Remote-sense: Intelligent Earth Modification


I've got my EYE on You.
Registered Senior Member
Here are two examples of remote sensing on two separate planets.
Example #1 is EARTH(Washington D.C.)

Example #2 is MARS(Cydonia Mensae.)


This Thread will deal with the Science of Spherical co-ordinates,planetary geo-spatial locations.and Evidence of Artificiality.
All of my Evidence is repeatable/testable and measurable.

Members are justified as sceptical about Cydonia...but Washington D.C. is not in doubt?
What exactly is the evidence?

Which evidence do you consider quantifiable enough to be repeatable? Which qualitative enough to be testable?

Other than spurious examples of seeming geometricity in the above photo, there is nothing but pseudoscience to your methodology.

Indeed, this thread is mis-placed in the Earth Science sub-forum.
And what is Washington D.C. supposed to be evidence of except vile scum and villainy?
The Cropped Image of the Square complex reveals itself in Numerous infra-red ASU/Themis images
I have denoted it as "AN"(as opposed to D.C.)
Wether artificial or not it exists.YES or NO.
if you are talking about the photo on the right yes, there appears to be a square. as to what it actualy is, i don't know
SkinWalker said:
Other than spurious examples of seeming geometricity in the above photo, there is nothing but pseudoscience to your methodology.
...My,My.such words!

You brandish me a Pseudoscientist.
Suffer the fool...I'm an Anomalist.

Irregardless of that.A centimeter is a centimeter and a Yard is a yard and a Mile is a Mile to both of us.SW:You've got an attitude that I will snap you out of.
It's unhealthy and causes dischord amongst the Board.
Deny a meter from the metric System if you so will.
It exists.YES or NO.
Except it isn't "square." Its an illusion that the human eye pics up on. Any one with a bit of critical thinking and analytical skill will notice that there are only a few features that almost come into alignment.

With the bottom of the screen being south, the SW "side" is comprised of two ridges that run in similar but different directions (the uppermost ridge is tilted slightly more southward);

the NW and SE "sides" are probably leeward side features of the two ridges - the wind blowing to the left and right of the two ridges removing the top layer of sediment to reveal craters/rocks/etc -all giving the illusion of "sides" to a "square;"

the NE "side" is only a short edge created by the windward side of a slope that meets horizontal ground -only a very short edge is noticed and it isn't perpendicular to any of the other sides.

What you've shown us is evidence of the human potential for delusion, however slight. This isn't something to be ashamed of, really. It is a matter of natural selection in all probability. We've adapted to be good at finding patterns in our surroundings. It was only natural that there might evolve some "significance-junkies" that make spurious connections to patterns that barely exist and come to wild conclusions with speculations to match.

Electric_Ashlar demonstrates to us all a very good example of anthropomorphic tendency in humanity. The very same tendency that has led to the creation of religion and belief in man. In caves of early hominids, animal-shaped formations on the cave walls were painted to bring the animals to life. It's this same thinking that drives individuals like EA to see patterns and faces where they don't truly exist.

I propose that this thread be moved to the Human Sciences sub-forum, so we can discuss the anthropology and psychology of this human trait in more detail.
Thank you agin for your honesty leo99
Though he does not claim to "Know"(whatever that entails?)

Thanx Leopold99
Confirmation of #2 by your peer SW.
Pseudoscience can only find ground in popularity contests. It can never stand on its own merits.
Electric_Ashalar said:
Thank you agin for your honesty leo99
Though he does not claim to "Know"(whatever that entails?)
it means that i am not sure what i am looking at
it would help if you had 2 or 3 photos of the same area taken from different angles
Like I said, this is a thread about psychology and the anthropology of belief. Electric-A's juvenile responses are demonstrative of this.

Realise this.You are not required,so participate at your own peril.
If I have to hold yer hand across the entire freakin' internet then I will also reserve the right to cyber-bash your numbskull up against where I take you.
Get off yer ass and go Find the Square yourself.
I found it.It's easy as Phi.

Less than an hour another thread you called me a pussy Skinner?
and (far be it from me as to why?) you call me Juvenile.
TWO thousand,THREE hundred and SEVENty THREE posts.

You are a blabbermouth and Over the next few weeks...I'm gonna destroy your credibility merely by letting yer big fuckin' yap -a-keep-a flappin!

It's gonna Happen.
Because Skinmeister...your so full-a-**** that Maybe we should film your breakdown.
EA is on the scene.
Scuttle yer ass over,and make room.

(Bitch-slaps SW for the helluvit.)
Electric_Ashalar said:
Realise this.You are not required,so participate at your own peril.
If I have to hold yer hand across the entire freakin' internet then I will also reserve the right to cyber-bash your numbskull up against where I take you.
Get off yer ass and go Find the Square yourself.
I found it.It's easy as Phi.
i have given you no cause to respond to me in this manner.
A meter exists as the World's Basic measure(Not that american Imperial crap like yards anf foots and hairy palm widths)
A METER exists.YES or NO.
I'm an asshole when superior intellects tell me how superior they are and where my witheralls belong.

I have NO excuse.
Electric_Ashalar said:
You are a blabbermouth and Over the next few weeks...I'm gonna destroy your credibility merely by letting yer big fuckin' yap -a-keep-a flappin!

Goodness. I think I must unplug my computer! I fear your skillz!


Electric_Ashalar said:
A meter exists as the World's Basic measure(Not that american Imperial crap like yards anf foots and hairy palm widths)
A METER exists.YES or NO.
a meter (39.37") exists, yes