Science for Religion


Registered Senior Member
According to the latest contemporary scientific data explored by two of the world's most respected scientists, Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram at Stanford University in the USA and Physicist David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein's, The true NATURE of the Universe is a “WHOLENESS,” that is ENTIRELY COMPOSED OF quanta energy and DESIGNED HOLOGRAPHICALLY". In the same way, human brain is a substance composed of waves of frequencies, that operates also holographically... “Death" is nothing other than the survival of consciousness through a transition from one level of hologram into another.

Human brain sculpts a type of “luminous body of frequencies” (body of light -- that is known as "spiritual body" in religious terminology--, by means of converting the bioelectric energy gained from the analysis of nutrients into sort of a luminous energy (frequencies). At the same time, the brain not only records all its mental activity onto that “luminous body” in form of frequencies (as meaningful waves), that it sculpts hereby, it also spreads out them all over space.
Experimental evidence has shown that subatomic particles, that compose our physical universe, move as ghostly images and possess what appears to be holographic property. One of he thought-provoking findings Bohm determined is that the subatomic particles are thoroughly interconnected with each other. Such an interconnection indicates that the universe viewed as composed of “parts” is in fact organized by a basic WHOLENESS.

It means that subatomic particles are not independent things and are not separate from one another. Behavior of the parts are actually organized by an implicate deeper order as a whole. After all his determinations, Bohm arrived at the conclusion that “the universe is a kind of giant hologram.”

Based on the hologram principle, every particle of the universe fully contains every quality observed in the whole universe. That is, every portion of the universe enfolds the whole. Everything in the universe is part of a continuum and each thing fully enfolds the properties of another thing, and it is even the same “another thing.” The reality so beyond “our own concept of world” has a wholeness undivided, unbroken and unfragmented into parts.

Bohm explained his new findings of QUANTUM PHYSICS in his new field what he called the QUANTUM POTENTIAL, a new dimension:

- At the subquantum level, the level in which the quantum potential operates, location ceases to exist. All points in space became equal to all other points in space. We call this property “nonlocality.” All of space, all particles are nonlocally interconnected.

- Just as every portion of a hologram contains the image of the whole, every portion of the universe possesses the whole information. This means that the information is equally embedded in the whole “nonlocally” as a whole.

All these explorations reveal a reality that there cannot be a “GOD-OUT-THERE” residing in some places of space!
The Universe is God's Work which was finished on the SIXTH day. We can assume that work was complete I feel! Today God rests!
c20H25N3o: The Universe is God's Work which was finished on the SIXTH day. We can assume that work was complete I feel! Today God rests!
M*W: Looking at the sixth days of creation from a theological and biological standpoint, I would say that humans are still in the process of being created. We will remain in the sixth day until our evolution has come to an end when we will have reached human perfection. When that time occurs, we will be called homo spiritus. In that case, the entity you call "God" describes what humanity will become.

Please explain what you mean by "today God rests?"
Hey MW, it means today is Saturday.......God rests today...enjoy. He party on saturday.....Sabath.........yaaaaay. lol. It is funny how people relate to God as just another human being, who rests like us. lol. :p
if you look at the realities of life and the laws of nature with one eye, it is sicence.
if you look at the same realities of life and the laws of nature with two eyes, it is the religion.
one eye observes the physical, the other the spiritual.
skywalker said:
Hey MW, it means today is Saturday.......God rests today...enjoy. He party on saturday.....Sabath.........yaaaaay. lol. It is funny how people relate to God as just another human being, who rests like us. lol. :p


YUSUFALI: We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six Days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us.

PICKTHAL: And verily We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six Days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

SHAKIR: And certainly We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods and there touched Us not any fatigue.

Medicine Woman said:
c20H25N3o: The Universe is God's Work which was finished on the SIXTH day. We can assume that work was complete I feel! Today God rests!
M*W: Looking at the sixth days of creation from a theological and biological standpoint, I would say that humans are still in the process of being created. We will remain in the sixth day until our evolution has come to an end when we will have reached human perfection. When that time occurs, we will be called homo spiritus. In that case, the entity you call "God" describes what humanity will become.

Please explain what you mean by "today God rests?"

