science vs. religion quote (very intriguing)


the villain with x-ray glasses
Registered Senior Member
some of you know Im addicted to science as well as weed, and on some psychedelics(drugs) forum, a certain member had a very interesting quote which Im still trying to interpret.

At first, it looks like he's praising science over religion, but the end baffles me. Although I understand it, it still baffles me.

What do you make of this member's signature comparing science and religion.

The books of every religion record miracles of healing, and other great powers, worked by God or the prophets. The belief in that power underlies and upholds the religion. And the modern-day theologians don't have that power. And they look at science, with doctors who can heal the sick, and physicists who can destroy cities, and engineers who can put people on the Moon, and they see science as a competing religion. Hence the conflict. And yet, there's no such thing as science. Knowing how to make an atom bomb is absolutely no different from knowing how to drop a rock, and it is nothing more to marvel at.
He's saying God is doing the experiments. I think

<prays: God you really really need to work on that plasmid isolation tonight. Ta>
I don't get that last part, either. Science is what religion never was, it actually produces the miracles, cures people, and wakes the "dead". The person could have meant that when the complex is understood, it becomes less remarkable?
LOL SAM, I dont think so. Obviously he's saying something like science is a sort of religion, with miracles that can be seen everyday unlike the bullshit religions, somethin like what Christiaan Hyugens said, "The World is my country, and Science is my religion."

but I dont really get the end...

very good point Spider.
I don't get that last part, either. Science is what religion never was, it actually produces the miracles, cures people, and wakes the "dead". The person could have meant that when the complex is understood, it becomes less remarkable?

Kinda like Darwin said he became colour blind when he understood natural selection?
It's also the theme of Unweaving the Rainbow, by Dawkins. He contends that understanding something can reveal depths previously unappreciated, as well as new mysteries.
The person could have meant that when the complex is understood, it becomes less remarkable?
A common projection of materialists, unto matters they do not in fact understand.

And that's how I take the quote, there at the end.

"Miracles are a materialist's way of escaping their materialism" (can't recall the author).
What do you make of this member's signature comparing science and religion.

The books of every religion record miracles of healing, and other great powers, worked by God or the prophets. The belief in that power underlies and upholds the religion. And the modern-day theologians don't have that power.

There is a presumption here that the myth stories of religions are true and the reason the theologians of today can't do any of that is because they have lost touch with the power of their deities.

And they look at science, with doctors who can heal the sick, and physicists who can destroy cities, and engineers who can put people on the Moon, and they see science as a competing religion. Hence the conflict.

Because they have lost touch with the source of their own power, they are jealous of what they perceive as the rise of secular powers.

And yet, there's no such thing as science.

I think he means - as a being serving as a source of mystic power. I.e. science is not a god bestowing miraculous powers upon worshipers.

Knowing how to make an atom bomb is absolutely no different from knowing how to drop a rock, and it is nothing more to marvel at.

Science is just understanding how the world actually works. Splitting atoms is just a natural extension of the basic understanding of physics which begins with the examination of gravity from dropping a rock.

I have to disagree that it is nothing to marvel at though. It is precisely marveling at the wonder of a rock falling precisely the same as a smaller rack which started a major leap in understanding.
if you dont marvel at "doctors who can heal the sick, and physicists who can destroy cities, and engineers who can put people on the Moon," then there's nothing left to marvel at but life itself.

I marvel at mathematics, its amazing how scribbles of formulas on a chalkboard could make you understand the universe and absolute truths.
some of you know Im addicted to science as well as weed, and on some psychedelics(drugs) forum, a certain member had a very interesting quote which Im still trying to interpret.

At first, it looks like he's praising science over religion, but the end baffles me. Although I understand it, it still baffles me.

What do you make of this member's signature comparing science and religion.

I believe his signature supports the idea exactly that science/tecgnology is just a measuring stick of sorts. Confused souls try to measure God with it (science) and become hopelessly lost. Trying to describe God with science would be similar to trying to carry a gallon of water with the beam of a flashlight. heh-heh, be funny if science figured out how to do that...
I think he is saying theologians believe God never used science do build a universe(hence the miracle reference) but today no one can ignore that it is blatantly obvious He must have.

He then compares science to knowing God. I think He is saying that God has set the wheels in motion and there can be no great discoveries because they are meant to be. Knowing God then becomes of paramount importance although he doesn't say why.
there is no God versus Science, but they are very understanding friends. Don't put them apart.they are friends... think it clearly.... If only have God and no science, i won't sitting at Science Lab doing science experiment; If there is no God, then i won't sitting at Science Lab doing science experiment
some of you know Im addicted to science as well as weed, and on some psychedelics(drugs) forum, a certain member had a very interesting quote which Im still trying to interpret.

At first, it looks like he's praising science over religion, but the end baffles me. Although I understand it, it still baffles me.

What do you make of this member's signature comparing science and religion.

I worked at a steel works once and we often worked outside on the roof on equipment. One day i was working with my assistant and two F18 fighter jets flew at low level over the building. The assistant was looking up at them with an air of awe and said. "Man the guys who made them must have been brilliant". I replied, “no mate, those planes are a result of hundreds of years and tens of thousands of guys making simple observations, and putting them all together.”

Also lots of people taking other solutions from other areas of building metalworking and engineering and incorporating them into the many thousands of aircraft design alone the way.

The F18 jet aircraft is not a product of one brilliant individual or team but the fact that simple drop the stone conclusions have been recorded and kept and built upon for thousands of years.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't get that last part, either. Science is what religion never was, it actually produces the miracles, cures people, and wakes the "dead". The person could have meant that when the complex is understood, it becomes less remarkable?

Science can never produce miracles. Science can reproduce the outcome of a miracle, example cure a sick person using knowledge of biology. But a Miracle by definition must come from God, it must be a non human intervention.

Also Science has never made the dead live. they have intervened using knowledge of biology to stop the dying process and to recover a person before death is reached. But it has never restored a dead person to life.

Jesus did to a man who's was dead for 4 days.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'm pretty sure that the end of the quote is simply saying that knowing how to drop a rock is no more remarkable than knowing how to create an atom bomb because they both involve manipulating natural laws that are already in existence. They are both extremely fundamental in the sense that they are interacting in different ways with that which has already been created. Science is not a competing religion; it is simply observing, recording, and compiling reality into a uniform language and extrapolating that knowledge through giving new form to old components.
there should be a pokemon named jesus and he should only have the power to be unseen, unknown, but everyone loves him. he's kind of like a lovable retarded child.:m::m::m: