Should gay couples be allowed custody of their OWN children?


Registered Senior Member
Yes, they absolutely should, given that they are fit under the law.

I thought I would start another thread to deal with custody issues regarding gays and lesbians instead of mixing crap and soup under the Adoption thread. Please feel free to rant about custody related issues here.
Well I'm glad we got that one out of the way.

I think there are important custody issues to consider here, though, so let me address them. I'm uncertain of what would be best in a situation where say a gay man and a lesbian have a baby (Who knows how this would happen, maybe a lot of beer, maybe artificial insemination, who knows.) but in such an instance. What happens if the two end up getting on bad terms with one another, how would one decide who keeps the kid? It's a pretty likely scenario when you consider that Gays and Lesbians have only peacefully existed together since they came together around the 60s when the whole homosexual rights movement really kicked off. Before that they had fought a bitter secret war spanning thousands of years, and countless generations, hidden from the eyes of mere heterosexual men, the anger between gays and lesbians may have cooled a bit, but hatred for one another is still in their veins, and I'm pretty sure this could cause some pretty awful custody battles.

(You know what? It's late, I've been learning Action Script all damn day, I'm in a silly mood, and really who could possably have anything to add to a post like this? Let me have my fun.)
ok. Let me clarify the scenarios where this would be a case.

- A woman with children who had a divorce and then turned Lesbian.

- A man with children who had a divorce and then turned gay.

- A man who is gay but made a deal with a woman to sleep with him just to give him a biological child.

- A woman who is lesbian, yet made a deal with a gy to sleep with her just so she can get pregnant.

- Artificial insemination.
Right, overlooking the "becomes gay" statements, they get custody determined just like everyone else. Who has a more stable job? Who's more emotionally stable?