Simple. Especially since I am a programmer!
I have to find a solution to whatever the need is. This is my job. I serve in my role therefore. I begin by 'seeing' the solution to fulfill the need. Then I gather all the tools available to me to create the solution. I start with interfaces, templates that all objects must conform to in order to be valid in their context. These things must be well ordered so that the final programme will run as efficiently as possible. I then create objects from nothing. I start with a void and fill that void with complex methods that create and destroy objects based upon simple logic. These objects themselves are made up of voids with methods that create and destroy objects based upon simple logic. These objects are passed around from one object to another begging questions of eachother. Each object sources the answer to these questions based upon user requests from either data stored within that object or from a central database which is in itself just a big object.
When I am convinced that each object will be created and destroyed at the proper time having served its purpose in fulfilling user requests, I compile the programme. Once the programme has been created it may be called up an infinite amount of times by any user and will fulfill the request of the user with no further input from the programmer. The user is happy and I the programmer can rest knowing that the user is happy. Today I rest ;)

It is worth noting that much time and effort is spent validating user input to ensure the programme does not crash. It is the most painful part of any programming solution. We wouldnt want the users to be unhappy now would we. They are unhappy enough in their boring jobs as it is.


Doomdayx said:
if you look at the realities of life and the laws of nature with one eye, it is sicence.
if you look at the same realities of life and the laws of nature with two eyes, it is the religion.
one eye observes the physical, the other the spiritual.
you've got that confused.
should read "if you look at the realities of life and the laws of nature with closed eyes,this is religion.
if you look at the realities of life and the laws of nature with open eyes, this is science.
open eyes observes reality, closed eyes observes fantasy.
audible said:
you've got that confused.
should read "if you look at the realities of life and the laws of nature with closed eyes,this is religion.
if you look at the realities of life and the laws of nature with open eyes, this is science.
open eyes observes reality, closed eyes observes fantasy.

Let us see you make light out of nothing at all m8! As for me I shall revel in the word 'fantasy' :)


M*W: You described what you do for a living, but you did not answer my question. So, are you saying that you think the God you believe in is finished with us humans, and in your opinion, you believe God has now "rested" from his creating?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You described what you do for a living, but you did not answer my question. So, are you saying that you think the God you believe in is finished with us humans, and in your opinion, you believe God has now "rested" from his creating?

Yes. The spirit of His creation is here though of course as is the spirit in any artists work. It is that spirit that helps us through all of our frustrations so that we may become sons of God, having strived for something excellent i.e. to be like our Father.


I'm willing to bet the OP really has no idea what quantum physics is all about. People, quatum physics, so far, has no spiritual or mystical implications. Get over it.
c20H25N3o said:
Let us see you make light out of nothing at all m8! As for me I shall revel in the word 'fantasy' :)


please enlighten us with someone or something, that can mmmmm8, and reality not fantasy mmmmm8 thanxs.
fahrenheit 451 said:
please enlighten us with someone or something, that can mmmmm8, and reality not fantasy mmmmm8 thanxs.


You are of a seed. That seed was sown in love. Your dad, your mum, sown in love. Your mother was 'expectant', your father was 'proud'. You were 'born'.
Thats reality. The bit that is 'fantasy' was your dads fantasy as he sowed that seed inside your mum and as I said, he did that because he 'loved' her.
You were conceived in love, but it was not your father's love of himself that created you but rather his love for your mum. Before that you were a frustration in your dads pants. Again a strange fantastical mystery but reality nonetheless.
Your dad wasnt thinking about you when he delivered that seed. In fact he delivered many millions of seeds and didnt care which one sprouted. He didnt even think about the seeds. He just thought about how good it felt to be inside your mum! Then several million seeds swim under their own strength up into your mummy and the damned fastest one, the absolute daddy of sperms, made it to that egg. Many seeds never made it but no-one cared about those. They died. A couple of seeds got to that egg but the absolute strongest one gained 'entry' before the other. It had been permitted to provide the code of life to the mother so that she could develop the baby with the correct code sequence to make a child that both parents would love. That person was you! Fantasy or reality. Jesus that's hard to discern! Let's just say its both and call it a day m8.


