remote viewing?

um... can we replicate brain waves during sleep to amplify dream patterns and bring people to a deeper state of conscious or subconscious?
To what purpose?
And what does this have to do with "remote viewing"? (Which, by the way, is yet another woo woo subject with no validity).

Matrix of mind
Crackpot document.
so you think its impossible to speed up though processes with the use of waves. you have no faith in longitudinal Waves???? Brain waves are waves just like waves in the ocean or radio waves or microwaves or name a wave. You put two and two together and you make one big wave or a smaller wave or no wave depending on the harmony of the waves. This is easy stuff right here. You can even spot differences in truth and lies some times depending on the subject being tested. Its called a lie detector.

and in the essence of argument I will even state waves are made from some kind of kinetic motion in Wave particle duality unless you don't believe in that "Either".

you want evidence? maybe you can find someone to try it on your brain and judge for yourself. or you can just note that the skull "however thick" can easily be penetrated with the right waves. Stand in the path of an x ray for an extended portion of time and we will see if your brain matter doesn't change.
so you think its impossible to speed up though processes with the use of waves.
Re-read my previous post.

Brain waves are waves just like waves in the ocean or radio waves or microwaves or name a wave. You put two and two together and you make one big wave or a smaller wave or no wave depending on the harmony of the waves. This is easy stuff right here.
So what?

You can even spot differences in truth and lies some times depending on the subject being tested. Its called a lie detector.
And how do you think a lie detector works? How reliable do you think it is? WTF does a lie detector have to do with waves?

and in the essence of argument I will even state waves are made from some kind of kinetic motion in Wave particle duality unless you don't believe in that "Either".
Are you at any point in the near future planning on making a coherent post?

you want evidence? maybe you can find someone to try it on your brain and judge for yourself. or you can just note that the skull "however thick" can easily be penetrated with the right waves. Stand in the path of an x ray for an extended portion of time and we will see if your brain matter doesn't change.
Again, WTF has that to do with the OP or my reply?
A polygraph (popularly referred to as a lie detector) is an instrument that measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, breathing rhythms/ratios, and skin conductivity

so... the question is... can you provide evidence against longitudinal waves and their effects on the brain?
A polygraph (popularly referred to as a lie detector) is an instrument that measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, breathing rhythms/ratios, and skin conductivity
One more time: WTF does that have to do with the OP or my reply?
(Oh yeah, and credit quotes when you use them. Otherwise it's plagiarism).

so... the question is... can you provide evidence against longitudinal waves and their effects on the brain?
See above response. (And also learn some science).
Can Alpha Beta and Theta brain-waves be enhanced by the reproduction of 9 to 14 (cycles per second), 15 to 40 cps, and 5 to 8 cps respectively to enhance a more dreamlike state when conscious. This would potentially increase or decrease the synapse of neurons. leading to what we would call in today's society para-normal brain function. Possibly showing SOME aspects of remote viewing as I do not believe in all of them.
This would potentially increase or decrease the synapse of neurons. leading to what we would call in today's society para-normal brain function.

Possibly showing SOME aspects of remote viewing as I do not believe in all of them.
Why do you believe in only some? Which ones?
What are your criteria for being selective when faced with nonsensical woo woo claims? I.e. why do you reject some and accept others?
Is increasing or decreasing longitudinal waves not what happens when two waves of slightly differing frequencies traveling along the same path manage to accomplish. not a great example in this instance, but a larger ocean wave being amplified by another smaller one or vice versa.

seeing things one could not possibly see is one I don't believe (unless some magic waves that held that information were parsed into the skull) which is not probable at this time. Maybe the people using these devices like the god helmet Just don't know the specifics of what they are testing due to their own "in-sane" (if you remember from my earlier typing) devices are actually doing to the mind.

