Should gay marriage be legal?


omg met's lake out!!1
Registered Senior Member
My best friend just wrote this paper for her psych class. In response, your thoughts on gay marriage are welcome.

Should gay marriage be legal? To some people, the mere thought of this possibility makes their bones shake; to others, the idea brings a satisfying smirk to their lips. Due to the great diversity of opinion in America, heated controversy over this issue is not uncommon. In society today, a rapidly growing number of people feel that homosexual couples, in addition to heterosexuals, should enjoy the benefits of marriage. On the other hand, there are also those who feel heterosexual marriage is the only valid form of the institution. To fully understand the effects of the legalization of gay marriage, one must thoroughly evaluate the arguments for each side and come to a conclusion on their own. THIS REPORT WILL FIRST EXAMINE THE VIEWS OF THOSE WHO FEEL THE LEGALIZATION OF GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG AND THEN LOOK AT THOSE WHO FEEL IT IS RIGHT.

Although it would seem natural to most people that the split between the two opinionated factions on gay marriage would fall between conservative Christians and liberals, this actually proves untrue. In a World Magazine article written in June 2000, Edward Plowman writes about how the Baptist church feels so diversely that they are splitting. For example, he quotes Paul Aita, an American Baptist Church minister, as saying that “the differences on homosexuality cause such tensions that we cannot function as one.” The United Methodist Church also has a great deal of conflict within its denominations. According to Plowman, “Following a report on how the United Methodist Church’s general conference in Cleveland last month stood by its position that homosexual practice is incompatible with Christian teaching, and upheld bans on same-sex union and ordinations of practicing homosexuals, dozens of angry ministers stood.” Even with the commonly held belief among Churches that homosexual practice is incompatible with Christian teaching, a number of ministers disagree and even choose to perform blessings on homosexual unions, risking banishment.

A somewhat different view than those of various Christian denominations is held by people who feel gay marriage should not be legalized for non-Biblical reasons. According to Stanley Kurtz, the growing tolerance for gay marriage is one of the factors contributing to the weakening marriage institution between heterosexual couples. Basically, men and women have an inherently compatible nature that allows them to lead strong married lives. Kurtz summarizes this nature best in exposing that “women approach sex differently than men, and that women, by waiting, help men to yoke together love and sex in a way that leads to and strengthens marriage.” In other words, women help to make men amenable to marriage. Alternately, when two men are in a relationship together, the sexual dynamic is skewed. Even if one man assumes the role of the woman in the relationship, it does not mean he has the characteristics or ability of a woman to tame a man into being prepared for a committed marriage. According to Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore Lowi, and Margaret Weir in We the People, the reasons for restricting marriage to heterosexual couples involve more than just the basic characteristics of the two sexes. Instead, according to their insights, “every child needs both a strong, loving male role model and a strong, loving female role model, so both genders can understand each other.” While they do allow for someone outside of the parental role to fill the need of either role model, they also state that “since parents are the ones children know best and parents have the best chance of developing a close reciprocal relationship with their kids, the impact of parents is correspondingly greater.”

For a balanced perspective, it is crucial to also examine the beliefs of people who feel gay marriage should be legalized. According to Jonathan Rauch, through legalization of gay marriage, the marriage institute as a whole could actually be strengthened. The issue basically comes down to a person’s definition of marriage, says David Link. If marriage is defined as the union of two people of opposite sexes, it is easy to see why one would feel gay marriage should not be legal. However, if the definition deals strictly with the union and commitment of two people of either sex, the uproar over the issue of gay marriage legalization disappears. The position most commonly held by supporters of gay marriage is that marriage is a commitment intended to encourage the mutual support, care, and affection of one’s partner. According to Link, whether that commitment is made by same-sex couples or not is irrelevant because marriage itself is important to social stability and order. Another opinion on why gay marriage should be legalized comes from Roger Winters, who argues in his article, Freedom to Marry and the Pursuit of Happiness, that “many same-sex couples are involved in long-term relationships, indicating that people are able to be really married though considered legal strangers.” He also points out that marriage is key to the pursuit of happiness that we are granted as American citizens. In other words, it is wrong to deprive people of this fundamental value based on their sexual orientation.

