Scientific proof that chi is fake

I do have a job do not stay with my mom and what does that have to do with energy?

Ki = chi
I do have a job do not stay with my mom and what does that have to do with energy?

Ki = chi

You moved out of your mom's house? Well done kid.

You got that equation wrong. It should read:

Ki ≠ Chi

You only think they are the same because you know very little about both.
Incorrect. Ki & Chi are the same thing.

You only think that because you have addled your tiny brain with reefer, and don't know enough about either.

Have you studied a martial art? Performed Chi Gung exercises with a Kung Fu instructor?

No, you just smoke reefer.
Ki, Chi, Prana all the same thing....
We call it energy...

As for excercise, im calling bluff if you dont know what ki is but im sure your fingers get a good workout every once in a while
Ki, Chi, Prana all the same thing....
We call it energy...

Who is 'we'?

Not all the same, if you had studied a martial art, you'd know that.

As for excercise, im calling bluff if you dont know what ki is but im sure your fingers get a good workout every once in a while

Dude, I surf, snowboard and run. I used to study Judo, and spar with my Kung Fu instructor friend when I get the opportunity.

You just sit on the couch, smoking reefer and frying your brain. Oh, and talk bollocks.
I doubt that....I'm indifferent, just the internet......I won't go into personal attacks really you dont have a clue who I am I'm just calling bluff on your claims because you keep bringing it up I would think some1 disciplined with any martial art would not be so insecure... at ne rate.. Ki and chi means energy.
really you dont have a clue who I am

Sure I know who you are, you're the whiny bitch that complained here that his momma wanted to drug test him.

I'm just calling bluff on your claims because you keep bringing it up

Dude, I bring it up, because I know you are wrong, because I've studied this topic, and debated it with a Kung Fu instructor. We did not agree Chi and Ki are the same, Chi is esoteric, Ki a physical manifestation, they are not the same.

I would think some1 disciplined with any martial art would not be so insecure... at ne rate.. Ki and chi means energy.

Insecure? Yet another unfounded and unsupported claim on your part. You really need to start backing up your statements.
Wow you went through my posts or something?? or good memory??.... I joined this forum 7 years ago !!
Im 22 fool that means I joined when I was 15!!

Chi and Ki means energy point blank. "Esoteric" What the hell werent you the one saying that it wasnt real and "physical manifestation" ? Your rhetoric fails you they both mean energy.
Wow you went through my posts or something?? or good memory??.... I joined this forum 7 years ago !!
Im 22 fool that means I joined when I was 15!!

I have a good memory stoner boy. You do know one of the symptoms of long term cannabis use is short term memory loss? LOL

Chi and Ki means energy point blank.

Different aspects of energy however.

"Esoteric" What the hell werent you the one saying that it wasnt real and "physical manifestation" ? Your rhetoric fails you they both mean energy.

Chi is not real, it is an esoteric concept. Ki is about energy, but in the physical sense.
The main characters wife name was chi chi for god sakes and his master was king ki ;)


Or you can just google ki/chi
You could just admit you suck at life and you were wrong........
Judging from your post count you won't...

You love this place too much ;) don't worry phlo we all believe you Mr. Dojo Master.
You could just admit you suck at life and you were wrong........

You get your facts from a kid's cartoon,.... you suck at reality.

Judging from your post count you won't...

Pathetic Joey. I average 3.25 posts a day. Hardly prolific. But again, you don't like checking facts before blurting, do you! ROFL!

You love this place too much ;)

Do I? Why do you say that?

don't worry phlo we all believe you Mr. Dojo Master.

Now you are confused. I was a Judo student, my friend a Kung Fu instructor. Try to keep up.
The dbz thing was obviously a joke. You suck at virtual reality as well as reality.

Chi/Ki = Energy. Sorry
Oh dear christ...

In traditional Chinese culture, qi, also spelled chi or ch'i in English, is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Other spellings include simplified Chinese: 气; traditional Chinese: 氣; Mandarin Pinyin: qì; Wade–Giles: ch'i; Jyutping: hei. Qi is pronounced /ˈtʃiː/ in English; [tɕʰî] in Standard Mandarin; Korean: gi; Japanese: ki; Vietnamese: khí, pronounced [xǐ]) The approximate English pronunciation of qi, similar to "chee" in cheese, should also be distinguished from the pronunciation of the Greek letter chi, which has a hard c sound. like "c" in car, and a long i, similar to other Greek letters phi, psi, xi.