They might be causing hallucinations to the effect that people seem to feel like they have ESP when in actuality they are only experiencing a higher level of thought patterns or a more "dreamlike" state of consciousness.
Is increasing or decreasing longitudinal waves not what happens when two waves of slightly differing frequencies traveling along the same path manage to accomplish. not a great example in this instance, but a larger ocean wave being amplified by another smaller one or vice versa.
You keep coming back to waves. What do they have to do with the OP?
I'm still waiting for evidence that
increase or decrease the synapse of neurons. lead to what we would call in today's society para-normal brain function.

seeing things one could not possibly see is one I don't believe (unless some magic waves that held that information were parsed into the skull) which is not probable at this time.
"magic waves"?
"parsed into the skull"

Maybe the people using these devices like the god helmet Just don't know the specifics of what they are testing due to their own "in-sane" (if you remember from my earlier typing) devices are actually doing to the mind.
They might be causing hallucinations to the effect that people seem to feel like they have ESP when in actuality they are only experiencing a higher level of thought patterns or a more "dreamlike" state of consciousness.
WTF is a "higher level of thought"?
So you think that "remote viewing" is actually hallucinations?
Got it.
I'm with you on that.
the magic waves was a joke... on myself... I hope you laughed.

An example of waves would be the transcranial magnetic stimulation used by the god helmet. The rapidly changing magnetic field IMO is a wave.


A higher level of thought is just when your neural synapse is moving more rapidly.
Like John Nash only... (please consider the name "God Helmet" when you read this.

"There's always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears-that's what soma is." World Controller Mustapha Mond, Chapter 17, pg. 238 Brave New World

which translated to the current topic is all the brain power with hopefully no epileptic effects if the power of the mind can be (in todays actual world) enhanced.

but I probably lost you on this one...:bawl:
An example of waves would be the transcranial magnetic stimulation used by the god helmet. The rapidly changing magnetic field IMO is a wave.
So what?

A higher level of thought is just when your neural synapse is moving more rapidly.
Why do you think think this a "higher level of thought"?

Like John Nash only...
The mathematician? And the connection would be...?

(please consider the name "God Helmet" when you read this.
From your own link:
Some subjects reported experiences using the same words used to describe spiritual experiences
The relevance would be...?

"There's always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears-that's what soma is." World Controller Mustapha Mond, Chapter 17, pg. 238 Brave New World
Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.
Winnie the Pooh

which translated to the current topic is all the brain power with hopefully no epileptic effects if the power of the mind can be (in todays actual world) enhanced.
but I probably lost you on this one...:bawl:
Nope you didn't lose me. But you still haven't made a point. What epileptic effects? What do you mean by "all the brain power"?
Oh sorry John Nash connection is schizophrenia in his own neural synapse that built up over time. It might be possible from my standpoint to use this crank technology by advancing on know facts of the device and knowledge of brain waves to cure depression through the use of hallucinations.

"THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, increases serotonin when smoked in low doses, similar to SSRI antidepressants, such as Prozac, according to researchers from McGill University and Le Centre de Recherche Fernand Seguin of Hôpital in Quebec and l'Université de Montréal in Montreal. " from serotonin

The relevance of the god helmet is that a better made one would possibly give humans A deeper interaction with the world around them or possibly the illusion of a deeper connection based on the individuals mind and how it reacts to the stimuli.

I read somewhere that the helmet or experiments like it may cause epilepsy...

Im entering the field of psychology looking for a soma/drug with the best possible outcome "all the effects none of the drawbacks". And I see it is a summation of many as well as better control and understanding of our nature/physics/human nature. As well as a better more social usage of the remote viewing apparatus that currently sits in front of us (computer).
It might be possible from my standpoint to use this crank technology by advancing on know facts to cure depression through the use of hallucinations.
Really? And this is based on what?

The relevance of the god helmet is that a better made one would possibly give humans A deeper interaction with the world around them or possibly the illusion of a deeper connection based on the individuals mind and how it reacts to the stimuli.
And this would help how?

I read somewhere that the helmet or experiments like it may cause epilepsy...
I see, you brought in something you mention later and can't even give a reference for.

Im entering the field of psychology looking for a soma/drug with the best possible outcome "all the effects none of the drawbacks".
You're going into psychology with the fixed idea of looking for a drug? :eek:
Wow. You'll be popular. Not.

And I see it is a summation of many as well as better control and understanding of our nature/physics/human nature.
You see WHAT as the summation?