In conclusion, use this information to strengthen your own convictions as to whether or not gay marriage should be legalized. Also keep in mind, however, that the homosexual lifestyle is a distinctively different topic than what has been addressed here and, as such, should not be judged as right or wrong based on the information given.

Edit: Fixed the paragraph breaks.
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i have yet to see a valid reason why they SHOULDNT exist

to many people say "its a crime against god" but MY god thinks its fine or he wouldnt have made people that way so freedom of religion says it MUST be alowed
I think it is sad that this is even a topic of debate.

ESPECIALLY in the government.

I have yet to hear a single reason even resembling valid to not allow homosexuals the same rights afforded to heterosexuals.
Any marriage that does not produce offspring is useless and should therefore be banned. Not just gay marriages here, notice....
I see no problem with it. Why not let homosexuals have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else?
Nice essay god is irrelevant! I didn't read it all, but I can tell you have done your research, and you seem to have presented it well! I would ask for your opinion on whether Gay marriage should be legal, and how you have come to this conclusion.

My opinion (that may not be welcome) is, however, that marriage is before God, and two men cannot go before God because marriage is (in my opinion) for providing security for two adults who wish to have children.
Originally posted by Zero
Any marriage that does not produce offspring is useless and should therefore be banned. Not just gay marriages here, notice....

suppose two people are madly in love and want to spend their lives together. should they not be allowed tax breaks and spousal rights if they choose not to breed and further the dangerously high birthrate?

besides, a lot of gay couples raise children and do a damn good job of it. you have to really love your kids to make that much of an effort for them. it's not challenging to get knocked up and have to live with the mistake.
Let 'em marry! It's nice to see someone still places a value on the institution. Anyway, who does it hurt?
Alright I'm against same-sex marriage quite strongly. What people choose to do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their own business but when something like this begins to derail the universally accepted formula of man + woman = marriage I just get frusterated. This isn't just about equal rights. This is about defective people selfishly trying to usher in a society that works for them and in the process taking no note of the fact that they might be ruining it for other people. I believe very strongly in marriage but somehow now it just feels tainted. Especially considering my marriage certificate will apparently be reading "Person and person" as opposed to the traditional "bride and bridegroom". But being that same-sex marriage appears to be the future in my country, I guess I'll tolerate it because I have no choice (which raises a few issues about the legal process in Canada but that's another story).

I am, above all, VERY against homosexual couples who choose to raise children. I believe that that, above all else in this same-sex debate crap, is a true CRIME. Children cannot be raised in such an awkward situation. Values and views of life could be so horribly shaken in those early, impressionable years that I fear what might happen to a kid. An otherwise straight kid might end up gay just because he was raised believing it's "the way to go" and that is a horrible way to eliminate somebody from the gene pool. I'm not so naive as to presume I know what causes homosexuality but I would put my money down that there are a lot of gays out there who were not born that way.

Call me a homophobe or whatever you want -- not my problem. Gay people can be gay, I'll even tolerate them getting married if I have to, but leave the children out of it.
I think Gay marriage is great!

I mean lets look at all the things that make marriage:

Religion: Many non-religious couples get married, marriage is not necisarilly just a christian or jewish or whatever institution. Also many religious people support gay marriage. So I say if aethists can do it so can anyone else!

Love: Is anyone doubting that there can be love between two people of the same sex? Love knows no bounds. It used to be that love could not possibly happen across racial, religious or social bounds. But look now?

Sex: Well sex can be a relivent or irrelivent part of marriage. There are sects of the catholic church where monks and nuns who wish to enter the monastary must be married. But while part of the church no sexual interaction can occur. Gay couples just as straight couples will have sex out of wedlock. its unfortunate but it happens.

