Anyone who thinks that petroleum, diamonds, and helium miraculously evolve from biological organisms is a moron squared that's the point of this thread.
Huh? Helium is inert. It is not produced by chemical (or biochemical) reactions in significant quantities. No one ever said that helium is produced by biological processes.
But as for carbon, it occurs naturally in the earth's crust and everywhere else in the universe. But the creation of petroleum from the remains of organic material is hardly a remarkable theory since the physics and chemistry of it is pretty simple, and because we know that before the ascendence of herbivorous animal life there were colossal deposits of dead plants all over the planet. The conversion of dead plants under to peat and then to coal, oil and natural gas under pressure is pretty straightforward. To claim that this has not happened is an extraordinary assertion which, according to the Rule of Laplace, must be accompanied by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obligated to treat it with respect.
Diamonds come in two types: hazburgitic, which are formed from inorganic carbon buried deep in the earth's crust; and eclogitic, which are formed from organic carbon closer to the surface.
The magic word "evolve" enters the panoply of nonsense. We already saw "biogenic origin of crude oil is only a theory".
The word "theory" is used too loosely. It's often used where "hypothesis" would be better. A true theory is a hypothesis that has been tested and peer-reviewed so extensively that its probability of ever being falsified is estimated to be comfortably low. Therefore it can be safely integrated into the canon of science, which is robust enough that an occasional falsification does not bring the canon down. Laymen are accustomed to the "theories" of psychologists, linguists, police detectives, management consultants, educators, et al., which by the standards of science are only hypotheses with unacceptably high probabilities of falsifiability. A scientific theory is "true beyond a reasonable doubt." The everyday kind of theory is, at best, "probably true." Note that only the theories of mathematics can ever be proven "100% true" because they are based entirely on abstractions and do not rely on empirical observation and testing.
The biogenic origin of at least SOME crude oil is a proper scientific theory--true beyond a reasonable doubt. To say that ALL crude oil is of biogenic origin is only a hypothesis, which may be in the process of being falsified as we speak.
Quotation of authority is established as argument.
No one on this thread is performing original scientific research; some of it is secondary but most of it is tertiary. Citation of authority is acceptable evidence on SciForums. It can be challenged, but the burden of falsification is on the challenger.
For glory: Can anyone state, in pithy elegance, a relativistic proof that to someone standing on the Earth the sun appears to revolve around the Earth instead of the Earth appearing to revolve around the sun?
You haven't gone deep enough into the theory of relativity. Laymen's limited understanding of it is only valid for motion in a straight line. It becomes much more complicated when the path of motion is curved, because inconsistent forces of acceleration come into play. You can in fact use the laws of physics to determine which object is stationary and which is revolving, although at the decidedly sub-relativistic velocity of the earth in its orbit this may not be practically possible with today's measurement tools.
You are mistaken. Relativity says that *uniform* motion is relative, not accelerated motion (which is not). Planets moving around the Sun are accelerating, and so that situation is fundamentally different than the Sun accelerating around one of the those planets. As a thought experiment to partially verify, think of it this way: Proposition 1: (As we all know) Relativity says that nothing can accelerate to a a velocity greater than the speed of light. Thought experiment: Locate a distant galaxy near the horizon. Let's say its 10 billion light years away. Now, you spin around in a circle, doing one revolution, completing the revolution in one second. If you assume that motion is relative in the way you do, then your revolving in place is the equivalent of that galaxy revolving around you...but that would mean that the galaxy completed a trek of 2 * pi * r (with "r" being 10 billion light years) in one second, well faster than the speed of light by a factor of something like ... carry the trillion ... a whole lot.
Well okay, Panda said it better but it took more words.