulance arrived.
But I didn't die so a good day.
I had a near death experience today I had no hope of thinking about anything except to keep breathing holding I would stay alive until the ambulance arrived.
But I didn't die so a good day.

Hope everything is okay. Sounds a fair-dinkum thing.
Just noticed that thread title
Reality is stranger than we think
seems to have a unhealthy obsession with anything which is not in the realm of reality but busy swimming in the pool of the supernatural

Oh well

Must check on my new brand of coffee to see if it responsible for some of my observations

There are many realities, each individual may see theirs slightly differently to the next any where on the scale of reasonably rational to somewhat out there.