Religion Is Logic


Registered Senior Member
To the average religious person is it logical that there is a god.

Logic is learnt.
You learn it from your own experince and from what you have been told.
If what you have experinced can be exlpaint by how you hvad been told, then it is logical.

2000 years ago it was commen to belive that there was one or more gods.
It was a harder life then and the average person had not the time to think about matters such as how and why. It was easier to let the preist/holyman do that work.

Thats how it still is today for those people that are traped in the world where everything can be explaint by magic.
science have been learnt, science have been experinced. No religion on earth have any answers about what science have showed.
Because it is false logic.
What most religions teach is to accept.
Accept there is a god and accept that he is in control of everything!
That is religion.

But Today we can explain what could only be explaint by acts of gods then. (basic science)

And we are learning more and more by the minut.

how come that a preist can not tell us how a computer works, he speaks with god and god knows everything.
how come we trust this person to tell us how the earth and humans came in to existans, whan he can´t even tell us how a simple computer works and how it was build?
Don't forget about Xenu :D

Science is a great method to discern an accurate description of reality. Wouldn't you agree dragon?

One the side, I was wondering, have you reached zen in any of your meditative practices?
Don't forget about Xenu :D

Science is a great method to discern an accurate description of reality. Wouldn't you agree dragon?

One the side, I was wondering, have you reached zen in any of your meditative practices?

Religion is a great metod to discern an accurate description of reality!

And yes I have through focus (meditative practies) reached Zen (a higher understanding of reality than those who belive in gods)
I think zen is the shifting of blood to the occipital lobe by somehow opening those blood vessels. At this time I think the part of the brain that recognizes self is shut down and hence a feeling of one with the universe. I'd like to do it my self but alas I'm too stressed, too busy and too much going on :(

Where are you from by the way?
I think zen is the shifting of blood to the occipital lobe by somehow opening those blood vessels. At this time I think the part of the brain that recognizes self is shut down and hence a feeling of one with the universe. I'd like to do it my self but alas I'm too stressed, too busy and too much going on :(

Where are you from by the way?

Denmark I assume. YinyangDK.. ;)
What most religions teach is to accept.

Yes, learn THEIR way or be branded as an outcast or worse killed because you don't adhere to what they shove down your throats. Many religions have tortured, maimed and killed people that didn't go along with their dogma. So when you say they "accept" then why have there been holy wars, persecution of those "different' thinking and death to those who go against teachings of certain religions? Even today there are certain religions that will kill others for just making a joke about their religion, really tolerant aren't they.:rolleyes:

Zen is Focus, and Focus is Zen.

We all use zen all the time, the difference is what do we use it for.

If you use it to focus on your everyday life and deadlines, thats where your focus is at.
If you choose to focus on something else ex. feeling of one with the universe thats where your focus will be at.

So do not say that you are too stressed, too busy or what ever.... if you choose to you can feel the univers anywhere.
Zen is Focus, and Focus is Zen.

Zen is also called concentration, if you concentrate on something that needs to be solved then you could say that you are in a state of "Zen" couldn't you.;)
Religion is logical with a reference against humans that are not.

BLASPHEMY! Religion isn't logical, think about it. A God that you can't see, doesn't talk and kills people for no reason , is that logic?:(
Don't forget about Xenu :D

Science is a great method to discern an accurate description of reality. Wouldn't you agree dragon?

One the side, I was wondering, have you reached zen in any of your meditative practices?

Yes, learn THEIR way or be branded as an outcast or worse killed because you don't adhere to what they shove down your throats. Many religions have tortured, maimed and killed people that didn't go along with their dogma. So when you say they "accept" then why have there been holy wars, persecution of those "different' thinking and death to those who go against teachings of certain religions? Even today there are certain religions that will kill others for just making a joke about their religion, really tolerant aren't they.:rolleyes:

religion = power

Those who dictate the religion, dictates the people.
when two ideas become so diffrent to eachother that one of them starts loosing, it is fight of die.
There is a lot of dead religions.... but that is ok because they were not right anyway.
religion is falsh logic.
BLASPHEMY! Religion isn't logical, think about it. A God that you can't see, doesn't talk and kills people for no reason , is that logic?:(

Ahhh... but you see, one thing. Is it logical from our view point, or more logical from the divine? Who's intervention and outlook is perfectly logical?
Religion is logical with a reference against humans that are not.

Humans are logical, we create logic things because we are logic.

Ex. a computer is logic, there is nothing ilogic about it or else it would not work and be mass produced.
It is that same with religion, exept that it you do not have the interest in knowing what makes the world go around, then you might aswell accept religius logic.

To the average religious person is it logical that there is a god.
That is their perception but that doesn’t mean that what they believe is actually logical.

Logic is a disciplined method for the determination of what is true/false valid/invalid.

Logic is learnt.

You learn it from your own experince and from what you have been told.
Only if what you are told can be verified using logical reasoning.

If what you have experinced can be exlpaint by how you hvad been told, then it is logical.
Not necessarily. If I am told that if I pray outdoors and a bird poops on me that that is a sign from God, and I actually experience that then is what I have been told true or not?

People tend to create explanations for observed phenomena that have no factual basis especially when no facts can be determined. This is a natural human characteristic of curiosity; desire to understand the why of things, and the ability to imagine.

That an imaginative explanation for something appears plausible it is no guarantee that it is true or not in the absence of facts.

2000 years ago it was commen to belive that there was one or more gods.
It was a harder life then and the average person had not the time to think about matters such as how and why. It was easier to let the preist/holyman do that work.

Thats how it still is today for those people that are traped in the world where everything can be explaint by magic.
Agreed, but that process does not follow any disciplined method for determining whether the holy man’s statements are true/false or valid/invalid. And as such their assertions and consequent beliefs by the masses are not logical.

So sorry, but since no religious claim has any factual basis and hence does not provide any means to determine whether true/false, then religious beliefs are necessarily and essentially illogical.
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Science and religion are on the same plain, both as accurate and as false as can be.
Science, however, relies on what you can physically sense, and religion relies on what you can see beyond, what you can determine, and what you are faithful in.

Neither, however, provide fact; although this sounds illogical, since Science does provide "facts", it nonetheless exists only if one is around to perceive it. For all we know, there may be a God that created our universe with a set of laws, and therefore these laws govern our universe.
Then it's a big leap for religions to be saying anything about how God wants you to live.