c20 said:
You are of a seed. That seed was sown in love. Your dad, your mum, sown in love. Your mother was 'expectant', your father was 'proud'. You were 'born'.
Thats reality. The bit that is 'fantasy' was your dads fantasy
no this was reality as they had discussed having children and planed it
c20 said:
as he sowed that seed inside your mum and as I said, he did that because he 'loved' her.
You were conceived in love, but it was not your father's love of himself that created you but rather his love for your mum.
and my mothers love for my father.
c20 said:
Before that you were a frustration in your dads pants. Again a strange fantastical mystery but reality nonetheless.
I would'nt say frustration or fantasy as they planned it, I was not an accident, and even if I was, it's got nothing to do with fantasy.
c20 said:
Your dad wasnt thinking about you when he delivered that seed. In fact he delivered many millions of seeds and didnt care which one sprouted. He didnt even think about the seeds.
I am sure he thought about it as they planed it.
c20 said:
He just thought about how good it felt to be inside your mum! Then several million seeds swim under their own strength up into your mummy and the damned fastest one, the absolute daddy of sperms, made it to that egg.
why are you giving me a sex lesson?, however your right I am the DADDY.
c20 said:
Many seeds never made it but no-one cared about those. They never made it. A couple of seeds got to that egg but the absolute strongest one gained 'entry' before the other. It had been permitted to provide the code of life to the mother so that she could develop the baby with the correct code sequence to make a child that both parents would love. That person was you!
wow you surprise me
c20 said:
Fantasy or reality. Jesus that's hard to discern! Let's just say its both and call it a day m8.
but it is'nt fantasy not even when it's unplaned, if you imagined sex between a camel and a horse then that fantasy. anyway what has that got to do with light.
I tell you now that washing and feeding babies was the last thing on either of your parents mind as they climaxed - their sexual fantasies fulfilled in one another. Your father hardly singled out the sperm he was to plant did he?
Are you telling me that your father's thoughts as he ejaculated in your mom was to have children? Sure it may have been 'planned' but he was planning on nothing other than releasing his frustration inside your mother who was receptive to meeting his carnal needs out of her own desire for her carnal needs to be met. It was 'consent'. Consent to what? Consent to be given a child of course! You! You are the light of their lives but they did not choose the seed nor did they give any mind to planting the seed, they just made 'love'. Love is the light of men and it is this light that we walk by in faith but to say your parents 'created' you would be to make a grave error! They received you. You mother was 'expectant'. Your father was proud but yet ask him what he actually did! He did nothing but fulfill his fantasy of making love to your mum.
I am pleased for you all but I say that the love you all share is not due to anyone of you. You share it. It is light for you that you may see eachother properly. God is love and God is light. We share in God's love that He may be known that we may stand in awe of Him That Is. We are witnesses to the light but we are not the light. Jesus is the light and love of God that all men may see The Word of God made flesh. This is what it has to do with light. I hope you see it :)


Sufi said:
According to the latest contemporary scientific data explored by two of the world's most respected scientists, Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram at Stanford University in the USA and Physicist David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein's, The true NATURE of the Universe is a “WHOLENESS,” that is ENTIRELY COMPOSED OF quanta energy and DESIGNED HOLOGRAPHICALLY". In the same way, human brain is a substance composed of waves of frequencies, that operates also holographically...
sounds like something only a creationist "scientist" :rolleyes: could come up with.
in another words...horseshit
“Death" is nothing other than the survival of consciousness through a transition from one level of hologram into another.
consiousness needs living brain,death is the end of it!
Human brain sculpts a type of “luminous body of frequencies” (body of light -- that is known as "spiritual body" in religious terminology--, by means of converting the bioelectric energy gained from the analysis of nutrients into sort of a luminous energy (frequencies). At the same time, the brain not only records all its mental activity onto that “luminous body” in form of frequencies (as meaningful waves), that it sculpts hereby,
it also spreads out them all over space.
more horsepoop,give it up will ya?
What the Bleep Do We Know? says that science and spirituality are not different modes of thought, but are in fact describing the same thing. And it brings the power back to the individual man and woman as it demonstrates creation as the god-like capacity of every individual.

What the Bleep Do We Know!? gives voice to the modern day radical souls of science, bringing their genius to millions. These maverick heroes at the cutting edge of their fields are at the forefront of a Paradigm shift even greater than those of the geniuses who preceded them. And this shift involves the greatest uncharted territory yet -

Human Consciousness itself.