Should Atheists ...

I think he means 'morally'.

Are they morally obligated to believe in God? is the question.

So we can conclude that he is not looking at the victory as a miracle - IOW as something statistically unlikely - but as a gift, something that makes us owe God.

You help us, we believe in you.

Otherwise this thread should be in religion.

I like the idea. Belief in someone/something being dependent on their/its good behavior.
Well I figure if god has been talking to Bush for eight years, he decided it was time for someone who could hold up the other end of the conversation without illegally invading the wrong country, illegally revoking civil rights and not even being competent enough to read a teleprompter.

I see this as a sign that maybe god is finally starting to mature and forswear his evil ways.

Maybe we could tentatively believe in him on bicycle day and see how it goes?

When is it ethical to believe something any way?
When is it ethical to believe something any way?

Ethics relate to each one of us when our views match, a truly ethical belief in anything is when that belief coincides with your and mine and most of others beliefs.
Should atheists believe in god with an Obama victory?

If Obama prays to God because of his victory should atheists believe in him as their president?

Should they believe anyone, including themselves, if they lack a belief of the majority of the planet, a belief in God.
I wasn't praying for an Obama victory, but I guarantee the Palin supporter were. What are they going to think now?
I wasn't praying for an Obama victory, but I guarantee the Palin supporter were. What are they going to think now?

that it was not part of God's plan. With God you can't go wrong. Sometimes he says yes, so then something happens if he says no or wait then it doesn't. It's perfect logic and shows how omnipotent God is :rolleyes: Okay that was uncalled for I'll stop.
Well I figure if god has been talking to Bush for eight years, he decided it was time for someone who could hold up the other end of the conversation without illegally invading the wrong country, illegally revoking civil rights and not even being competent enough to read a teleprompter.

I see this as a sign that maybe god is finally starting to mature and forswear his evil ways.
Bush's intelligence was a stone God could not lift.

When is it ethical to believe something any way?
One can test the implied hypothesis - that believing things has nothing to do with ethics by disbelieving everything one's spouse/partner says and see if one does not get judged in ethical, rather than simply intelligence, terms.
Lack of creativity

Spidergoat said:

I wonder why they always pray for the obvious plan. There can always be a "bigger plan". There can always be "mysterious ways".

A lack of creativity. It's an effect of substituting a rote myth for genuine creativity. Humans can survive on psychological gruel. Sure, it's a reduced quality of life, but it's still survival.