She is both a sex offender AND victim

Which is not so peculiar.

Suicide is generally deemed to be illegal.

A better example would be fighting. If two people get in a fight and hurt each other, it's common for police to charge both people with assault.

Remember, this is Utah we're talking about here. There's a good chance that either it didn't even occur to them when they made the law that people under 14 would want to have sex with each other, or that it did occur to them and they wanted to outlaw it.
Funny thing is that Utah has one of the lowest marrying age without parental consent in the USA.
It seems to me they consented,capable or not, with all the sex and bad influences in television, music and other places I can see why they would think it OK. It would be silly to charge them as a sex offender, do something to teach them the dangers. Making it illegal for them to be around each other wont work, they will just throw everything you say out the window then.
I thought that statutory rape laws were only intended to prevent adults from having (sex with) children. Any sane man would chop his own dick off before putting it in a 13 year old girl anyway. And the 12 year old boy, he was charged with statutory rape for having sex with someone who was older than he was! Is Utah trying to be absurd and stupid?
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The statutory rape laws were intended to punish adult men for having sex with "girls" younger than the "age of consent," which is generally 18. The principle was that the older and more sophisticated man could have seduced the girl, so even if she had consented he was taking advantage of her.

But the laws were also commonly used to punish teenage boys under the age of 18 for having sex with even younger women, using basically the same principle. The principle has been lost now that we've reverted to the sexuality that was more common in the middle ages, when kids over the age of puberty were often unsupervised, had sex, and the resulting babies were raised as "sisters."

Using the laws to punish any female for "taking advantage" of any male is preposterous and is simply a tool for enforcing one social group's idea of morality. Only an insignificant percentage of boys of any age will actually be emotionally scarred by the experience of having sex with an older women. Boys are simply not wired like girls. Most of us would love it and it would become one of our most cherished memories of our youth.

"South Park" really got that one right. Anyone who believes that any woman should be punished for initiating sex with any man should be quietly escorted out of town. We are not injured by it. There really is a Venus/Mars thing. Men and women really are different.
Fraggle Rocker:

Well said about men not being traumatized by having sex with older women as teenagers. No man in the world would not want to bed a beautiful older woman as a teen. In fact, it is an -obsession- of many boys at the age.
It may be, but my feeling about it is that I have nothing to offer the young lady except bad smells and that next morning feeling of "my god, what did I do last night?" Maybe estrogen makes it work for them.

I don't like discussions that end up with someone accusing someone of being a "pedophile" for even thinking that it might be perfectly OK for a 13 year old girl to have sex with an adult, that what we think of as a "pervert" may be much more rare than we thought, or that pedophile baiters are full of shit. The fact is that teenage sexuality exists, and desire often exists before the teens, and the prosecution of that poor girl and boy in Utah was malicious and not called for. The many-times-damned prosecutor had to prosecute a child as an adult to get anything to stick, and whoever signed off on that needs to lose his law degree.

All of this garbage promotes a wierdness that causes people to become self-destructive. It isn't the sex that someone has when they are a teenager that drives some of them to suicide. It is so-called society's insane reaction to it.

Even then I'd still rather have it chopped off than have sex with a 13 year old. 13 year old girls and boys are icky.
It's cultural brainwashing and bullshit of the highest order.

I agree 100%. I'm sick of hearing this nonsense crisis explosion.

It may be, but my feeling about it is that I have nothing to offer the young lady except bad smells and that next morning feeling of "my god, what did I do last night?" Maybe estrogen makes it work for them.

Don't project your inferiority onto the rest of the male gender. A lot of men have a lot to offer women, and I'm sick of the misandry which says otherwise.
Also, note that in the story the OP posted, BOTH of the children are being charged. Which just adds to the absurdity. They are BOTH victims, and BOTH offenders. Huh?