Should homosexuals be entitled to tax breaks?


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Registered Senior Member
As the topic suggests I am proposing that homosexuals be entitled to tax breaks in the United States. The reasoning for this is fairly simple: as it stands homosexuals are paying the same taxes as everyone else, but unlike everyone else we're not entitled to the same rights. For instance, we can not marry in this country, nor can we join the military, nor are there any penalties in most places for discriminating against us solely on the basis of our sexual orientation in selection for a job, housing, or anything else really.

So we're paying the same amount into society, but we're not getting the same benefits out of it. In my mind this is a bit unfair. If conservative Christians are hell bent on ensuring that we never have the same rights as everyone else, I think that we should then at least get a tax break to compensate for all the things we're missing out on and being denied by this wonderful society of ours.

This thread was inspired mostly by a news letter I got from HRC, with a cute little tax-day activism theme. They have a nifty poster to go along with it, feel free to print it out and post it wherever you like!
I don't think homosexuals should get a tax break (Now take that out of context and paint me to be anti-gay). I think homosexuals should be allowed to marry, should not be discriminated against and there should be a pink brigade in the military. Just kidding! Just kidding!
Neurocomp2003 said:
move to canada.

Well, perhaps that's a conservatives favorite way out, love it or leave it, but personally I enjoy America far too much to abandon it. I also hold it's shining ideals far too much to allow this nation to betray them in the ways that it is. No, I wouldn't move to Canada unless they declared open season on homosexuals, until then I'll be right here, doing by best to drum up support for a society where we truly believe that all of the people are entitled to the same rights, and equal protection under the law. And if that concept disturbs you, Neurocomp, then I suggest you move to Saudi Arabia.

jinchilla said:
I think homosexuals should be allowed to marry, should not be discriminated against and there should be a pink brigade in the military.

A point well made, Jinchilla, even if it was the obvious implied one. Tax breaks aren't really a valid option in this fight, but I think the idea is to emphasize the disenfranchisement of homosexuals in this nation. If you aren't going to let us come to your party, then we don't want to pay for it; That's the general sentiment here. The obvious choice is to just let us into the damn party already :p Hehe and also I'm not so sure about the Pink berets. . . can you say tacky? No, but seriously, if straight women and men can work side by side in the military without jumping each other’s bones all the damned time, then I don't see what the problem with allowing homosexuals to serve would be.
The only problem I see is that any lesbians that want into the marine corps would probably kick the guys' asses.
No offense to the Marine Corps. I've had several brainwashed, jarhead friends. Again, no offense.
jinchilla said:
The only problem I see is that any lesbians that want into the marine corps would probably kick the guys' asses.

Haha I've got a gal pal who went to Parris island (eventually she was sent home due to a wrist injury! doh!) and she assures me that more than half of the girls on that island are dykes anyway :p As always it's mostly Gay men that people have a problem with.
I have heard that most of the women in the marine corps are lesbians anyway, and not too shy about it. When people say no gays in the military they really mean no male homosexuals. When they say let women into the military, they mean strait and gay. Thats my take on the issue anyway.
Indeed, my oversight. The issue brought to mind a story about some local male "hotshots" (the elite forest service firefighters) that were shown up by their female teammates in a race back to their station. Then again, Women in general have some strong friggin legs.
Liberal attack dog? Whats one of them?

Surely you could start a campaign along the same lines as the no taxation without representation. ie no taxation without equal rights.
"move to canada"
it's absurd to tell someone to move from their country of birth just because their government is jerking them over.

"The only problem I see is that any lesbians that want into the marine corps would probably kick the guys' asses."
aaand why is this a problem? the marine corp are known for being tougher, faster, and more efficient than any other branch. what's wrong with keeping with that? that's a biiiig stereotype anyway. my best friend who is gay is all about flowy summer skirts and i could totally whoop her weak ass.

"Then again, Women in general have some strong friggin legs."
this is true. women's strength is in the legs making us natural rockclimbers (my outdoor passion). arms, not so much. i can't even undo the little latch lock on the backdoor. my male roommate has to do that. but i sure as hell could kick it open.
I like the idea, but in all honesty I don't know if it could really work. I mean there's no real way of proving you're homosexual or not - so lots of people could cheat the government. Plus, what about bisexuals? Would they get the same tax breaks? And to what extent of bisexuality? Being attracted to members of both sexes, having sexual relations with members of both genders, having commited relationships with members of both genders?

I just don't see where the line would be drawn and people would take advantage of it.
and how one would prove to be gay? ;)
if this "positive" discrimination (tax policy) against non-gays would be applied I suspect an immediate official gay percentage climb in the american society simply because bubba would want to pay less.
Angie said:
I just don't see where the line would be drawn and people would take advantage of it.

You're right, it would be a rather impractical and cumbersome policy. Which brings me to the obvious point which anyone familiar with either wit or satire (though I admit the full effect is only realized when one is well accustomed to both) we should simply eliminate the discriminatory polices all together, and grant homosexuals full and equal rights rather than try to make a system of "Positive discrimination" to counter-balance it.
I believe that gays should recieve all the benefits of the general public. Though I don't believe that they should recieve tax breaks just because they are gay. Homosexuality is not a disability, it is a choice, they do not need financial assistance from the general public.

P.S.- Someone earlier had mentioned pink uniforms. Well, there not pink but the airforce is going to be issuing baby blue camoflauge. Gross.
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Mystech said:
As the topic suggests I am proposing that homosexuals be entitled to tax breaks in the United States.

I'm really surprised I was under the impression that the only differance between a heterasexual and homosexuals was the choice of sexual partners
everything else is the same your allowed to live together as are most couples
you cant join the armed forces but can you wonder at it and would you want to so why should that be tax deductable a lot of people out of choice live alone they dont complain I think you have a cheek to even suggest it you cost a lot more to the countries resources by having all your so call gay rights marches we dont do we and I've as much right to complain
I still favor eliminating the legal institution of marriage entirely. The government does not need to recognize personal relationships at all, while things like inheritance and power of attorney can be granted independently.

So yes, the answer is to remove all rights associated with legal marriage, and stop granting marriage licenses to anybody. If you want to devote your life to somebody, that's great, but the government doesn't need to take a role in it.
I was sitting here and debating whether or not to post a reply to Fahrenheit, however he seems to have done a better job of insulting himself than I could have managed.