Qi is frequently translated as "energy flow". Qi is often compared to Western notions of energeia or élan vital (vitalism), as well as the yogic notion of prana, meaning vital life or energy, and pranayama, meaning control of breath or energy. The literal translation of "qi" is air, breath, or gas. Compare this to the original meaning of the Latin word "spiritus", meaning breathing; or the Koine Greek "πνεῦμα", meaning air, breath, or spirit; and the Sanskrit term "prana", meaning breath.

References to things analogous to the qi taken to be the life-process or flow of energy that sustains living beings are found in many belief systems, especially in Asia. In Chinese legend, it is Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor) who is identified as the one who first collected and formalized much of what subsequently became known as traditional Chinese medicine.

Philosophical conceptions of qi from the earliest records of Chinese philosophy (5th century BC) correspond to Western notions of humours. The earliest description of qi in the current sense of vital energy is due to Mencius (4th century BC).

Manfred Porkert described relations to Western universal concepts:

Within the framework of Chinese thought no notion may attain to such a degree of abstraction from empirical data as to correspond perfectly to one of our modern universal concepts. Nevertheless the term qi comes as close as possible to constituting a generic designation equivalent to our word "energy". When Chinese thinkers are unwilling or unable to fix the quality of an energetic phenomenon, the character qi (氣) inevitably flows from their brushes.[2]

The ancient Chinese described it as "life-force" and for good reason. They believed qi permeates everything and links the parts of our surroundings together. The tai chi practitioner and acupuncturist are said to understand qi energy. They likened it to the flow of energy around and through the body, linking each part forming a cohesive and functioning unit. By understanding its rhythm and flow they believe they can guide exercises and treatments to give us stability and longevity.
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Although the concept of qi has been very important within many Chinese philosophies, over the centuries their descriptions of qi have been varied and may seem to be in conflict with each other. Understanding of these disputes is complicated for people who did not grow up using the Chinese concept and its associated concepts.[citation needed] Until China came into contact with Western scientific and philosophical ideas (primarily by way of Catholic missionaries), they knew about things like stones and lightning, but they would not have categorized them in terms of matter and energy. Qi and li (理, li, pattern) are their 'fundamental' categories much as matter and energy have been fundamental categories for people in the West. Their use of qi (lifebreath) and li (pattern, regularity, form, order) as their primary categories leaves in question how to account for liquids and solids, and, once the Western idea of energy came on the scene, how to relate it to the native idea of qi. If Chinese and Western concepts are mixed in an attempt to characterize some of the problems that arise with the Chinese conceptual system, then one might ask whether qi exists as a "force" separate from "matter", whether qi arises from "matter", whether "matter" arises from qi, or whether qi really exists at all.
Hand written calligraphic Qi.

Fairly early on, some Chinese thinkers began to believe that there are different fractions of qi, in the sense that different fractions can be extracted from crude oil in a catalytic cracker, and that the coarsest and heaviest fractions of qi form solid things such as rocks, the earth, etc., whereas lighter fractions form liquids, and the most ethereal fractions are the "lifebreath" that animates living beings.[3]

Yuán qì is a notion of innate or pre-natal qi to distinguish it from acquired qi that a person may develop of their lifetime.

There... good god... Chi and Ki, in the practical sense, are one and the same (essentially they are the same word in differing languages/practices). The big thing here is that the definitions have changed over the centuries, often times conflicting with previous ones.

There is a lot we don't yet understand about the human body and the brain in particular... the fact that we can "will" ourselves stronger does, in fact, lend credence to the focusing of the mind to hone the body (a basic principle of "training" your Qi, as is the most accurate spelling of the terms).

So yeah... I mean, there are things that we can "explain", but those explanations leave a lot left to the imagination. A good example is why Adrenaline can push people to do some crazy shit in dire situations, to the point where they are doing what SHOULD be physically impossible for their body.

I would imagine training the mind would simply allow you to unlock this capability without the need for life-threatening danger...
Oh dear christ...

There... good god... Chi and Ki, in the practical sense, are one and the same

No they are not. Qi is esoteric. Ki is physical energy, not mystic, but about the physical preparation to deliver physical energy. Take the ki-ai, it is about focussing on a moment in time, and marking it with a sound, as you deliver your physical energy in the form of a strike.

But if you disagree, you are free to throw Qi balls at me, while I slice you up into little pieces with one of my katanas. We'll soon see if my ki-ai is nullified by your supposedly equal Qi then, ROFL!