Anyways Love knows no bounds! Celebrate love not hate.
i will lay down the gauntlet for the god knows how many time.

how does who i marry effect YOU?

now if anyone wants to quote the bible i will remind them of 2 things

first i can follow whatever religion i like and my belifes dont include gay = evil

second in most countrys church and state are seprate

so now please point out a logical reason why i shouldnt marry a guy?
This isn't just about equal rights. This is about defective people selfishly trying to usher in a society that works for them and in the process taking no note of the fact that they might be ruining it for other people

Ruining what? Your romanticised view of involuntary servitude?

But being that same-sex marriage appears to be the future in my country, I guess I'll tolerate it because I have no choice

Bend over and take it like a little fundie!

Values and views of life could be so horribly shaken in those early, impressionable years that I fear what might happen to a kid.

Better to be raised by a loving, gay couple than by a bible-thumping psycho who believes that the earth is 6000 years old and a woman's place is in the kitchen.
You're the one who'd fuck a kid's mind up.
at least they will be tought to respect other peoples decisions and there right to chose to be who ever they want to be

which is more than i can say they would learn from YOU

how would you deal with it if your son brought home a BF or your daughter a GF?
I still just don't understand how alowing homosexual marriages would be negatively affecting anyone else. Also I don't see how it's anyone's right to say that I can't get married, that's just insanity. I honestly don't give a shit about what church does or doesn't preform ceremonies, if they wanna' back out on that, fine, let 'em, but the fact that the government is doing it to is nothing but a flat out admission that our leaders are a bunch of homophobes and heterosexists.

This isn't just some sort of kinky sex thing, it's not a phase, this is my life for gods sake. Why in the world should I be treated like a second class citizen just because of who I love?
Originally posted by xelius00
This is about defective people selfishly trying to usher in a society that works for them and in the process taking no note of the fact that they might be ruining it for other people.

This is about people trying to make the world stop working against them.

They are not ruining anything for anyone.

They are not "defective".

Abandon your homophobic and heterosexist views. Ideas like these have been keeping me from what is mine for too long.
Originally posted by Asguard
i have yet to see a valid reason why they SHOULDNT exist

to many people say "its a crime against god" but MY god thinks its fine or he wouldnt have made people that way so freedom of religion says it MUST be alowed

Asquard, when you find a good reason to why can't a person have sex or marry a horse or a ghorilla, then you might have an aswer to why same sex people shouldn't have sex or be married.....
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Originally posted by Xev

Ruining what? Your romanticised view of involuntary servitude?

Maybe today's environment is allowing you to open up that closet door a bit wider, but watch out it's a trick, that road doesn't lead to the twisted version of liberation you dream of, and soon enough, nature will kick you in the groin back to your closet as you should be.....AIDS and STD's are not the only weapons in mother's nature pocket for eliminating sexual perverts....

PS. Don't call me cruel and homophobic, nature is the cruel one that is homophobic.
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Originally posted by Mystech
This is about people trying to make the world stop working against them.

They are not ruining anything for anyone.

They are not "defective".

Abandon your homophobic and heterosexist views. Ideas like these have been keeping me from what is mine for too long.

A conservative gay rights group has been working against gays who are trying to have same sex marriage legalized, and have called those trying to legalize it "selfish" and "irresponsible"... can't remember the name of the group, but I can guarantee you that my views have nothing to do with homophobia or heretosexism considering they're shared by gay people as well. My views are simply based on what I believe in, same as yours.

Gay people have been given everything, it's even illegal to refuse to hire a person because they're visibly gay. It's illegal to make fun of a gay person. Gay people can come out of the closet and continue living life as normally as a straight person. Gay people are a socially acceptable as your average heterosexual white male. Hell, the only thing they CAN'T do is get married, although that apparently isn't going to last long. I would like to see them given some type of a legal union if they're so adament about it but I wish they would just leave your standard marriage definition alone. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, not "two people".

I have a donkey fetish ok? If two guys can legally get married, then I want to marry a donkey. It's not disgusting. Ideas like these have been keeping me from what is mine for too long... :bugeye:
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