As well as a better more social usage of the remote viewing apparatus that currently sits in front of us (computer).
Define "better".

A word of advice: if you really are thinking of going into psychology I'd suggest you learn to formulate your ideas more coherently and reference things (and not jump about bringing in extraneous topics). Otherwise you won't last the first year of the course (or maybe even the first couple of months). "I think" and "this is how I feel" are NOT acceptable nor valid support for contentions. Nor is "I don't see how you can't see this".

Back to the thread:
Why do you think think this a "higher level of thought"?
What do you mean by "all the brain power"?
it works on forums.... im calling this practice... its hard to formulate complete thoughts... most of my ideas I view as common knowledge go right over some people's heads (no offense) im actually glad to see poeple still show resistance otherwise nothing would get accomplished... Not many people think like me...

It well when I was psychotic (going through a mania) I felt wierd like some kind of force was pushing me to cali. So I drove there from Georgia and made it to Texas...
got committed when I got back of my own accord. And while I was in there helped boost the spirits of many people of different places. I was probably hallucinating the whole time cause everything made sense when im talkin crazy to crazy people.

thats why I think its a higher level of thought. Im an weird introspective case study...

I know this is pointless to the topic but, "Who better to know the mind than the mental" forgot who said that originally...

I got another case study for the OCD part...

and im really good at understanding magnets and that type of energy...

and I wrote this when I was clearly mental!!
it works on forums....
No it doesn't, it gets you banned after too many repetitions (at least on this one).

most of my ideas I view as common knowledge go right over some people's heads (no offense) im actually glad to see poeple still show resistance otherwise nothing would get accomplished... Not many people think like me...
Then maybe you should firstly re-evaluate what common knowledge is. And you show little evidence of actually thinking.

It well when I was psychotic (going through a mania) I felt wierd like some kind of force was pushing me to cali. So I drove there from Georgia and made it to Texas...
got committed when I got back of my own accord. And while I was in there helped boost the spirits of many people of different places. I was probably hallucinating the whole time cause everything made sense when im talkin crazy to crazy people.
Which has what to do with anything I posted?

thats why I think its a higher level of thought.
You still haven't explained exactly what a higher level of thought is, or what evidence there is for it.

I know this is pointless to the topic but, "Who better to know the mind than the mental" forgot who said that originally...
Just because someone said it doesn't make it true.

and im really good at understanding magnets and that type of energy...
Your own testimony is hardly corroboration.

and I wrote this when I was clearly mental!!
Which indicates that your previous claim to understand magnets and "that type of energy" wasn't entirely valid.
Finding something (Original- not that one is to see something new, but that one sees as new what's old, long familiar, seen and overlooked by everybody, is what distinguished truly original minds. the first discoverer is ordinarily that wholly common creature, devoid of spirit and addicted to fantasy- accident, (Neitzsche)
And that relates to the OP (or even thread title) how?
You're off-topic. Again.
And making no actual point. Again.
It is possible to manipulate the human mind, however it's not not something easily done.

The simplest way to hypothesis the possibility it's to take into consideration two experiments not actually related to any forms of Mind Control or Mind Reading, one being the attempt to identify if a Photon has mass at rest by MIT, this involved slowing a photon down through what's termed a "stiffened space", in this particular instance though the suggestion is that the Brain can act similar to a jelly/jello to accomplish a platform to project to/into.

The second experiment involves an Australian Teleportation project, where the properties of a photon were "teleported" to another location to be measured. Between these two types of experiment, it's possible to suggest that the properties (I'd suggest wave packets is probably the simplest term to express what the properties are but that would have to be checked) of various photons could be implaced into the stiffening nature of brain tissue.

Merged with years of research into various neurological fields it could be suggested that various sections of the brain could be matriced through this method to cause a symbiotic system that allows external monitoring of the brain and potential manipulation.

The one major problem with this system however is a mixture of radiological concerns (like Radiation Poisoning) and alterations to the cellular makeup of the brain. (especially to the Temporal Lobes, since they would be the conduit for Auditory language and Speech)
is there any way this technology may be used to aid in communication?

and im also very interested in the australian teleportation and MIT trying to find the mass. Do you have a link for those by any chance?