Roswell Incident

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Staff member
I could not find my postings about the incident in the archives to add a couple of items I forgot to, from my Uncle's eye-witness experience.

The watches stopped as they went close to the craft, so did the cars. So, they had to stop at a marked distance. That may mean massive magnetism surrounding the craft.
And anecdotal "evidence" has a way of "improving" with time.

Balloons don't stop watches.
The only things that keeps surfacing with "Roswell" are anecdotal accounts and bad television shows.
Maybe the reason the evidence is coming to surface is people are not going to stand for death threats anymore.
There hasn't been any evidence to date. Beyond that which has already been refuted time and again.

Death threats? Come on man... that's the stuff of Hollywood and cheap pulp fiction. You guys watch too much X-Files.
It's Mrs. Man
All the eyewitness accounts do have in common is some form of threat to inforce their silence. This is not X-File or theatrics. Threats of harm is a well know enforcement tactic.
FieryIce said:
It's Mrs. Man
All the eyewitness accounts do have in common is some form of threat to inforce their silence.

How do you know these threats occured?

Death threats are a convenient way to dodge the issue of "why now?" Conspiracy nuts love to whip out the "death threat" card.
In America, people get convicted from eye witness. A bunch of them are still in death row. And a lot are still in jail. That is the law.
And you'll note that the highest instance of wrongfully accused people being released from jail stems from the false testimony of those that either believed what they saw or intended to deceive.

In addition, the burdon of proof being on the accusor, physical evidence becomes the make-or-break testimony in trials. In fact, most states have laws that prevent conviction solely on an eyewitness account. Corroborating evidence must be obtained and demonstrated.

That fallacy doesn't fly any more than the alien craft that supposedly crashed at Roswell.
SkinWalker said:
That fallacy doesn't fly any more than the alien craft that supposedly crashed at Roswell.

Who said alien craft landed at Roswell? How or why did you jumped to such a conclusion and came up with your theory? That is perhaps why all those innocent people are rotting in jail. And were you flying your ballon at Roswell the day I never mentioned?

There are medicines for this type of brain conditions! :D
kmguru said:
Who said alien craft landed at Roswell? How or why did you jumped to such a conclusion and came up with your theory?

Save the meds for the death threat recipients. :D
Also concerning "Roswell", which incident? Checking with ham radio operators should bring forth other electromagnetic evidence in the form of interfearance?
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