I read somewhere that spiral and vortices are a natural feature of our universe (link to some features below). Galaxies are complicated and come in several shapes. Spherical, spiral, irregular, tubular (images below) As to how they maintain their shape? If that was truly understood there would not be the Kerfuffle regarding flat rotation curves.
Newton does not explain it, Einstein’s GR does not explain it either. Based on the mass we observe (stars, gas) the galaxy should fly apart, there is not enough mass and therefore gravity holding it together.
The outside should be rotating very slowly compared to the inside but it isn’t, the velocity should fall off so the distance velocity relationship should yield a line that falls off also.
It doesn’t, it is more flat, hence flat rotation curve and the need for something there that does not emit or interact with light, Dark matter.
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Spirals are a common shape found in nature, as well as in sacred architecture. In the natural world, we find spirals in the DNA double helix, sunflowers, the path of draining water, weather pattern…